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I watched Obama's first press conference tonight and while I am more in favor of the stimulus than before,,,

this is one long-winded President... Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeee

Perhaps it has something to do with him growing up fatherless. Clinton was long-winded too and he didn't have a father. I am long-winded myself and I grew up without a father.

I mean the press would ask him a question and he wouldn't shut up. He wants to going to infinite details when we get what he is saying after the first two minutes.

One thing I did catch is that he blamed Bush and the last 8 years for our current crisis. He said Bush's policies were tested and failed. OK. I got that. Supply-side economics. It worked for John F. Kennedy. It worked for Ronald Reagan. It worked immediately following 9/11. I start thinking, Is that what Obama is claiming caused this crisis?

A little bit later a reporter asks Obama if he should really encourage consumerism because that is what got us into this mess. I think to myself, Obama just implied that supply-side economics got us into this mess. Obama answers that while consumerism can't continue to go on like it has, that is not what caused the problem. Obama correctly states that banks purchasing toxic assets caused the problem and then goes through it step by step exactly how we got to where we are at.

So that takes me back to Obama blaming Bush and the last eight years for causing the problem. If it was banks buying toxic assets that caused the problem, we know that was going on before Bush ever got to town. We know when Bush tried to increase oversight that both Republicans and Democrats in Congress shut him down. So how is it Bush's fault again?

It is just empty rhetoric. The Republicans in Congress want to stimulate the economy with tax cuts. Obama is shooting back that tax cuts represent the tested and failed policy of the last eight years. But tax cuts are not what caused this problem! Banks purchasing toxic assets caused this problem.

See... I can be as long-winded as Obama.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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What a delightful problem - to have a president actually engaged in, and having a detailed grasp of, the issues, having a lot of substantive things to say and being articulate. No more quippy sound bite stuff...

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

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I wouldn't mind the long wind .... it was the 'hot air' that disturbed me.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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If you counted his constant jarring halts in conversation ... his sentences are NOT complete. He stops the flow of his words to dream up what he is going to say next and we just have to wait for him. They ARE incomplete sentences.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
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Obama is talking on TV now. I think he is in Florida. Wow. He is definately 'long winded' and he does not seem very presidential. Just my humble opinion.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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YES OBAMA speech did seem long as compared to others

but what got me was one black reporter ask about the baseball

player the took the drugs.......what does that have to do with

the problem???

Yes, dgrimm, I was watching and wondering the same thing when that reporter asked the question, lol

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I find it amazing that the anti-Bush crowd is still seething with hatred even after they got their guy elected. Of course the Huffington Post has a history of hate mongering so their subscribers are going to expect that but it is still a little surprising to me. I mean, can we stay on topic and talk about Obama's press conference or do we have to dig into the Hate-Bush chest?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Personally I find him to be very good at talking, not at all like Bush. Even though I had no problem with Bush's speeches. What astounds me is his depth of knowledge. I think sometimes he gets ahead of himself. And what I've really appreciated is his Q&A segments, with no hidden agenda, and taking questions unplanned.



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Bush and Obama are not the same person. They have different ideologies and personalities. There are good things I like about both of them. And I like to talk about the good things I see in people. I deal with the negative when I have to but prefer to spend more time talking about the positive than the negative.

I see a lot of myself in Obama. He is very knowledgeable and detail orientated. He is also very long winded and if we have that in common, he doesn't know when he has said enough.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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But if you were talking about the good in people, surely you'd have been posting about how articulate Obama is and what a broad grasp he has of the issues, instead of dismissing him as 'long-winded'?

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I think that to say that Bravus would be a little extremist. Did you actually listen to his speech and Q&A today. Personally ... I did not view him as articulate. I have in the past. But, today he rambled on and on because he DIDN'T know what he was talking about.

Just check out his constant halting pauses. And his repeating of the same themes over and over again.

I felt he was very unPresidential. But then this is early. I can give him some grace. He will most likely grow into the job.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I think that to say that Bravus would be a little extremist. Did you actually listen to his speech and Q&A today. Personally ... I did not view him as articulate. I have in the past. But, today he rambled on and on because he DIDN'T know what he was talking about.

Just check out his constant halting pauses. And his repeating of the same themes over and over again.

I felt he was very unPresidential. But then this is early. I can give him some grace. He will most likely grow into the job.

Red... the sad thing about it... if Obama would change a couple principles, enough to be considered republican, you'd be jumping all over saying how great the guy is. I don't know for sure, but I's my guess based on observation.

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I agree with you. IF he was a Republican ... I would be singing his praises.


May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
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I was just trying to check the consistency of Shane's claim to always talk about the good in people, I wasn't making that claim myself. bwink

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That statement is the reason that I don't care for politics redwood. You would never vote for a democrat, and than there are those that would never vote republican. Neither side would care if the other side had anything good to offer. That's one reason why I have no problem accepting bravus's opinion on politics because, not being american he's looking not at party politics, but which man or women that makes more sense to his country. Who will bring more respect to the rest of the world. There are also a few here like Shane and John that also seem to vote more towards who makes more sense to there country. For me personally I'm with dgrimm who voted for 3rd party candidates. Unfortunately they usually just take away votes from one or the other party candidates..



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But if you were talking about the good in people, surely you'd have been posting about how articulate Obama is and what a broad grasp he has of the issues, instead of dismissing him as 'long-winded'?

I wasn't dismissing Obama at all. In fact, I stated that I have the same problem. The adage is "It takes one to know one." Being a long-winded person myself, I know a long-winded person when I meet one. We (us long-winded people) get wrapped up in the detail. When asked a question, we often give an answer much longer than desired and we are sometimes so detail orientated that we lose the person we are speaking to. For example, someone may ask me why we form a concrete foundation the way we do and they end up getting the entire history of concrete dating back to the ancient Egyptians.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I kind of disagree a little. I enjoy someone like that especially if he keeps it interesting. But obviously if they are a boring speaker than yes I agree with you. But so far Obama has not lost my interest in what he has to say.



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That statement is the reason that I don't care for politics redwood. You would never vote for a democrat, and than there are those that would never vote republican. Neither side would care if the other side had anything good to offer. That's one reason why I have no problem accepting bravus's opinion on politics because, not being american he's looking not at party politics, but which man or women that makes more sense to his country. Who will bring more respect to the rest of the world. There are also a few here like Shane and John that also seem to vote more towards who makes more sense to there country. For me personally I'm with dgrimm who voted for 3rd party candidates. Unfortunately they usually just take away votes from one or the other party candidates..


That sounds very pc ... pk .... but the reality of politics is that once you get the politician to Washington ... they vote as a block 95% of the time. You may like a certain politician but in the end ... they will vote party line.

My values mirror the republicans ... why would I ever vote for a Democrat? I just can't envision it. Nope. There are actually some situations where I would side with the Demos. Rare. But I am sure there are. But I would never vote for a Demo candidate at least I can't see doing it unless there was some extreme situation like the candidate was a felon. If Clinton was a Republican ... I would have impeached him.

Many people who follow politics very much are partisan. To act bipartisan is to not stand up for your beliefs and principles in my view. Sure ... I would work with them to further my agenda as much as possible. But that is the end of being bipartisan. Don't let Obama fool you ... he is not bipartisan. He just wants to accomplish his agenda. I don't blame him. I would do the same.

The public did not vote for bipartisanship ... if they wanted that ... they would have voted McCain. NO. They voted for the most liberal senator in the Senate.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
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I agree with you redwood. But like I said that is the reason I hate politics. :) Now having said that, I have always done better with tax returns or benefits when a democrat has been in office. Now if I vote on that basis alone, I would always vote democrat, because obviously they do what benefits me. But I don't vote that way. In this election I actually would have voted for McCain because I've always like him, but he picked a running mate I didn't really think was someone I liked. The same for Obama, I've never cared for Biden. I actually was hoping for Hillary, but Obama won. So 3rd party candidate or not voting were my choices. But now that Obama won I'm going to be behind him just like when Bush won I stood behind him. I have not condoned all his choices. And that will be the same for Obama.



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And I am sure that works for you. Not my style. But we have different views I suppose. I happen to honestly believe in what the Republicans stand for.

Amazing huh?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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No not at all redwood. That's the great thing about freedom of choice. It always amazing to me how different each of us are. Two people can be the best of friends but have nothing in common or totally be on opposite sides on many issues.



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This is truly what is so cool about the Forum. If it wasn't for the Forum ... I would be sittin' at home thinking that everyone believed as I do. Ha Ha. But if we transfer this to the religious aspects ... I especially think it is so cool how each person believes just a little different in their faith about God.

Diversity of thought should be a blessing. NO one has a monopoly on religious thought. So, we should be tolerant of all.

I appreciate that you do not condemn me for my fine appreciation of Sarah Palin. I can live with that ... I just have to believe that ONLY if you KNEW her BETTER ... Maybe just maybe. In two years ... you will hear her on the stump.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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