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Mouthy Conservatives are Turning This Forum Into A Toxic Waste Dump

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It should be remembered that I am a moderator only in the 'Humor' forum, a quiet and out-of-the way one, and have no other formal role here at all.

It might be a difficult concept, but perhaps the reason I do have some leeway is a history over years of good posting and of being a peacemaker.

I'm not sure how my breaking the rules changes the rules... The rules are the same as they ever were, and have the same status they ever did.

It's up to the moderator to apply the rules in each forum.

I was wondering who is the moderator of Politics... and I don't think there is one. I seem to recall that it was set up that way as a 'free-for-all' discussion forum.

Truth is important

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Okay ... here it comes pk .... Whamo

The thread was out of hand when it started with this title.

The personal name calling and personal attacks are not necessary. There is no doubt when one uses names. Personal attacks are obvious. You may not realize how your post comes across but the examples in this thread with the use of personal names ... is obvious.

This will pass. My main concern is that it has shown an unwillingness for any moderator or Admin ... to put a stop to it. We went through all the trouble of having specific rules. Now it is clear that rules will never be able to be used. They are laughed at. This has reached a new low with not one moderator willing to ask that it be stopped. Why? They were too busy participating. May I ask ... what are moderators for ... if they are not willing to ask for improvement in posting. No matter who is or is not the official moderator ... in all the other forums ... moderators toss their hats in when it is needed. Why not now?

This is the worst thread that I have seen since coming to Club Adventist. And if nothing is going to be done about it ... then we have no rules. Common sense has been thrown out the window.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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{just a note that today (Monday) is my 'writing day'. I will be working on a chapter about explanations in science teaching, and I know I get no writing done if I'm on web forums, so I won't be looking at this forum again until the working day is over. please don't interpret silence from me in these discussions as anything more than that.}

Truth is important

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The thread was out of hand when it started with this title.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Keep at it Neil. It is so clear to the rest of the forum. You're doing a great job of presenting who you are. So many wonderful examples. I wouldn't want you to change the way you post. You are such a good example for your cause. I can sit back and just watch.

I'm headed to my Redwood tub to watch this.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Oh, I am sure that my come-up-ance is coming, Redwood. And pretty much everyone knows that I don't jump on someone without good cause...

You've had some really good posts, Redwood...in other areas/forums...It's just that you dont know how to control yourself when it comes to politics...

All I am asking is that you take a different tack...and slow down the confrontational posting...

We all see that we want the best for everyone. Some of us are progressives and we want the best for everyone. Some of us are conservatives and we want the best for everyone. We all have got to find a way to get there without flaming everyone and being toxic in the process.

Can't you do that?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Originally Posted By: Redwood

CoAspen has it right' date=' Redwood. Sit back in the hottub, and take the heat and relax. Learn from this and change your posts...be a bit more sensitive to what you spew and you just might avoid the heat the next time this comes down.....[/quote']

I just saw this thread for the first time a few minutes ago. I had no idea what was happening here, but for sure, Redwood, this is not the worst thread that has been online since you came to the Club.

I think Bravus has been doing pretty well under the circumstances.

We're all friends here anyway. Too bad we all can't get together and talk person to person. I know things would be much better in person than on the boards. I think it has something to do with the medium.

I'll go eat and be back in a few hours. No personal attacks in the meantime.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Yep. You're doing a great job Neil.

But, I am sure you can do more. You are just to kind in your assessment of me. Comeon ... don't hold back friend. Let me have it will all barrels.

You as a moderator and an upstanding example on this forum ... surely you have some more input for me.

Bring it on my friend.

You apparently like the new Bravitization of the rules. You are following the new liberal approach to a tee.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Originally Posted By: Neil D

Thank you. I appreciate a moderator showing up. And I hope it works.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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you got a great sense of humor.

You got some great ideas to keep discussions going...When you match with kindred spirits, you really are cool...

You touched me with your kindness on more than one occassion. In honor of that, I made up a story about you....You inspired me.

Sure it was all in fun, but I haven't written out storys since my wife left me. Do you understand what I am saying here, Redwood. When I left for Oz, I put out several small stories. They were decent ideas...but since I've been hurt, I have not put out the stories...till you showed up...

You reached out....I took your hand...

and in the last 6 months, your posts have beem more and more toxic, man. These last couple of weeks, I haven't been posting much...just asking questions. And you have been so unreasonable. We can't find the Redwood that we liked. He disappeared. Now we have this guy who claims to be Redwood, but spews this ..stuff on our leaders, liberals and anyone with a different opinion from him...I don't know what is going on in your end of the country, but whatever it is, please, find a way to cork the venom that is coming out of you.. Find a way to stop it...

Change your tack, man...chart a new course....I really do wish you well.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Lack of interest has kept me from viewing this board for some weeks now; however, well,

guess who hear’d thems bells atollin’ from fartherer and awayer yon, where I was - an’ decided tah come investigatin’... bwink


"liberals" "conservatives" "Democrats" "Republicans" "socialists" "Libertarian"

...“commies”, “social democrats”, and asst other ‘wingnuts’ – such as “Anarchists”? oh, them’s Anarchists ain not a party, no? they’s be jes loud and mouthy, yes?

Given a fair example of party affiliates, what does one call the party of a POTUS who had a portrait of Che Guevara hangin’ in his campaign office? “Marxistas”? “Las Theologista Libertades”? what? Ain not

“Gringos”, fer shur... :-(

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Don't be going using that word "gringo" in a thread that Redwood is participating it unless you lookin' to draw some blood.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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