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I Screwed Up

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appointing someone who has done something illegal to a senior government post is a mistake

Illegal is a bit harsh for the issue at hand. Tom Dashle didn't withhold medicare taxes for an employee. In all likelihood the mistake was made by Dashle's CPA! The mistake that Obama made was prancing into town and declaring that he was going to be more ethical than any other administration. The fact is that Washington is full of lobbyists and if Obama is going to get anything done he is going to work with those people and there is nothing wrong with having them in his cabinet.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I personally find the transparency and genuine honesty and forthrightness a very refreshing change.

Our enemies see such things as weakness.

President Bill Clinton admitted in his memoirs that he made some major errors in handling the Waco situation which happened within his first 100 days in office. Does anyone here think that Bill Clinton should have went on national TV proclaiming "I screwed up" with the smoke still rising in Waco? Of course not. Bill Clinton handled it as a man that had experience as an executive. He was governor in Arkansas before being elected President. He waited until after he left office to admit such mistakes.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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How about a realistic perspective and comparison of similar magnitude.

And fancy now worrying about what our enemies think of us and our actions. Given the last 8 years of having a president that did more damage to our reputation than even Nixon, not just among our enemies but also our friends, I hardly thing the damage done by admitting a goof on a cabinet appointment even comes close!

This is what I am talking about - this whole discussion is absurdly silly!

It is a Rush to finding even a hint of failure gone way over the top and completely out of sane perspective.

Read and consider the first line below...

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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And I don't even think the "goof" was Obama's. It was his search team's, sure, but actually the candidates themselves are the ones who goofed. To think that they "forgot" to make sure they were "lily white" and available as candidates eligible for federal government posts.... that just shows THEY were the ones who were wrong.

It makes me positively ill to see such drivel as has been heard here [and on Rush Limbaugh, whom I never listen to if I can help it].... WHY oh WHY does anybody wish to tear down the one person in our country who has the ability, the training, the intelligence, and the energy to bring order out of chaos in our country!

I can't for the life of me see why some people like to throw stones at the leadership. This is a new leadership for our country, and it's inclusive of all political parties, all ethnicities, both genders -- and it's going to succeed!

IMHO, those who attempt to tear down our leaders are saying more about themselves than about the leaders.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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1. I don't think Obama did anything he needed to apologize for.

2. Even if he did, it is bad judgment to start making apologizes so early in his administration. He hasn't even gotten any significant legislation passed yet.

3. Whatever the last administration did, it kept us safe for the seven years after 9/11. Whatever our enemies think of us, let's hope their opinion doesn't change.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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3. Whatever the last administration did, it kept us safe for the seven years after 9/11. Whatever our enemies think of us, let's hope their opinion doesn't change.

This is the big concern. What will the terrorist think of him? I guess we will see. But as Dick Chaney said today ... I fear that there will be trouble ahead as they sense Obama to be a weak president. So far ... he is not helping his cause or ours.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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So I suppose those missile strikes on Taliban camps ordered literally hours after Obama was sworn into office had no message of toughness that terroists might have picked up on?!?!


Dick needs to understand that his whine smells like it is made of sour grapes...

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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We are at war in Afghanistan. Missile strikes in a country where we are already at war do not seem to be a sign of anything other than the obvious fact that we are at war in that country.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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What I referred to were the missile attacks on the North Waziristan in Pakistan on Friday after the inauguration. (Ground Report)

You may recall Obama's statement about such strikes during the campaign. (Tough Talk on Pakistan)

It is generally accepted that such a strike into Pakistan would require specific approval of the Commander-In-Chief.

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Am I to understand that one of Obama's first acts in office was to attack a nuclear power and the mainstream media hardly covered it? WOW! Some serious media bias there. Imagine if Bush had had attacked a nuclear power. We wouldn't have heard the end of it. Maybe FOXNews covered it. I haven't been watching them lately.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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