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Your personal experience- How bad is the economy?

Neil D

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In the process of doing my taxes, I needed some w-2 from a former employer. So, I contacted them....It's been six months since I have seen them...and the home care company is telling me the following things-

1] The federal goverment is cutting back on Medicare payments since a bunch of new baby boomers entered the senior sector. This means that federal payment of Oxygen is going to be less. The companys are not sure how this will affect them...

2] My former company let go 500 workers across the nation. My former employer hired someone in september as a driver....and fired them in December.

3] Beginning in feb. all employees, from the CEO to the drivers will take a 5% cut in pay.

4] This will change in the later part of 09 if they project a substantial revenue.

Currently, my hospital is in negotiations for a new contract with the union. They are asking for a wage freeze due to those Medicare payment cuts. The union is not happy, as they have not had even cost of living increases for the last 3-5 years. The carrot is that if the hospital makes $2 million in 09 above what they project, they will give a 1% bonus across the board and a 1% increase the following year.

Our union rep has told us that the small hospital to the north of us will loose 30 employees, and the hospital to the south of us will loose 5 employees. These are small hospitals of 130 and 100 respectiviely....

It's not going to be a good year, unless that ecomony starts turning around rather quick...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Being retired and living on a pension and Social Security, with a small portfolio of stocks and bonds to draw from, I've really taken a hit. My portfolio lost 50% of its value over the past 3 years.

I'm just praying for Obama's success in turning things around.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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I have about 3 friends on the other forum who have lost their jobs.

I feel bad about saying it, but from a selfish perspective it's actually helped me. My job is secure - people still need education in a downturn, and actually university enrolments are up as people choose to study because they're less confident of getting a job. And interest rates are dropping, which is making our investment property more financially managable. Of course, the value of the investment property is probably also dropping, but on balance, I think we're slightly better off than we were 6 months ago.

Truth is important

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Neil I don't think its going to get better anytime soon. Was laid off in Feb of last year. Am still looking. I think Obama is going to need a lot of help, he won't be able to do this without help from many. My home is worth much less that I owe. It doesn't look good. Can only trust in God. If it wasn't for him I would be sinking, and sinking rapidly. Have been doing my taxes also. Looks like I will get some money from the Fed but going to owe the state because of the unempolyment checks. But that's life. If I can sell my house I think we'll be OK.



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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I think it is bad and going to get worse with the Obama Bailouts. He keeps throwin' money at bad ... and it is money we ain't got. This nation is headed for trouble if we keep throwing money at those who have plenty. Let the bad banks fail. Why reward them and then it is the tax payers who have to pay for their personal jets and luxury trips.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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You know Redwood we can blame Bush or Obama if we have to or need to. But that's not going to help. What they need to do is make the institutions accountable for the money they received. And that begain with Bush and now Obama needs to do the same. I do agree that giving money doesn't always help. I think that they should take that money and give it directly to the people and not to these banks to pay there CEOs millions of dollars. When there are so many who could use that money without any strings attached.



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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Well, the title says "your personal experience"; so here is my personal experience.

We have owned our own business for the past 12 years or so, we run it out of our living room; like most home based businesses it is either feast or famine. My husband is in graduate school, to completely change careers. While my dh and I don't have medical insurance, because we can't afford private, both of the kids qualify for state--medicaid. We squirrel money away as much as we can, and plan for rainy days. We also live below our means. Even though we have never had job security per se, God has been very good to us.

We both have acquaintances where one spouse or even both have lost their job in the past two weeks. They are freaking out. Especially the ones that have special needs kids and they are not sure how to afford their medical care.

We have noticed a pinch at the grocery store. It seems that one can get very little in the way of groceries and yet pay an exorbitant amount of money. Also, the gas utility has nearly tripled--with the same amount of usage. We have also noticed that the gas has been creeping up steadily too.

Well, that is us in a nut shell. Nothing has changed dramatically for us, and we don't really perceive it to.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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Yes pk ... and now Obama is talking about bailing out Mexico. He fears that Mexico is going to collapse. He did you hear of the Mexican who 'brewed' 500 people over the years. Just saw it on the news. I don't think I would want to go to Mexico.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Yesterday I got my quarterly report for my retirement fund. I lost 20% over the last 3 months. Not good.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Oh. I trust Him for my bread and water ... but I was wanting a little more ...

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Yes. I agree degrimm60 but I would just like a little more of the surplus. Just the surplus. I want my wide screen HD TV,Direct TV HD Satellite Service , TIVO and high speed internet. Is that too much to ask for in addition to my bread and water?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Absolutely not!!! As long as you can accept a NO! hahahaha



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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My wife took a 2% pay decrease. It was really 5% if you add in the 3% cola she was supposed to get, but didn't.

I was off work yesterday, and decided to visit a local mall. This mall is not too far from my job, and I often go their at lunch, to visit the food court, etc. To get to the food court I usually cut through a certain department store. When I went through that store yesterday the number of shoppers was way down from what I usually see. There were hardly no shoppers at all. Just store employees.

Same for the main corridors of the mall and the food court area. During the lunch hours you can usually see a nice little crowd. Yesterday at that time that area was almost empty.

After I left there I went to Best Buy electronics. I was searching for a certain cell phone accessory. At best buy it was the same thing. Hardly any shoppers around. Granted it was a Tuesday, at mid day. But still...scarry.


I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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We have had a pay freeze at our company. We have not had any cuts in pay or benefits yet but if our volume decreases that is a possibility. That said, Obama's stimulus could really be a big boost to my business as I am in construction.

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I work in the field of Architecture/Engineering. I also live in New York State.

We are having a hard time of it.

This week was very bad. More laid off than anyone could imagine. The State is cutting back so there are layoffs for teachers and other staff at schools here. We also have had many layed off in the health care industry. Many in a medical facility lost their jobs. Now they are looking at county run homecare and nursing. They are now planning on eliminating these jobs all together.

Each and every one is cutting back.

In my field the colleges and universities have lost their endowment funds and so are in bad shape. They have completely shut down any new projects or construction for the next whole year. That has hurt us greatly. The state projects for most schools has also been cut back. We did have a bid opening this week and when we usually have 4-5 companies bidding we had well over 95. Thats sad. Every one needs work.

We will be having a meeting this week at work to decide what we will do. We are all hoping for the best solution we see so far which is to all work a 4 day work week instead of 5. That way no layoffs. But at this point in time we see no change in the next year at all. So that may mean major layoffs here soon.

Everyone here in New York is realizing this is not funny. We all are going to be affected whether we like it or not. We will all be giving one way or another.

Yes, we need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus but it should have been happening all along so that we have this trust well established. It doesn't mean it will be easy but He has a plan and has well for-warned us of future highlights. Our knowledge of Him and His word will sustain us. I am trying to imagine a world without cell phones or any long distance service at all, high speed internet, HDTV, running to the store the minute we need something, vacations, the new car, a warm house just because we pay a bill, pure clean water, clean clothes, food we don't grow ourselves.

Let's be praying for the elderly who I see as usually having so little left over for food and now really are struggling as we have had a particularly much colder and much snowier winter than usual. The heating bills have been hard on them.

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OT has been cut back where I work. They've let go all contract help and students. We are down about 1/3 of what we were producing, but the company is in good shape overall.

As for me I recently went through a divorce and my 401K is almost empty because I paid the ex-wife out of those funds.

To rebuild what I've lost I've got into day-trading with Scottrade. I'm making about 10% on what I've invested, so I'm pleased. However, this day-trading is a bit scary in this market. Oh, and I buy and sell stock in oil/gas companies.


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I know what you mean Rob. Been out of work now going on almost 1 year. No one is hiring in my field and my specfic skill in my field. And my unemployment benefits are now done, hoping that they get another extension, at least from what I've heard there going to have a third one soon. They have also said that I can apply again after 1 year of being laid off. But I've had to start getting into my 401K and my roth ira accounts. Pretty bad and/or sad what we've done to our economy.



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Michigan's economy has been going downhill for a long time. Work has been getting slower and slower for my husband for the last 7 years. He has not had a raise in his wages in all those years, and each year averages fewer hours besides. Last year, his average over the entire year was 29 hours per week. Out of the past five weeks, he has only worked two, and there is no work for him this coming week.

There is no reason to believe that any of this is going to get better at any time in the near future, or even ever. But I am not worried. God has promised to take care of us, and He has never failed us yet. His employer is bidding on jobs farther afield all the time, and somehow he still manages to get a few contracts. My husband will be working on a job in Ohio beginning March 1.

I am not spending money on anything optional, and in fact, I have been able to accumulate a fairly decent contingency fund, in spite of all the accumulated weeks of layoff he's had. But I'm not depending on money in the bank. One of these days our money is going to be worthless. Then there won't be anything we can depend on except God. And it is in seeing Him work on our behalf now that we are building faith to carry us then.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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rollingsmile good one.



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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Because the California state budget is having big problems, they are cutting back on education funding, and it appears that two schools in my district will be closed, probably before the end of this school year. One of the schools slated to close is the rural school where I've taught for the past three years. Staff have been told they have a paycheck for the next month, but nothing is guaranteed after that. Since I retired last year, this doesn't affect me personally, but it does concern me. The students will be transported 25 minutes to a variety of other schools. They will lose their sense of community and in some ways their identity; parent involvement in their children's education will become extremely limited.

I have not noticed it directly in my pocketbook yet, but 35% of my retirement fund is gone. Trying to decide if I should pull out what's left and pay off my mortgage while there's still something to pay it with (opinions, anyone?).


(Looking for Mr. Moneybag$. Haha, not really.)


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If it were me, I'd pay off the mortgage.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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LynnDel, if you take out 401(k) funds to pay off a mortgage, remember you'll be paying income tax on those funds.

Using too much from my own 401(k) two years ago put me into such a high tax bracket that I'm still having to pay high quarterly estimates because of it.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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