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Where is the Mission Field?


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The Oct 9 Review asks the question ... Where is the Mission Field?

It states that the Ratio of SDAs to population in the "mission" fields is far better than that of those of us who "aren't" in the "mission" field.

Let me give you some examples for those of you who don't get the Review.

South Africa-Indian Ocean Division: One SDA for every 71

South Pacific Division ............ One SDA for every 86

Inter-American Division ........... One SDA for every 90

Now ... The US and Canada .........

North American Division ........... One SDA for every 319

Canada ............................ One SDA for every 574

Lake Union ........................ One SDA for every 440

Mid American Union ................ One SDA for every 420

Southwest Union ................... One SDA for every 402

Pacific Union ..................... One SDA for every 233

North Pacific ..................... One SDA for every 143

So ... The Review asks ....

Where is the Mission Field?

The answer is clearly CANADA. WE in the US should be sending our missionaries there instead of Africa. Perhaps the Africans should also be sending

missionaries there ...

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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As a missionary I see it differently. It looks like a good map of leadership problems to me. Missions are the most successful were there is good leadership. I think the reason Canada has a high ratio is because of the large population of immigrants who brought their religion with them. That chart does not show India, Pakistan, Middle east nations. Those are major populations in Canada.

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Places like India are exploding with membership growth. We can't build churches fast enough. People like Merlin and JoAnn Fjarli are doing unbelievable work there building hundreds of churches. (Yes HUNDREDS) Having Immigrants usually only helps because they often are MORE receptive than less.

I have difficulty blaming 'leadership'. Our leadership should be God. And He does not fail us. He is sufficient. Merlin and JoAnn did not need 'leadership' to do what they did. They did it ALL on their own through God's leadership.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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My question is how we do it here in the US and Canada....and *I* perfer the US....

There should be mentors who help give bible studies....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Redwood I have also read this issue of the review. I've always thought that North America should be the mission field. That's not to say that other parts of the world don't need us also. The US by far gives the most money for mission's. And also supply's the most missionary's I believe. I think we could probably use some of those missionary's here in our own backyard.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Places like India are exploding with membership growth. We can't build churches fast enough. People like Merlin and JoAnn Fjarli are doing unbelievable work there building hundreds of churches. (Yes HUNDREDS) Having Immigrants usually only helps because they often are MORE receptive than less.

I have difficulty blaming 'leadership'. Our leadership should be God. And He does not fail us. He is sufficient. Merlin and JoAnn did not need 'leadership' to do what they did. They did it ALL on their own through God's leadership.

Second part first. The Division, Union and Conference decide where to put resources. That means money, talent and priorities. In the fast growing areas of the church all of these are completely different than the slow growing or dieing areas. Yes we have areas that are dieing.

India has only 1,246,848 in the whole division.

Population of India is 1,147,995,904

That's one in every 921.

So the topic here is why is the % of population so low. I said in Canada I think its because these areas in which we have little exposure (even though a great work is being done there) are emigrating to Canada and skewing the numbers.

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Ah...one of my favorite subjects--missions.

It is so much harder to try to be a missionary is a country that has so much (even in financial crisis, we still have soo much), and that doesn't feel a need for God, than where you can give people real needs--food, shoes, blankets, etc. At least, that is what I have been told.

But the good news is that mission is alive and well in North America!--in some places, anyway.

Good leadership can inspire people, but then the people need to follow up on that inspiration. I know a very good pastor that has so many ideas and I want to jump up (if only I could jump) and join him on his missions every time I talk to him. But then the church gets in the way. So most mission work I do, I must do without the support of the church.

I believe that missions start with individuals, and they can accomplish a lot. But think how much more they could do if their church got behind them and supported and worked with them.

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It is so much harder to try to be a missionary is a country that has so much (even in financial crisis, we still have soo much), and that doesn't feel a need for God, than where you can give people real needs--food, shoes, blankets, etc. At least, that is what I have been told.

So then, by giving people "stuff", they are more likely to join our church?

Are we buying their membership?

Or are we using our power of wealth as a tool to convince them to join our chruch?

I read the above statement as "people who have their basic needs covered are not as easy to convice as those who don't have their basic needs covered"

Am I reading that right?

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It's not buying their membership, it's showing that you care. You know the saying - people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. It is also following EGW's observations on how Jesus ministered - by mingling with people and meeting their needs, and then bidding them Follow Me.

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Actually, I don't know that saying, or at least I didn't know it until now :)

Can we show how much we care without giving physical "stuff"?

Does this type of ministry encourage "consumerism", aka "the american way"?

By your rationale, by giving people "stuff", they will join us. When Jesus met their needs, they followed(joined) Him. And if we follow that example, we give people what they need, and they will follow us. And sure, who wouldn't join up if someone gives you what you need in this world to stay alive? What if somone came along, and you were in finanical hardship(think of all those losing their homes right now) and they offered to take away all your debt? No strings, no contracts. These people are nice, clean, up-standing people, and they offer to take away all that's making life hard for you. Do you think you would hang out with them a bit, or just take the money and run? What if they didn't give all the cash at once, but encouraged you to come back, time after time, to get what you need to survive? Would you even really have a choice at that time? And what if those people were more educated, had more resources, and had a knowledge that surpassed anything you could ever dream of? Would you turn them away, or would you join up?

Just a thought.

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Interesting discussion.

It is also interesting to me to realize what I think about as I read what is being talked about. This time my thoughts went something like, "Advertisers know that you put a sale on when there are lots of sales, not when no one wants what you are offering for sale."

What I guess I am saying is that because there are people in these countries that are becoming Adventists in fairly large numbers should be a good enough reason to stay there doing God's work.

That is not to say that we should not be doing some of the same things here in the USA, but if you have everything already you are not interested in looking for something else. I do not see us giving people what they need as buying their membership. These people see that we care about them and so they want to know more about who "we" are.

If I am in need of shelter I will not take the time to visit with someone who wants to talk about some Guy who died years ago. My focus is on survival, "physical stuff". Once all my real needs are met then I am willing to visit about spiritual stuff.

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Sometimes what people need is not "stuff." It might be a listening ear or a ride/lift to a place they need to go. Of course, there's always a risk when you give people stuff that they will take the stuff and run. But most people are savvy enough to know if you really care or not, and that's the main thing. If they know you care, they will want to know more about what makes you care.

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