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My cousin


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Please keep my cousin (Rosemarie) in your prayers.

She was out and about yesterday and started experiencing chest pains and ended up in the ER.

According to her daughter, her enzymes aren't indicative of any heart problems and her EKG was good. However, the doc's are not taking any chances and want her to undergo a stress test this morning. If that comes out ok, she can go home.

Both she and her husband have been in the throw's of moving out of their old house into a new one and have been working like crazy to get the old one ready for either sale or lease so it IS feasible that she's just having issues with all that (muscles, stress, etc). For those of you that have gone thru issues like that, I'm sure you understand this.

However, Rosemarie is the closest thing I have to a sister and being that this week (actually tomorrow, Sept 4) is the 3rd anniversary of my own Dad's death, I'm a :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: bit on edge and would greatly appreciate your prayers on her behalf. I'm so thankful that my cousin IS a woman after God's own heart.

Thanks for your prayers!

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Just heard from my cousin's husband.

Rosemarie underwent a "dye" test last night and PTL nothing came up. However, in looking at the "big picture" the doctor has decided to forego the stress test and do a heart cath because he feels that this IS a heart thing.

She is to undergo this heart cath in about an hour.

Please keep my beloved cousin in your prayers.


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God is good. My cousin came back from her heart cath with an excellent report and from what her daughter shared, will be coming home tonight. Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers.

HOWEVER, I have yet another good friend (Sharon) that is to have a heart cath in the morning. Please keep Sharon in your prayers that she gets as good a outcome as my cousin did with her heart cath. However, she is not in as good as health as my cousin so I feel this was ordered in hopes of preventing a heart situation down the road.

Thanks again. Thank you Lord for your healing mercies!

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