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Michelle Hits A Homerun

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Well, I watched it and have to say she did a pretty good job. She definitely got one up on Ted Kennedy. Obama certainly has a nice family. His election would certainly be a classic story for what can happen in America.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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And Hillary scored a bullseye tonight, with her rousing speech. The whole point is to CHANGE the direction this country has been going in for the past 8 years.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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I thought Hillary's speech focused too much on herself. I think that is understandable as she came so close and this speech was her consolation prize. But the speech reminded me too much of the one Pat Buchanan gave at the 1992 Republican Convention. It was a "Me, me, me" speech.

I think the whole idea of change is overblown. The Democrats have been in charge of Congress for two years and we haven't seen any change for the better there. Comparing the US to other nations in the world, we are still the #1 destination for immigrants which speaks volumes that we are doing something right. If immigrants think the US is the best nation in the world, we might want to think twice about any changes we want to do.

I have seen Bush's record distorted quite a bit at this convention too. Although I am sure the Republicans will do the same thing to the Democrats next weekend. The Democrats have been trying to lay the energy problem on the Bush Administration which shows that they are either insincere or totally ignorant of the energy market. It was George Bush who declared a couple of years ago in his State of the Union address that America was addicted to oil and needs to break the oil addiction. Unlike Bush, John McCain has been on the environmental band wagon for quite some time. The Democrats are doing all they can to tie Bush to McCain because they would much rather run against Bush than McCain.

Last night seemed to take the convention off track. The first night I came away with a very positive feeling about Obama. Last night was all about Hillary and her legacy. The only reason Hillary gave for voting for Obama is that she is. Basically she told us what a great person she is, where she wants to be recorded and history and who she is going to vote for. It was all about her.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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And Hillary scored a bullseye tonight, with her rousing speech. The whole point is to CHANGE the direction this country has been going in for the past 8 years.

Wasn't that SOME speech, Jeanie!! She is really a talented speaker! I don't wonder if many pastors envy her abilities at the podium. And it was amazing how she denied herself any complaints but turned all her agenda inside out and focused it upon Obama, saying was it "ONLY FOR ME" that you supported me and not for my policies?. I really admire that woman and it is too bad she can't be the first female president. But no matter, we still have the chance to have the first African-American president, and it must not be fumbled.



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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I agree with most of what you said, Shane. She has really developed into a dynamic speaker over the years. But she never really said why we should vote for Obama except for unity. I do feel bad for her and the situation she is in, but I hope she can let it go and move on. Soon.

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.... But she never really said why we should vote for Obama except for unity. I do feel bad for her and the situation she is in, but I hope she can let it go and move on. Soon.

She has already "moved-on" !

Vote for Obama she said because we cannot put up with another 4 years of Bush-like policies.

For health care for everyone she said, vote for Obama.

And for a whole host of other reasons which she listed one by one in her amazing speech.

How could anyone miss it?



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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I wasn't referring directly to her speech when I said I hope she can move on. It was a good speech overall. But I was thinking more of the behind-the-scenes negotiating of her role in the convention and the pressure her supporters have brought to count her ballots, etc. Nothing really "wrong" with any of that, but it was giving the impression of a divided party at a time when unity was pretty important. Anyway, she did seem much more relaxed during Bill's speech last night, like she has come to terms with it more and is moving on.

I'm not a big Clinton lover, I admit, but they can both give good speeches. Bill is more of a natural. Hillary has gotten to be much better over the years.

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The pressure should be off Hillary now, after her speech and Bill's speech. Hope she can relax and enjoy some peace for a while. She'll be needed in the senate. Unless of course Obama has a place in his cabinet for her! Suppose?



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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The convention is now over and I have to say that Michelle gave the best speech of them all. I think we have two great candidates for the White House. Regardless who wins I think it will be a bitter-sweet victory.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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