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Prayer Request


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Please keep my friend and fellow church member Charles in your prayers. Charles had a heart cath yesterday and they found 5 bad blockages and have scheduled a bypass for him on February 20. Charles has been a dear friend to my family even before we became SDA. I grew up with his kids and he's like a father to me. He has endured losing a kidney (cancer) and is a surviver of colon cancer. I told him yesterday this heart thing would be a walk in the park considering what he'd been thru and reminded him that God had been with him thru all the others so not to stress. According to his daughters (Pam and Erica) he's been worrying over not being ready to cut grass for others when the season comes in. Charles is in his late 60's to early 70's. His wifes name is Rachel.

Also appreciate prayers for Wilman Boggs. She is the mother of one of my fellow church members and had a triple bypass yesterday (Feb 13). According to Jackie (her daughter and my friend), she is a smoker and showers salt all over her food. When told she would be unable to smoke (shes been in the Cardiac ICU for a week prior to surgery) and would be on a no-salt diet, she didn't think there was much purpose to even live anymore. This is the mentality with several here in WV that are lifelong smokers. Also Mrs. Boggs only has 50% lung capacity.

Thank you!

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What does hearth cath mean?

Yes, I also don't know what that means??????

Can someone please explain???????

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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Heart Cath not hearth cath

It's where a heart surgeon very carefully puts a catheter up the artery (usually from the groin) to evaluate if there are blockages in the heart. In my friend Charle's case, he had 5 major blockages (usually over 90%) and requires a heart bypass. If the blockages aren't as severe, then the surgeon will use a "stent" which is a wire mess type of contraption that the surgeon will open up in the area where the blockage is located in hopes of squishing the plaque (the stuff that is causing the blockage) thus making the artery more open for the blood to flo thru and restoring normal heart function.

So, either way, it's a serious condition and I really REALLY appreciate your prayers!

Heard today that Charles may have surgery Thursday rather than Friday.

Also, Mrs. Boggs was able to be taken off the vent Saturday and was moved into a downgraded ICU unit and quite possibly will be moved into a regular room by tomorrow. She's in quite a bit of pain but holding her own. Again, thanks for the prayers. Better add her husband to that list as well. He is a smoker as well and he will be GREATLY affected by this. Jackie specifically ask we pray that he can learn along side his wife to be smoke free.

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Seems that Charles surgery has been put off until Monday (Feb 23). He's rather weary of all the waiting. I'll keep you posted! Thanks for the prayers! :)

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Good news! Charles' daughter Pam just called me to say her daddy made it successfully thru surgery! He ended up getting only 3 bypasses to take care of the 5 blockages. His doctor said he came thru sugery very well. Pam expects him to be in cardiac recovery for about 2 days before being moved onto a regular bed providing nothing out of the ordinary developes.

As for Mrs. Boggs, she had to be returned to the Cardiac ICU last week and ended up having 2 liters of fluid removed from her lungs. My husband and I went down to visit both patients and ran into Jackie (Mrs. Boggs daughter) in the hospital lobby. Mrs. Boggs was taken back to a regular bed Saturday afternoon. Jackie said to thank everyone for uplifting her mother in prayer and to please keep praying a little while longer. Also please add her daddy to the prayer that he will stop smoking.

Thanks so much for your prayers on behalf of both Charles and Mrs. Boggs!

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Yes what a sick and ugly habit. It effects so many people. Will be praying.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I spoke to Charles' stepdaughter Alice (I couldn't get thru to the hospital on the phone) last night and she thinks he will be released from the hospital this morning (Sabbath). The only complication she knew of post-op was apparently he was given too much pain medication in cardiac recovery and had trouble waking up. He is doing well enough he is being released to come home, not to go into a cardiac rehab facility like Mrs. Boggs is looking towards.

Please continue for pray for healing for both Charles and Mrs. Boggs.

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