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New here, I really need prayers that our Lord can direct me in the way I should go...several critical life events to decide, facing some closed doors, getting tired.

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Welcome. It would be nice to get to know who we are praying for. Could you fill out your profile or tell us what you feel comfortable with?

Praying in the mean time.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Sure, here's some info. I am a 59-year-old lifelong SDA man living in Michigan... been unable to find regular work since 2002, (most commonly because of Sabbath). Living in the city now in a tiny rent-subsidized apt., going to grad school at the moment, living on student loans.

need to start my own business, (Sabbath reasons among others), and can't find any SDA venture capitalists; so far, have resisted the several non-SDA's who think my plan is great, I am advised by Bible/EGW/common sense not to have non-SDA business partners. Seems many SDA's advise, "Isn't it wrong to use someone else's money to start a business?" (like, when you buy stock in a startup company?), and of course, that I must not trust in God if I want to start a business so I can pay my debts, support myself, etc. (You know, the stuff the Bible tells me I am to do...)

Found a wonderful lady at AdventistMatch.com in April, we plan to marry, but she is in the Philippines, neither of us have necessary $$$ to be together (either location).

School is now becoming a problem, due to Sabbath classes coming up next term.

I used to write a bit, sold over half of everything I submitted, but haven't been able to sell anything in years now, so have pretty much stopped writing. (Look me up on internet, my name is David F. Antor, look back to the 70's thru 2003 and you can see some of my work).

I have a business plan for a security consulting/training company (25 years exp., 2 degrees); an outline for a non-profit SDA services business in west Michigan, so we can be more like the apostolic church, and leaders in every truly good business endeavor; and I have a book with an agent who loves it, but apparently can't sell it.

So I need to know what to do next, what steps I should take. I have taken advantage of my extra 'leisure' time the last few years to pray/study etc. more, but need more specific direction.

Thus, please pray for me. Prayerful, careful advice also welcome, dant49412@yahoo.com

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Will also put you on our praylist.

That comment about only looking for SDA work partners! Not always the best way to go either. You need to find someone trustworthy or someone with the same goals and commitment to God as you do.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Hi, forgie

Thank you for sharing your needs and your request. Have you been in touch with ASI? They may have some useful information for you.

Let us know how it goes... but until then, I will join in lifting your request before the Lord

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pray and 'continually' (as often as possible) believed that you have received (literally).. 'course you have to maintain sufficient mind and body health for that.. but nevertheless just try..



Test me with thy might but grant me safe passage. Now, who said that?

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