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When we pray


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I would like to have answered why when we pray we generally:

1. Kneel

2. Close our eyes

3. Fold our hands

Why do we do this? Because I cannot find anywhere in the Bible that teaches us to do this little ritual.

I notice though we have several other little rituals connected with prayer for which I can find no evidence as to why we should do these things. When a Benediction is offered we stand and close our eyes. At other times in a service we are simply instructed by the person about to pray to "bow our heads while we pray" at which we bow our heads and close our eyes.

Why do we do these things? I cannot find any biblical reference that suggests these prayer rituals.

Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening. -- Dorothy Sarnoff

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I have often wondered this myself. And why at night, "they" say to kneel by your bed to pray. Kneeling hurts me. We pray a lot but we don't kneel, I also didn't teach my kids to kneel. They only do it in church.

I will be very interested in what others have to say about this.

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Sometimes I look up when I pray..

Jesus did this in John 17.

There are other cases of the believers kneeling to pray (Acts 21:5). I don't believe that there is a firm formula.

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I don't believe that there is a firm formula.

The following was Ellen White's formula:

"I have received letters questioning me in regard to the proper attitude to be taken by a person offering prayer to the Sovereign of the universe. Where have our brethren obtained the idea that they should stand upon their feet when praying to God? One who has been educated for about five years in Battle Creek was asked to lead in prayer before Sister White should speak to the people. But as I beheld him standing upright upon his feet while his lips were about to open in prayer to God, my soul was stirred within me to give him an open rebuke. Calling him by name, I said, "Get down upon your knees." This is the proper position always." 2SM 311

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She also said this:

We may speak with Jesus as we walk by the way, .....We may commune with God in our hearts; we may walk in companionship with Christ.

It is not always necessary to bow upon your knees in order to pray. Cultivate the habit of talking with the Saviour when you are alone, when you are walking, and when you are busy with your daily labor. 2 SM 316


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Sometimes I look up when I pray..

Jesus did this in John 17.

There are other cases of the believers kneeling to pray (Acts 21:5). I don't believe that there is a firm formula.

Or spread out your hands like Solomon in his Temple dedicatory prayer.


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I think there are examples in the Bible of kneeling with the face to the ground. That's what the Muslims do. It shows submission to God. I think kneeling is meant to do the same thing, to remind us that we are surrendered, living sacrifices to God. It seems like a good thing to do, at least once a day.

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There's nothing wrong with kneeling, or standing, or facing the ground. Paul though advices to pray without ceasing. Being in constant conversation with God. My favorite time to pray, is when I drive to work and from work in the car. I don't like to listen to the radio/music... so I just think and pray... sitting down with my eyes open.

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My favourite time to pray is just as I am in bed I open my heart to pray. I lie there thinking in my mind the prayer that I am praying. Often times I continue this praying until I am asleep. it is kind of nice to be talking with God just as I am going to sleep.

Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening. -- Dorothy Sarnoff

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BUT no one has answered why it is we kneel, close our eyes, and fold our hands when praying. Where did this come from? Who started this ritual? And why do we continue to do it in church services?

Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening. -- Dorothy Sarnoff

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I believe closing the eyes helps one focus on God. It's hard to keep one's mind on God while looking at so many things that can distract. Kneeling is an acknowledgment of Christ's Lordship, Phil 2:10. Kneeling with the hands folded seems like the natural posture for a suppliant, which we are.


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