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McCain's VP Sarah Palin

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While I don't want to dispute with you, CoAspen, I do want to explore this thought....

If, in picking a female VP with little experience, McCain seeks to 'shake up Washington', wouldn't that result in causing the ol' Republican guard to be leery? Sure, she's conservative in that she believes that all life is sacred and a woman shouldn't abort a child. And she's a gun totin' NRA member, and she doesn't give a tinker's whatchamacallit for the envioroment...but the experience factor... She's a soccer mom from a state that been frozen for 9 month out of the year. No wonder she got pregnant. There's nothing to do up there except ski and look at the pipline and shoot big animals...oh, and fish...International relations is where she goes to the shore and thumbs her nose at Russia and China...She doesn't deal with them...directly...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


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Wow! Some real low road politics going on here.

McCain is not liked by the Republican establishment. He never has been. I do not know of one conservative radio host or commentator that endorsed McCain during the primary. McCain won the nomination basically by winning in states that allow independents to cross into either party and in November will likely go to Obama. That is to say, it wasn't the Republican base that handed him the nomination. Huckabee and Romeny split the base and knocked each other out. This VP pick is typical of McCain. He has a record of going against conventional wisdom.

Democrats are trying to paint McCain as being just like Bush and other Republicans. That is what they are trying to sell. The Republican Convention is coming up and it will be McCain's chance to rebut that accusation so the American people can decide if McCain is in the form of a Bush Republican like the Democrats claim or if he is a reforming maverick like he claims.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

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Wow! Some real low road politics going on here.

There's no "politics" going on here...Expressions of opinions and speculations and such ....that's all that's going on here. And yes, some of the opinions expressed will probably be echoed by the main party within the next few weeks....You ultra-conservative types have been doing it for months here...besides, you ain't got much credibility when it comes to that "righteous" talk...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I think it's fascinating that Obama, the "change" man, chose a career DC politician as his running mate - while McCain, who criticized Obama's lack of experience, chose someone with so little experience as his running mate.

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McCain probably doesn't plan to die on day one so Palin will have presidential experience should she ever take office. I think McCain wanted someone from outside of the beltway. He was looking at Pawlenty and Romney and neither of them have experience on the national stage either.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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When I say "experience" I am thinking more of political experience. It reminds me of the Clintons, when they got to the White House, how they said it was the politics that were the biggest shock - even though he'd been governor a while. The DC politics are vicious. She sounds pretty tough, but the Clintons were tough too.

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Young Minority African/American male Presidential candidate/ old white guy vp.

Old white guy presidential candidate/ young minority white woman.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Small town mayor?. Almost every city is considered a small town in Alaska. Alaska has a population of less than 1 million people. The capital city of Juneue is around 30,000. Half the population of the entire state lives in Anchorage. The main mode of transportation is by private airplane so Alaska has a larger percentage of private plane license than any other state in the USA. Many of the cities along the coast including Juneue are landlocked. Only way in is by air or sea. So unless you are mayor of Anchorage every city in Alaska would be considered small by our standards

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Most people in Alaska are gun toting fur wearing people.

When I was on my Alaskan Cruise you would walk into any store and see fur coats from Sheepskin to fox to seal and bearskin. They are the most warmest in a climate with harsh winters. Guns are necessary as you are in land of plentiful bears who are not afraid of men as much as they are in the continental USA. Grizzlies are common and it is common to see hikers toting 45MM guns in holsters in Alaska. They have to for protection from the Grisly bears which are common. Up north it is the Polar bears who are bold and unafraid of humans who have to be kept at bay with guns. So do not put the Alaskan down for being NRA members. Alaska is still a great frontier that is very wild and mostly uninhabited.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Sarah Palin. So, we have some few of our list who’s been able tah git intah McCain’s head and figure it all out, eh? mebbe, y’alls got 900 telephone listings, as well, say what!? bwink

Polar bears. Their population is well on its way to be causing major problems in Alaska, like, a large Polar bear population and insufficient seal meat. Their numbers, during the past thirty years have gone way up.

It is become fraudulent to apply the same parameters used - by which we list our endangered species - and attempt to apply them to the Polar bear. The Polar bear is in no danger of extinction. Matter of fact, their numbers should shortly get them listed as 'Pest'.

Environment re oil. The footprint for the area proposed for drilling in the ANWAR - approximates LAX - the air terminal in Los Angeles.

Experience. Yous gotta be kiddin’! Can we all spell Obama? –143 days in the US Senate before he took off arunnin’ around the country candidatin’ for the Office of Prez! His greatest achievement in the US Senate Chamber was his ballyhooed ‘present’ votes. If we want to examine thin resumes, we could begin with the guy from Acorn. Absolutely no executive decision-making experiences, at all! That’s zilch, zero, nada, folks! Anyway,

a Governor trumps a Senator, always.

But you gotta admit, he delivers his schpiel well enough.

McCain. Didn’t have a viable base. No way was he going to get elected without the grassroots working for his election; ipso..., enter the Conservative noise-makers, ie, the Dobsons, Gingrichs, Limbaughs, and others.

Newt’s been agitating for Palin since April, and Limbaugh is now on board. The base will now work for the ticket, if not so eagerly, for McCain.

Women voters. Usually, it’s the white male voter who elects the Prez. I can’t see how a bit of good looks and soft curves on the VP can hurt.

Change, or same o’ – same o’. C’mon, Biden? Besides Biden, ‘bama’s promised to put Wm J Clinton to work in his administration. You know that Bill Richardson is tapped, as would be Gore, and, whew! it’s beginning to sound like the same o’, same o’ all over again – professional Pols. But then,

there’s Sarah Palin who’s gonna be getting the votes of some white males in Oregon.

NRA member. US Civil Codes require every able-bodied male post-puberty and geriatric [/exaggerating] to be able to form up in every Town Square in America carrying his own weapons (read g-u-n-s) and munitions of common calibre to form a ‘well-regulated militia’ – for the defense of the Motherland. Since the mid-sixties, the women of America, as well, share all rights and responsibilities, equally – as do the men. That means, (hooboy) thems softy-curvy gals of ours are obligated to own g-u-n-s and munitions, as well.

Render unto Caesar...

Hockey mom.

Alaskan cold. Actually, much of populated Alaska has warmer climes than does Chicago during the winter.

Old geezer Prez. I remember, during my lifetime, old, I mean OLD geezers, effectively ran their governments; like Mao, for one...

I’d prefer old rather than one who ran for the 6-year term of Senate and took off after serving 143 days... dink the implied promise to the voters of that great State of the Illini. Goes to character, ‘mongst other things...

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Simple comparison of the executive judgment and wisdom of the two candidates picking their running mate:

Obama picks a well respected and nationally recognized person with wisdom, years of experience in US government and foreign affairs.

McCain picks a beauty queen from Alaska.

'nuf said...



"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Originally Posted By: Gladussee

"She's pretty. But for beauty - i prefer Hillary!" Quote: D.Allan

You gotta be kidding!

No, I'm serious, Glad! There is something about her...

She is a more classy woman, (never shoots polar bears)...

She has that 'je ne sait quoi' that .....

Besides she has good political and social goals for our country. We will be hearing more from her, i'm sure. I hope.


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Most people in Alaska are gun toting fur wearing people.

When I was on my Alaskan Cruise you would walk into any store and see fur coats from Sheepskin to fox to seal and bearskin. They are the most warmest in a climate with harsh winters. Guns are necessary as you are in land of plentiful bears who are not afraid of men as much as they are in the continental USA. Grizzlies are common and it is common to see hikers toting 45MM guns in holsters in Alaska. They have to for protection from the Grisly bears which are common. Up north it is the Polar bears who are bold and unafraid of humans who have to be kept at bay with guns. So do not put the Alaskan down for being NRA members. Alaska is still a great frontier that is very wild and mostly uninhabited.

Possibly you meant .45 caliber. 45 mm is bigger than the wing cannon on the ME 262 luftwaffe airplane that shot down many a B-17.


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Originally Posted By: CyberGuy
Most people in Alaska are gun toting fur wearing people.

Possibly you meant .45 caliber. 45 mm is bigger than the wing cannon on the ME 262 luftwaffe airplane that shot down many a B-17.

I thought they always looked that big when looking at the wrong end.... ayeyiyi

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Polar bears. Their population is well on its way to be causing major problems in Alaska, like, a large Polar bear population and insufficient seal meat. Their numbers, during the past thirty years have gone way up.

It is become fraudulent to apply the same parameters used - by which we list our endangered species - and attempt to apply them to the Polar bear. The Polar bear is in no danger of extinction. Matter of fact, their numbers should shortly get them listed as 'Pest'.

On our Alaskan Cruise they told us what you said. The polar bear is adapting and moving inland away from the artic ocean and is hunting deer and Caribou inland. It is not endangered as the press implies. No in fact it is increasing in numbers and is as you said a PEST in many towns in the artic circle.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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We have all heard of the bridge to Nowhere that was to be built in Alaska. In fact Alaskans bristle at that. The real fact is this. The island is where the major airport is in Ketchicam the third largest city in Alaska. They measure rain in feet there and they get 22 feet of rain a year. The airport is on an island just 1000 feet across a narrow channel. Right now the only mode of transportation is a ferry to the Island. Bad weather land locks the airport quite regularly. There are no hotels over there and when the island is shut off from the city the passengers have to sleep on the floor in the airport. Sometimes for days. The bridge was to connect the airport to this city. If the bridge was built housing districts were scheduled to be built on that island to support the landlocked city whose only mode of connection with the rest of the state or world for that matter is by Air or sea. No highways or roads reach Ketchicam.

So when funds was cut off by the press reporting that as the bridge to NO WHERE Alaskans bristle and say that simply was not true. If they had the oil revenue they would have built the brige themselves but federal law forbids much of Alaskas oil fields to be developed. Sarah Palin hopes to change that as a possible VP if McCain wins.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Olger, my friend, you need to see your opthalmologist! :) You must have some cataracts that should be removed.

Now here is a Classy Lady, and beautiful too: (btw what is that "je ne sais quoi" she has? I think it is the glow of intelligence and a womanly sincerity.)





O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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C'mon guys, how immature is it to be debating the hotness of the female candidates? Are we in the 1950s?

Still, I guess for the wimmin-folk around here there's not a lot to talk about in terms of the attractiveness of the male candidates...

Palin is a very right-wing conservative Repulican, and I suspect picking her is much more about appealing to that 'base' than anything else. Still think it's a desperation move, though.

(And given that position, I doubt she's likely to move a whole lot of women to the red side of the ledger.)

Truth is important

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You are right, Bravus.

I'm prejudiced in favor of Ms Clinton, due to her politics.

Hillary has intelligence. and sincerity. Of course Palin has some of both, too, no doubt, (and it is exciting to see a real mom in politics) so there must be something more that I like about Hillary. And I don't think it is "hotness", I'm sure it is not. She is smart enough that we can trust her to run this country. And she cares enough to fight for us who have to live on less than 5,000,000 $ per yr. I may just write her in on the ballot.

McCain isn't too good looking now. But he used to be a handsome guy. Biden still retains a greyish distinguished old-man look. And Sarah Palin's husband? (Olger likes him! :) )He gets around by "iron dog" at an age when some guys still prefer their "rubber duckys!"




O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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