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According to McCain on Fox ... The Obama policies will bring depression to this nation.

I don't want a depression. So, I won't vote for Obama. The other reason is ... I won't vote for Obama because he gave $800,000.00 to ACORN.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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The Obama policies will bring depression to this nation.

The other reason is ... I won't vote for Obama because he gave $800,000.00 to ACORN.

Both of those statements are totally FALSE.

[Check them out on www.snopes.com.]

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Checked it ... because I wanted to make sure that Fox was correct. And yep ... Fox News is correct.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Where is the source? Give us the URL so that we can see it too....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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According to McCain on Fox ... The Obama policies will bring depression to this nation.

I don't want a depression. So, I won't vote for Obama. The other reason is ... I won't vote for Obama because he gave $800,000.00 to ACORN.


Read this article. It was Linked from snopes.com . And read carefully. It does NOT support what you are saying...

Both sides in the presidential race have accused the other of ties to ACORN.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, in an e-mail to supporters, noted that ACORN has endorsed Obama. The Alaska governor added, "We can't allow leftist groups like ACORN to steal this election."

Democrats responded by noting that Republican John McCain spoke at a pro-immigration rally co-sponsored by ACORN in 2006. Today, the group issued a news release saying, "ACORN to McCain: Have You Lost That Loving Feeling?"

For his part, Obama said today that his relationship with ACORN stemmed from more than a decade ago, when as a young lawyer he represented the group as it tried to implement the motor-voter law in Illinois that allows voter registration at driver registration agencies. And, in a news conference, he noted that voter fraud does not occur until citizens try to vote.

This isn't actually a situation where people who are going to try to vote, because these are phony names. It's doubtful that Tony Romo is going to show up in Ohio to vote. So, this is another one of these distractions that gets stirred up during the course of a campaign. What I want to make sure of though, is that this is not used as an excuse for the kind of voter suppression tactics that strategies and tactics that we've seen in the past. Let's make sure everybody is voting, everybody is registered, everybody is doing this is a lawful way.

With local officials in several states, including Nevada, investigating suspicious voter registrations produced by ACORN, the organization also is fighting back. Spokesman Scott Levenson told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren Monday that Obama's campaign did not, as rumored, pay $800,000 to ACORN, but paid that amount to CSI, a private organization, which in turn hired ACORN for $80,000 to get out the vote in the primaries.

Today, Levenson said that his group was being demonized for trying to "empower the powerless and enfranchise the disenfranchised." Noting that ACORN itself alerted local officials to instances in which its registrations might not be valid, as required by law, Levenson said he was proud of the organization's record of registering 1.3 million voters.

In an interview with CNN, he said complaints from Republicans are "a sad, cynical sign of how desperate the McCain campaign is.

Now, do you still want to spread lies and rumors of lies? Isn't that a bit dishonest and beneath the dignity of the spouse of a minister?

Oh, and this is the source

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Read this one ... You can find it at : http://sweetness-light.com/archive/obama-ran-acorns-training-sessions-on-power but it does not support what you are spreading here on CA.

Obama Ran ACORN Power Training Classes

And they in turn helped get him elected.

From the Winter 2003 issue of Social Policy:

(Click to enlarge)

Case Study: Chicago-The Barack Obama Campaign

ACORN’s history of nonpartisan electoral work (voter registration and voter turnout) and leadership development combined during the March, 2004 primary season to make a big difference in the level of participation of our communities in that important election.

ACORN is active in experimenting with methods of increasing voter participation in our low and moderate income communities in virtually every election. But in some elections we get to have our cake and eat it too: work on nonpartisan voter registration and GOTV, which also turns out to benefit the candidate that we hold dear.

The March primary was not particularly important for the presidential race, as Kerry was just in the process of clinching the Dem presidential nomination. But it was critical in the U.S. Senate race. On March 16th, State Senator Barack Obama won the right to represent the Democratic Party in the U.S. Senate campaign. Jack Ryan won the Republican nomination that day, but went on to self-destruct over sex club revelations in his divorce papers. Sen. Obama went on to keynote the Democratic Convention in July and was catapulted to the national stage. As Sen. Obama puts it, how did a skinny kid with a funny name become the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, with 53% of the statewide Democratic vote in a seven-person field?

Obama started building the base years before. For instance, ACORN noticed him when he was organizing on the far south side of the city with the Developing Communities Project. He was a very good organizer. When he returned from law school, we asked him to help us with a lawsuit to challenge the state of Illinois’ refusal to abide by the National Voting Rights Act, also known as motor voter. Allied only with the state of Mississippi, Illinois had been refusing to allow mass-based voter registration according to the new law. Obama took the case, known as ACORN vs. Edgar (the name of the Republican governor at the time) and we won. Obama then went on to run a voter registration project with Project VOTE in 1992 that made it possible for Carol Moseley Braun to win the Senate that year. Project VOTE delivered 50,000 newly registered voters in that campaign (ACORN delivered about 5000 of them).

Since then, we have invited Obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before he ever ran for office. Thus, it was natural for many of us to be active volunteers in his first campaign for State Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996. By the time he ran for U.S. Senate, we were old friends. And along about early March, we started to see that the African-American community had made its move: when Sen. Obama’s name was mentioned at our Southside Summit meeting with 700 people in attendance from three southside communities, the crowd went crazy. With about a week to go before the election, it was very clear how the African-American community would vote. But would they vote in high enough numbers?

It seemed to us that what Obama needed in the March primary was what we always work to deliver anyway: increased turnout in our ACORN communities. ACORN is active on the south and west sides of Chicago, in the south suburbs and on the east side of Springfield, the state capital. Most of the turf where we organize in is African American, with a growing Latino presence in Chicago’s Little Village and the suburbs.

ACORN members were involved in three activities around the primary:

1) Block captains were identified, as early as the summer before the March primary, and provided with lists of registered and unregistered voters and voter registration materials. We attended trainings and accountability meetings to receive our materials and make plans to get the people registered. Then we came back to report on our progress. We also hired voter registrars in the final three weeks to work the supermarkets in our communities. By the February 17 voter registration deadline for the primary, ACORN had registered 12,984 new voters. This was an organizational best for us. (As of this writing, we have added over 27,000 new voters).

2) Block captains then went to work to turn out the vote. They were all volunteers until the last few days, when we received funding to pay some of our block captains in some precincts of the 24th ward (North Lawndale) and the 15th ward (West Englewood) to get out the vote on the last Saturday before the election and on election day.

3) In some precincts in the 15th ward, we were able to hire canvassers to work on voter turnout for a full two weeks before the election. Each canvasser worked two to three precincts during that time.

The results of this activity were very interesting, and mirror what Professor Donald Green of Yale University has found about voter turnout work: where we were able to run a crew of paid and supervised canvassers for two weeks before the election, we did very well. In those targeted ACORN precincts in the 15th ward, voter turnout improved by an average of 50% over the previous year’s city election (the only other election since the redistricting). Citywide turnout increased by only 14% over the same election.

The way the canvassers approached each door was important. Instead of a speech about a candidate they engaged the potential voter in a conversation about the issues, relating their issues to the importance of voting, and moving them to a commitment to vote in the primary. In addition ACORN leaders were making the rounds talking to their neighbors about the election. I am proud to report that the combination of a paid canvass and my volunteer work was especially successful in turning out the vote in my two precincts (34 and 51). In those precincts we boosted turnout by 82% (precinct 34) and 90% (precinct 51) over the previous year’s turnout. ACORN leader Denise Dixon again paired with an effective canvasser, increased turnout in her precinct by 131%. The best performing precincts were the ones with a canvasser and a leader who worked at least Election Day and the Saturday before. There is a noticeable difference between these precincts and those that only had a paid canvasser in it, who wasn’t a local community leader.

We’re not ready to prove anything yet with our data, because we have not run a scientific test, but we believe Green’s results showing that door-to-door field work for two weeks before an election yields significant results, and we believe that there is a correlation with strong local leaders assisting the paid canvassing in winning even more dramatic increases.

The 24th ward has traditionally had higher voter turnout than in the 15th. The work leading up to the election in the 24th Ward was done by leaders who volunteered their time. Some were paid for two half days of door knocking, election day and the Saturday before. Turnout increased in ACORN precincts in the 24th ward at a rate higher than the city average, but not at the rate at which it increased in the 15th. Overall turnout was still higher in our 24th ward precincts than our 15th ward precincts, but the rate of increase was not as dramatic.

None of this is rocket science, but it is important. Good door-knocking by community residents for even two half days can impact turnout. Good door-knocking by paid and supervised canvassers for two weeks can have dramatic impact. And a combination of the two, especially with experienced community leaders working with the paid canvassers, can make a huge difference.

As it turned out, Obama won the primary handily, pulling white wards as well as African American. But no one knew that that would be the case. In each election we must act as if our work is critical for our communities. That is what we did in the primary, and we learned something in the process.

Toni Foulkes is a Chicago ACORN leader and a member of ACORN’s National Association Board.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Umm, 'the party' has been delivering votes even from 'the grave' like, forever; probably most notoriously - as delivered by the Chicago machine.

"[...] In a 2006 ACORN publication, Citizen Services Inc. is described as "ACORN's campaign services entity."

...an entity of ACORN.

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Well ... they keep thinking that denying the ACORN connections enough times will make it so. But some of us are too wise ... even despite the personal attacks from the left.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Redwood, do you really think that McCain will save you from depression???? McCain is connected to PNAC, which is as radical as ACORN. I see both of the candidates terribly unfit to deal with economic problems, and running the county in general.

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Well ... they keep thinking that denying the ACORN connections enough times will make it so. But some of us are too wise ... even despite the personal attacks from the left.

Well, someone is definately fabricating a story....

Either Obama is tied to Acorn or he is not....Either he has trained people at Acorn or it is as he says, that he represented them in a suit on the Jusice side. What do you think, Redwood? Either he is or he isn't....

We got Palin lying....Wanna try for Obama? Or do you want to try for FauxNews?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Gee, more of the same takes on a whole new meaning...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Now we are down to recommending the Rolling Stone's opinion on things. Can I have some weed and snow with that article too?

The fact is that no one knows what to do. As Christians we need to pray for our leaders and pray the country chooses the right leader in November. Too many people are playing the my-guy-knows-best-game. I don't go there. I think flipping a coin would reveal who has a better chance of managing this economy as much as any other method would. Neither McCain or Obama have any experience running a business. Both of them are going to surround themselves with party loyalists that will be calling the shots economically. Lord have mercy, is what I say.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Redwood, do you really think that McCain will save you from depression???? McCain is connected to PNAC, which is as radical as ACORN. I see both of the candidates terribly unfit to deal with economic problems, and running the county in general.

Here is what I think:

If we get Obama as President ... I will be 'depressed'.

If we get McCain ... I will be happy.

I think that Obama ... could run a "county".

But I think that McCain could run a COUNTRY.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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.... Into the ground... and that's what either of them will do. Whoever is going to be the next president needs to take long vocation and just relax. The less they try to "fix" things, the better we are.

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Hey ... I agree with that post. It would be great to have another one of those 'government shutdowns'. The less govenment ... the better.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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The fact is that no one knows what to do. As Christians we need to pray for our leaders and pray the country chooses the right leader in November. Too many people are playing the my-guy-knows-best-game. I don't go there. I think flipping a coin would reveal who has a better chance of managing this economy as much as any other method would. Neither McCain or Obama have any experience running a business. Both of them are going to surround themselves with party loyalists that will be calling the shots economically. Lord have mercy, is what I say.

Seriously, Shane, you need to consider a third party candidate.

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You guys concentrated on the less amazing part of Redwood's post - the ACORN connections. The really incredible bit is this:

According to McCain on Fox ... The Obama policies will bring depression to this nation.

I don't want a depression. So, I won't vote for Obama.

I tend to hate the 'koolaid drinkers' expression because it's over-used and pejorative, but dude... you have a red mustache!

Truth is important

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Thanks Bravus. I am known as Red. And I like Red. It's kool.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Thanks Bravus. I am known as Red. And I like Red. It's kool.

Yeah, but it's not aiding you any...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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