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The problem with Gloria's comments is that they show she is primarily interested in taking sides with political parties. The fact is that Palin is a woman who is doing everything that Steinmen fought for-- she is a mother as well as having a very successful career as a leader.

That is no problem at all. That is as it should be. And it is sexist to maintain otherwise - should she vote for any old woman just because she is a woman? Do the men do that? No they have a choice between two men. One woman gives her no choice for voting on the basis of gender. Besides voting for Palin is a vote for McCain. Is McCain going to let Sarah run the country? She will do what he allows her to do.

Maybe eight years from now, Gloria can choose between Michelle and Sarah! :) How will she ever be able to make up her mind - then?

Or maybe it will be Michelle against Ellen Degeneris!



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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The problem with Gloria's comments is that they show she is primarily interested in taking sides with political parties. The fact is that Palin is a woman who is doing everything that Steinmen fought for-- she is a mother as well as having a very successful career as a leader.

That is no problem at all. That is as it should be. And it is sexist to maintain otherwise - should she vote for any old woman just because she is a woman? Do the men do that? No they have a choice between two men. One woman gives her no choice for voting on the basis of gender. Besides voting for Palin is a vote for McCain. Is McCain going to let Sarah run the country? She will do what he allows her to do.

Maybe eight years from now, Gloria can choose between Michelle and Sarah! :) How will she ever be able to make up her mind - then?

Or maybe it will be Michelle against Ellen Degeneris!


I'm not talking about who we vote for. Of course no one should vote for anyone simply on the basis of race or gender. I'm talking about Gloria's comments about the woman herself. If she wants to criticize Palin's politics, that is of course her right to do that. But it is not right to make it sound as if women who vote for Palin are doing a disservice to women as a whole. Women should not be made to feel that if they vote for McCain/Palin, they are betraying women. That is simply the opinion of Gloria Steinman and merely shows her inability to accept the decision of women to think for themselves. It's like telling black people that if don't vote for Obama-- or Democratic-- they are betraying blacks or doing blacks a disservice.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Women should not be made to feel that if they vote for McCain/Palin, they are betraying women.

In general, yes, I agree. There may be special cases, however. /dAb


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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