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Manufacturing revolution:


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There are disturbing amount of popular culture material that is being released by the major corporations, and that is calling out for revolution. And I'm talking about violent revolution. Watch these couple of videos and you will see what I'm talking about. Please view them carefully and see what impact and what message these convey:

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There are disturbing amount of popular culture material that is being released by the major corporations, and that is calling out for revolution. And I'm talking about violent revolution. Watch these couple of videos and you will see what I'm talking about. .....

What's so disturbing about it, is that these target uninformed generation Y. I believe that the revolution is being upstaged in this country, and it's disturbing to see the same tactics used that Hitler used in 1920s. Hitler was viewed as a messiah who frees people from oppression.

The second and third videos said they were no longer available.

Pretty disturbing videos all right.

Who will be that next messiah as portrayed in some of these videos? PLEASE talk to your kids about these issues. You have no clue what stuff they like, and what is the message between the lines.

Especially disturbing is the first one, that pretty much goes by the Biblical prophesies!!!! A star (satan) falls from heaven and is chained. Then the chains are released, and Satan wages war deceiving the population. Of course in these ones he is pictured as a hero.

I believe the evidence points to the world being prepared to accept the very things the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy said would happen just before Christ comes. It looks to me like that time could be closer than many imagine.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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These videos didn't surprise me a bit. I don't think many people realize how much anger there is out there. Someone mentioned rioting in black neighborhoods if Obama doesn't win. I have to wonder if it will be limited to black neighborhoods. People are SO incredibly angry at what our government is doing here and around the world, and all the corruption going on. And the economic problems just make people more mad.

There was an interesting discussion on Democracy Now! today that basically said there is no such thing as a Bradley effect, and it is only being brought up so it can serve as a plausible narrative for when Obama loses. The argument was made that there is not enough racism in the country to negate the polls, and the only way Obama can lose is through tampering with the voting machines or other election fraud.


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There was an interesting discussion on Democracy Now! today that basically said there is no such thing as a Bradley effect, and it is only being brought up so it can serve as a plausible narrative for when Obama loses. The argument was made that there is not enough racism in the country to negate the polls, and the only way Obama can lose is through tampering with the voting machines or other election fraud.

Sounds like nonsense to me.

The 'Bradley Effect' is alive and well. It is a matter of history. Just check it out. Each and every primary election that Obama has been in ... he has under-performed. Those who said they would vote for Obama didn't. Just listen to Fox News more often and you would know these things.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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