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What Else Would McCain Postpone in a Crisis?


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John McCain Cancels Letterman Appearance, Keith Olbermann To Fill In

McCain Wants A Time Out -- But Why?

Seth Grahame-SmithPosted September 24, 2008 | 03:54 PM (EST) BIO Become a Fan Get Email Alerts Bloggers' Index

What Else Would President McCain Postpone in a Crisis?

(UPDATE: So now we know that it was Obama who first called McCain and suggested a joint statement on the crisis this morning, which McCain agreed to, before pulling a fast one and going on TV with his "suspend" surprise. What a cynical, political, desperate man he's become. I can only pray that the rest of America sees this for the gimmick it is.)

So now John McCain wants to suspend his campaign and postpone Friday's debate so he can go to Washington and work on the financial crisis -- as if his vast economic expertise is what's missing in all of this.

After years of being a champion of deregulation, and an admitted economic lightweight, John McCain suddenly wants to pretend he's our knight in shining armor? But wait -- wasn't it McCain's own party and policies that created this crisis? Wasn't it his own economic advisor, Phil Gramm, who called Americans "whiners" in a "mental recession?" Didn't McCain recently praise the strength of our economy and call himself a "fundamentally a deregulator?"

Come to think of it, the last thing America needs is for John McCain to go back to Washington. Because that's exactly where he and his cronies created this financial mess.

Clearly, Steve Schmidt thinks he's being clever. You can just picture the staff meeting: "We'll look like heroes! We'll put Obama in a corner, and force him into looking like he doesn't care about the crisis! We're geniuses!"

Just one problem, Steve-O...you're going after independents. And independents are smarter than you think they are. I'm guessing that most of them will see this for what it is: a stunt. A distraction from the fact that John McCain's core beliefs and record are at the very heart of this crisis.

And as for postponing the debate? Real leaders don't have the luxury of taking time outs, Senator McCain. They're supposed to be able to deal with a wide array of problems, all at once. Especially when they're President. That's why it's called "the hardest job in the world."

Lincoln ran for office during the Civil War. Reagan ran at the height of the Cold War. Bush ran with two wars raging in Afghanistan and Iraq. But McCain can't run during a crisis on Wall Street?

Kind've makes you wonder what his multitasking threshold is, and what else he'd "suspend" or "postpone" when the going got tough.

Maybe he'd just hand it all over to Sarah Palin.

Seth Grahame-Smith is the founder of HomelandApology.org

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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>>(UPDATE: So now we know that it was Obama who first called McCain and suggested a joint statement on the crisis this morning,<< [ed.jasd]

Well, anyway, that’s how Obama is spinning it – and we know the veracity of the man, don’t we? bwink

However, that is really by the by...

>>So now John McCain wants to suspend his campaign and postpone Friday's debate so he can go to Washington and work on the financial crisis -- as if his vast economic expertise is what's missing in all of this.<<

That is not the point, which is – neither Senator resigned from his Senate Seat. Each is still cashing their salary checks, which amount to $160,000 per annum, each. McCain realizes that his first commitment is to fulfill the function for which he is still being paid and putting “country first”. Obama still can’t get it through his head – that drawing $160,000 a year requires that he participate in attempting to provide a remedy for what is called the greatest crises since the Depression. It seems that

Obama's idea of 'putting country first' is showing up at Ole Miss and jawboning...

>>After years of being a champion of deregulation, and an admitted economic lightweight, John McCain suddenly wants to pretend he's our knight in shining armor? But wait -- wasn't it McCain's own party and policies that created this crisis? Wasn't it his own economic advisor, Phil Gramm, who called Americans "whiners" in a "mental recession?" Didn't McCain recently praise the strength of our economy and call himself a "fundamentally a deregulator?"<<

It was ‘regulation’ imposed upon the Nation’s lending institutions (CRA 1977, Carter), which first began the downward spiral in our financial institutions. Y’know, forget the chicken in every pot; rather, a title deed in every poor man’s portfolio! yeah, portfolio, indeed.

Let deregulation begin.

We’re still quoting Seth Grahame-Smith, are we not? Let us hope so, as the above arrow-bracketed is fatuous.

>>Come to think of it, the last thing America needs is for John McCain to go back to Washington. Because that's exactly where he and his cronies created this financial mess.<<

Ditto, my previous observation.

>>And as for postponing the debate? Real leaders don't have the luxury of taking time outs, Senator McCain. They're supposed to be able to deal with a wide array of problems, all at once. Especially when they're President. That's why it's called "the hardest job in the world."<<

Huh? As I understand it – McCain and Obama are simply candidates for the Office with Dubya still POTUS – despite the Presidential-type-sorta-kinda-silly facsimile of a seal on you know whose lectern. And the "time out" is a debate - what's THAT! Whoa, it's a debate!

Time enough for double-tasking later; presently, both men are Senators – owing their time and best effort to the American Public – on the Senate floor. Anyway,

McCain has been trying to get Obama to debate for months and months and months – how come it has to now be done RIGHT NOW? If Obama could wait for those many months to debate McCain, he can wait another 6 days. Big deal. What we are seeing, instead, is fancy-feet Bojangles ever calculating and finessing the situation. Like, yeah, I can really get a handle on someone's internal metrics whilst he's all about finessing.

>>Lincoln ran for office during the Civil War.<<

While he was honouring his commitment to the Prez’s Office/salary.

>>Reagan ran at the height of the Cold War. Bush ran with two wars raging in Afghanistan and Iraq. But McCain can't run during a crisis on Wall Street?<<

And Roosevelt went on TV in ’29 and talked down the Depression...

Reagan and Dubya were, as Lincoln, drawing President’s salaries.

Again, both McCain and Obama are drawing salaries against the office of Senator. It seems that it is only one who has the integrity to honour that fact.

>>Kind've makes you wonder what his multitasking threshold is, and what else he'd "suspend" or "postpone" when the going got tough.<<

Well, I remember McCain stating that it will always be “Country First” no matter the cost. Principles. I’d rather that than watch a delayed exhibition of bobble-heading.

>>Maybe he'd just hand it all over to Sarah Palin.<<

Wouldn’t THAT be GREAT! Hoo-hah! ...get Naomi Wolf’s and the rest of huffingtonpost nation’s knickers in a bind.


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