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Israel - Palestinian War

Dr. Shane

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Israel - Palestinian War

The sound of weeping mothers fill the streets in Gaza as the Israel-Palestinian war continues. Hamas has provoked the wrath of Israel by attacking them with rockets. Such violence has plagued this land for centuries...

Click on the link to read my article in a local monthly newspaper.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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  • 2 weeks later...

It worked for me when I just tried it. Maybe the server was down earlier.

Here is the whole article:

The sound of weeping mothers fill the streets in Gaza as the Israel-Palestinian war continues. Hamas has provoked the wrath of Israel by attacking them with rockets. Such violence has plagued this land for centuries.

The Jews first conquered the land after fleeing slavery in Egypt. The Jews were then conquered by the Babylonians, later the Persians and later by the Romans. Arabs didn’t make it onto the scene until the seventh century. Since then control has passed from Arabs to Christian crusaders, to Arabs again, to the Turks, to the British and now back to the Jews.

The Arabs and the Jews both claim they have a right to this land. The Arabs say they were there first. Of course if we go back far enough in history we know that isn’t true. The Jews say they are entitled to the land because God promised the land to Abraham. Yet the Apostle Paul taught that Christians, not biological descendents of Abraham are the real heirs. “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” “Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children… That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” (Galatians 3:29; Romans 9:7, 8). These “children of the promise” are under the new covenant with heaven as their Promised Land. So it seems neither the Jews nor the Arabs have any fundamental right to it and it is probably overvalued. Of course there are many that disagree with that.

At the heart of this problem is religion. Consider the United States. The US has a secular form of government that treasures separation of church and state. The First Amendment bans the government from establishing a church or prohibiting the free exercise of religion. The idea behind this is simple. Each of us must give an accounting unto God for our religious beliefs. Therefore man has no authority over another man in such things. Government has the right to pass laws that govern man’s behavior to the degree that behavior impacts other men. That is the horizontal relationship; - man to man. Government has no right to regulate man’s behavior as it relates to God. That is the vertical relationship – man to God. Under this form of government Christians, Jews and Muslims all live together in peace.

In Israel the Jewish religion is the official state religion. Its judicial system incorporates Jewish law into it. There are a host of laws for Sabbath observance including no bus service and bans commercial and industrial activity. Jews are automatically entitled to Israeli citizenship when they immigrate regardless where they are coming from.

The Palestinian government is made up of the terrorist group Hamas that was elected by the people in 2006. Hamas is an Islamic Resistance Movement. Their charter calls for the establishment of a Palestinian Islamic state and the destruction of Israel. They are obviously not big fans of Thomas Jefferson and the separation of church and state.

Throughout history whenever there is a union of church and state persecution follows. Clearly there is persecution of the Arab Muslims in Palestine by the Israel. Equally clear is the violence against Jews caused by a quasi Islamic Palestinians state. This is what happens when church and state unite. A civil government is a necessary evil. The civil government should never be the arm of any religion used to try and do God’s work on earth.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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When two parties cannot settle their differences and are bent on continuing the fight in spite of third party efforts to make peace, then the only recourse, it seems to me, is to let them fight it out until one party says, "uncle."

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Good point! Problem is Israel would probably defeat them all. The US has kept them back. Its the other countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt that are unwilling to stand up to the other arab nations that back terrorism. If it were not for the US holding Israel back they would have already knocked out Iran's nuck's by now. They took out Syria's and they did destroy Iran's at one time before. I say let them at it, and see what happens!



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I think one of the main reasons we back Israel is because they are a democracy. I do not condone there treatment of the palestinians, but the other countries don't treat them any better, if not worse. They also have a charter to annihilate all Jews. The PLO help or backed Hitlers attempt for the final solution of the Jews. In the Knesset there are many palestinians represented there. They can run for office etc. You can't say that about the countries that surround Israel. No government is perfect, and Israel's is far from it, but they are better than the countries around them.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Maybe the solution is for all the Israelis and all the Palestinians to have one huge diaspora. Let someone else have all that land, and that's the end of it.

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Interesting thought. I don't think that will happen. The major portion of Christians believe that Israel is going to rebuild the temple. How they get that out of the Bible I'm not sure, I guess wishful thinking. Beyond all the Lobbying I think this is the main reason the US supports Israel and not that is not warranted. Especially since they are the smallest country with the least amount of people and all, at least most of them, wanting all Jews wiped off the face of the earth.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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