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Elder Bill Johnsson


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Tuesday 8:30pm Est

A few minutes ago Elder Bill Johnsson, long-time editor of the Adventist Review, was hit by a motorcycle here in the Philippines. He is in serious condition at the Adventist Hospital here in Manila. Dr Allan Handysides has gone to be with him. The injuries to his leg are so severe they aren't sure if they can save it. Please keep him in your prayers.

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Oh, so sorry to hear this. Thanks for posting it. Will certainly pray for him.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Oh dear.

Elder Johnsson was a wonderful editor for the REVIEW.

I'll be praying for him.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Thank you for telling us this horrible news. Elder Johnsson touched my heart by the way that he wrote and I have great admiration for him. I will surely be holding him up in prayer.

Morning Glory

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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as of 10:00 this morning, a fellow secretary was able to reach our division president to know how Elder Johnsson is doing at MAMC (Adventist Hospital).

Praise the Lord he's in good spirits. They did have to perform surgery on his left ankle, and have his leg in a cast. As soon as he's alright to travel, he'll fly back to the states, and hopefully heal really really really fast.

We thank you for your prayers! Do continue to pray for him and for all the GC Annual Council delegates who are traveling and will be soon traveling back to their places.

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Thanks for the update Joe. I was just surprised to receive this notice so late at night since I am on the west coast. I knew that for my acquaintance to send it out that late, it had to be urgent. Poor Elder Johnsson. I am so glad he is doing better! Sorry it is posted twice on the website...once from you and once from me. I hadn't seen that anyone else had posted it previously. (Not trying to double post. :) )

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May God encourage him ....

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Dr. Bill Johnsson, former editor of Adventist Review/World, was

exercising this morning just a short distance from the convention center

when he was hit by a motorcycle. Brad and Candace Thorp (of Hope

Channel) were in a taxi and noticed someone laying on the pavement. The

motorcycle driver remained by. They soon realized that it was Elder

Johnsson. The Thorps arranged for him to be transported to the Manila

Adventist Hospital. He has suffered a "severe" break(s) in the ankle

area. Fortunately Dr. Handysides of the GC went to the hospital too to

help make plans for treatment back home. The leg/ankle will be adjusted

and then immobilized for the purpose of transportation.

Surgery will be needed but arrangements will be made for him to fly home

to have the surgery there. Dr. Landless in Maryland has made

arrangements for surgery once he arrives. A wife of one of the VPs will

accompany him on the long flight home.

Dr and Mrs Johnsson have both had some health challenges in recent

years but have made good progress. Yesterday Elder Johnsson's sister

passed away so you can imagine the stress both of them are going

through. Your prayers will certainly be appreciated.

Larry R Evans


General Conference of SDA

Fred Kinsey

Assistant to the President

for Communication

North American Division of the

Seventh-day Adventist Church

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Joe,

Are you currently in the Philippines? God speed in your mission work.

Just learned this evening of Elder Johnsson's accident and was going to do a posting, glad you beat me. So thankful that he is in such capable hands.


Wakan Tanka Kici Un

~~Child of Christ~~

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