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This thread is not about President Obama...

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(see, Stan, we are paying attention!)

....Instead, it is about his paternal grandmother.

This quote is from this week's "Record", the official paper of the SDA church (South Pacific Division).

Pastor Black wasn’t the only Adventist

involved with Mr Obama’s inauguration.

Sarah Obama, the president’s paternal

grandmother, attended the inauguration.

Mrs Obama, aged 86, lives in Kogelo village,

western Kenya, and has been thrust

into prominence since Mr Obama began

to campaign for the presidency.

According to Dr John Jeremic, director

of Amazing Discoveries, “If Mrs Obama’s

plans and prayers are realised, she will be

baptised during an Amazing Discoveries

Crusade planned for the west Kenyan region

in March.”

And from USA Today, 5 March 2008:


Obama's grandma slams "untruths"

KOGELO, Kenya — American shock jocks, dirty tricks masterminds and political bloggers: Beware the wrath of an 86-year-old Kenyan villager.

A frown replaces the dimpled beam of Sarah Hussein Obama, grandmother of U.S. senator Barack Obama, when asked on Wednesday about recent attacks on her grandson that include the spreading of rumors that he is secretly a Muslim and the repeated use of his middle name — Hussein — by a radio host at rally of the Republican presidential candidate.

"Untruths are told that don't have anything to do with what Barack is about," she said in the local Luo language, her gray hair smoothed neatly under a headwrap. "I am very against it."

Obama and fellow senator Hillary Clinton are close in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination after results from races on Tuesday. Clinton, who was trailing Obama, won the crucial states of Texas and Ohio and won big in Rhode Island. Obama's thin lead narrowed further after he only picked up Vermont.

In recent weeks, two Clinton volunteers in the state of Iowa resigned after forwarding false e-mails falsely saying he was a Muslim and a threat to national security. Matt Drudge, who publishes the political blog the Drudge Report, said that he was e-mailed a widely circulated picture of Obama in a turban and robe by the Clinton campaign.

"Bringing such pictures that are trying to imply that not only is he a foreigner, he is a Muslim is wrong, because that is not what he is," scolded Sarah Obama.

The photo was taken when he was presented with the outfit while on a visit to his late father's native Kenya, where many of the family still live. Clinton campaign officials have said they did not condone any such dirty tricks.

Obama's grandfather had converted to Islam from Roman Catholicism and taken the name Hussein, Sarah Obama said, but his children had inherited only the name, not the religion. Each person should be able to choose how they worshipped, she said.

"In the world of today, children have different religions from their parents," she said. She, too, is a Christian.

Barack Obama has visited his Kenyan relatives three times in Kogelo, and his grandmother has gone to the U.S. twice. She says they are close, although they have to speak through an interpreter.

Sarah Obama was the second wife of the candidate's late grandfather, so is not his biological grandmother. But Barack Obama's half sister, Auma Obama, said: "By our definition, in our culture, she is his grandmother," she said.

The intense interest generated by the race for the Democratic nomination — between two candidates who would either be the first female or the first black president — has thrust Obama's Kenyan family into the spotlight.

Four wheel drive vehicles packed with journalists bounce over the rutted red roads, and students at the local high school named after him don't even turn anymore to watch as crews unload satellite equipment under a mango tree.

Each twist and turn of the race is closely scrutinized, says Auma Obama. The family gathered in his grandmother's house on Tuesday night to watch the results come in, she said, on a television donated by a family friend — the grandmother's own simple house does not have one of its own.

"Barack's done extremely well and we're very proud of him," Auma Obama said when asked for a reaction to the losses on Tuesday. "This is like a football match. The game continues."


(Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Melbourne)

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That was interesting. Enjoyed reading. Thanks for the article.



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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I didn't see how the second story and the first are related. Is this Sarah Obama, the grandmother or the President, going to get baptized into the SDA church next month? One of my best friends in college was from Kenya and both his brother and aunt were Adventists. He told me it is a major denomination in Kenya and some towns are so Adventist that they are virtually closed down on Saturdays.

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The answer seems to be yes - Mrs Sarah Obama is going to be baptized as an SDA next month.

(I wonder if all those news sources which are still adamantly reporting that Barack Obama is a Muslim, will report the fact that he has an Adventist family member.)

I included the second article just because it gave some more interesting background information about Mrs Obama, the religious affilation(s) of the family, and their level of interaction/relationship with the (now) President.



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