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This Forum Has Been Taken Hostage


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It appears that, for the last month, this forum has been taken hostage by a certain propaganda magazine. I thought there was another thread designated for the media to present topics and promote themselves.

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A "propaganda magazine"??

If you mean the ADVENTIST REVIEW, it's the flagship journal of our church.

I don't believe Carlos Medley intends to start conversations, he's just posting here to pique our interest in those various topics so we'll read further.

[Not intending to argue this point. It's just that I appreciate the news items from CG Medley - but if they don't interest me I merely read and move on.]

..... or were you referring to some other magazine?

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Oh, I thought this was a discussion forum, not a marketing forum. Am I mistaken? Actually, there is an entire thread devoted to media, which would seem to be a more appropriate place to advertize a magazine.

I guess it does really gripe me that someone would begin topics in a discussion forum that are not meant for discussion - except as a possible byproduct of the main goal, which is advertising. Certainly, the poster doesn't intend to participate in any discussion of his topics. He throws out bait and disappears like guerrilla warfare. I don't see that he participates in the entire forum at all, except to promote his magazine - unless he comes back under a different alias. I just find that a little odd and offensive to *use* a discussion forum like that.

Now if there was a thread devoted to the Review - or if he used the media thread - and the subject lines said things like "Here's what's new in the Review," then that would be more upfront and honest than trying to pique people's interest by making them think there is actually a new topic up for discussion.

The reason I called it a propaganda magazine is because I have noticed a definite trend over the last few years to include primarily "good" news. I don't find it to be nearly as interesting or balanced as it was under the former editor. Thus, in my mind, it has become little more than a propaganda magazine. I know that's not very politically correct - sorry.

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I would not make propaganda a dirty word. By definition:

Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented.

Since each of us have slanted views concerning issues... all of us are actively engaging in dissemination of propaganda. Propaganda is simply a propagation of a certain view that does not show the other side of things. Many times I find the Adventist Prophecy seminars to be closer to the propaganda side, as these avoid presenting the counter view for the listener to make educated decision... but that goes just for about any type of persuasive presentation.

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Okay, carolaa, I understand now where you're coming from.

If Medley wishes to post--without replying to any comments--he should stick to his own thread, maybe?

Works for me.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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You are right. Propaganda is not necessarily bad or good - it is what it is. And it's fine for the church to have propaganda magazines - in fact, I would pretty much expect them to. But that's not as interesting or relevant as a more balanced perspective would be, imo.

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I have been asking my friend Carlos to post more... I would like to still see more things like that for all our magazines and news services..

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