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Example of a non-NFDMTTS


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Is there such a thing?

JimBob7, I'm beginning to wonder. The Bible itself is filled with these supposed "NFDMTTS". Do you have at least one example of what a non-NFDMTTS would be?

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Thank you for the question.

I have mixed feelings because of the mixed reactions and posts about this theme..even though I slip it in so many places..I know there are some people fed up with the rant.

I actually heard a religious talk radio host deal with it for a bit this morning..


For review and site rookies.

NFDMTTS...(non fat dry milk typical topical sermons)

These are basically one point, one or few scripture sermons that get preached by the majority of pastors.

They take 15-30 minutes and are just geared to address one single agenda point. Most are theological troubleshooting, religious therapy mini sessions to take care of one spiritual malady symptom of a listener..who has never gotten to 1st base in their Christian walk or have compromised to the world, have lost their first love and have slipped back into churchian worldly carnality and it is supposed to be a micro heads up at their state of spirituality.

Now..I do not accept your premise.

A long time ago in confronting this shallow inept incompetent preaching style..I posted how Jesus sermon on the mount Matt 5-7 was multifaceted and took just a few minutes to read.

This poster has also mentioned how he has preached on Jude..(25 verse) twice so as to break the pattern of what congregations have listened to .

Jude is multifaceted in topics..

Effort/encouragement...enmity....empathy...overcoming message..

It addresses the inept false clergy, confronts the liberal loose once save always saved theology, promotes an altuistic, merciful attitude, and mentions the empowerment of God to live an overcoming sanctified life.

You will see that the letter in the new testament are always multifaceted...

Basically they are broken down into doctrine and duty segments..there is justification, grace and sanctification as well as examples of missing the mark of the high calling and its effects.

A typical preacher just flounders from sabbath to sabbath with no goal in mind except at crisis management and theological troubleshooting. They have no monthly or yearly planner as to what they are going to preach... Some have even told me that they get their idea for a sermon the Friday before.

The ones who are really inept and clueless are the ministerial directors.. they fall into the same category but are just more management oriented with beauracracy stuff

It is really pathetic..

Ya know what calendar is really used for sermons...

the worldly callendar..

We actually still had a children's story about Christmas on New Year's Day.

I mean it wasn't a bad deal with the kids invovlved..it was just that people have no vision so they milk Christmas for 5 weeks.

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I am not asking for the impossible..

95% of the sermons I hear from my Baptist preacher buddy and my former non SDA pastor are scripture rich exegetical/expository multifaceted...3 or more point/topic messages..they have preached like this for 40 years for the one and 20 for the other..they are called teaching pastors

I have heard 2-5 expository sermons from SDA preachers in 30 years..from about 30+ pastors.

With the exception of David Vandenburg formerly from Palo Alto church,,transferred to Loam Linda..years ago..

only competent SDA teaching pastor I ever ran into.

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Thank you for clarifying what it is you mean by a NFDMTTS.

I challenge you with an idea, however. What is the difference between preaching on three or more ideas per sermon while using Biblical references and preaching on one idea per sermon while using Biblical references?

I understand that Jesus preached on many different topics. His live audience was with Him but a short time. There was much He had to say and much that needed to be said quickly.

Is there anything wrong with taking things a little slower; step by step with the people both in Sabbath School and in Worship? Is there something wrong with really taking the time to search the scriptures and see what God has to say on one topic at a time?

As far as expository/exegetical sermons go, isn't that precisely what a topical sermon is about? Only, it is in reverse of what you are saying. The pastor takes a topic, then finds scripture that backs up the topic. Expository preaching would simply be putting the ideas in reverse: reading scripture then explaining in laymans' terms what topic it addresses.

I'd like you to take some time and listen to a preacher that I've been listening to: They Loved Not Their Lives

Jesus Christ the Rock

Let me know what you think of these. The speaker here is one of the best I've ever heard.

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Chrys--I couldn't download/access the sermons. Perhaps I did something wrong?

While I would not assign every evil in the church to the NFDMTTS as JimBob does, I tend to tune them out very quickly. I didn't realize, until I read his definition right now, that these are the sermons I've always called the one-verse wonders. I have tried really hard to be interested in them, but, really, when they read their verse and give their first sentence, I know exactly where they're going to end and I don't like being bored in church.

Dwight Nelson is someone I always enjoy listening to, either on the radio or in church, because he is interesting, up to the minute, and very Biblically based, while making it relevant to us today. I'm not sure I've heard someone as listenable as Dwight.


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As far as expository/exegetical sermons go, isn't that precisely what a topical sermon is about? Only, it is in reverse of what you are saying. The pastor takes a topic, then finds scripture that backs up the topic. Expository preaching would simply be putting the ideas in reverse: reading scripture then explaining in laymans' terms what topic it addresses.

I will listen to the preacher..thanks.

The answer to the above question is no...

One topic with a bunch of similar support texts is like taking Vitamin B...

Going through scripture is like eating whole wheat bread.

Remember what Jesus said to Peter after the resurrection...

Do you love me? FEED my sheep...

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Thanks for the input...Michelle..

I harp on NFDMTTS in a hyperbole mode just to sensitize the audience..

Preachers who consistently do one verse wonders are actually lazy tithe stealers... icon_smile_sick.gif

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