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What makes folks weirder?


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Yes I agree with should always look to our Savior. But I don't think that's what Redwood meant or had in mind!



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The question on this thread is:

What makes people weirder?

Christians are very weird...

why is there so many different kinds of christian denominations in todays world?

why do christians like to confuse other christians in other denominations about doctrine and salvation--especially when they misquote the Bible to suit themselves?


Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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why do christians like to confuse other christians in other denominations about doctrine and salvation--especially when they misquote the Bible to suit themselves?


I've never met any Christians like that. I've never even heard of anyone doing that. So ... I really can relate or answer your question.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
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True-believer; That does seem to be a problem. Everyone wanting to go to a church that suits them. Having said that, that doesn't mean that they are not sincere. We had a couple that had originally been married to other's and were divorced and had met and gotten married. They both came from different churches, when they got married they went in search of the right church for them. They knew we were SDAs and asked us questions about our church. They didn't like it that we didn't eat unclean meat, they didn't like that our church was against dancing, etc. So as far as they were concerned the SDA church was not for them. I'm not sure that this kind of christian is the exception to the rule or not, but I have notice this a number of times. I believe this is why you see so many different christian churches. I do know that this is also true with SDA churches but in a different way. Most SDA churches believe the same way as far as the doctrines of the church are concerned. So you do have adventist christians that pick and choose between different churches based on friendliness, the amount of children's programs, etc. But we still all believe in the 10 commandments, the state of the dead etc.

So is this weird? I don't think so, what it might be is individuals not really study the Bible and letting the HS work in there lives.



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pk ....

This as the quote that I objected to:

especially when they misquote the Bible to suit themselves

Personally .... I find that most are sincere. But like you say ... they may be busy with life. They may not be able to let the HS fill their life like they should. But I would not try to say that they purposely misquote the Bible to suit themselves. They may not study as they should. But I have never met someone who was not sincere.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Actually Redwood I was replying to true-believer. Sorry about that. I usually click on the reply of the person I want to reply to, but I guess I wasn't paying attention. But I do agree with your statement.

Redwood I went and fixed that reply so true-believer knows its to him!



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>>Christians are very weird...

why is there so many different kinds of christian denominations in todays world?<<

Hmm, I seem to recall St Paul likening Xtians to the several parts of our bodies. My observation, further, is that there are rather noticeable and sometimes sizeable differences between those several parts. [/extemporaneously]

>>why do christians like to confuse other christians in other denominations about doctrine and salvation--especially when they misquote the Bible to suit themselves?<<

Ahh, but the question obtaining may be: do they actually “misquote”? especially, to “suit themselves? Or is it that we misunderstand much of that same “Bible”? For that, it may be that Xtians, in general, are advantaged

to encounter various dialogic positions re dogmas and doctrines vis-à-vis the Bible, yes? that we may supply a ready answer

when we are questioned – as to our own beliefs...

>>...especially when they misquote the Bible to suit themselves?<<

I think Writ adjures us from judging ‘another man’s servant’, yes? However, I imagine that that adjuration is generally vacated in a format where the dialogue is

dedicated to a clinical [and agreed upon] – study of Writ. Yes? bwink

Per the poll: weirder? mebbe, different? from what? normalcy? mebbe it is the 'norm' which is morphing into the strangeness of weirder? seems tah me... orly

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Personally .... I find that most are sincere. But like you say ... they may be busy with life. They may not be able to let the HS fill their life like they should.

And sometimes, even though they do let the Holy Spirit fill their lives, He doesn't lead them to the SDA church or Sabbath-keeping. Because they have issues in their lives that are much more important to their salvation than which day they worship. God never hits anyone with everything they need to change all at once. He leads each along the path to Him by a different, personally tailor-made route. Some day, all true believers will have their doctrinal confusion cleared up, including Adventists, and be convicted of the truth, but only God knows when it's time for each one.

He is very patient. We need to be too.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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Originally Posted By: Redwood
Personally .... I find that most are sincere. But like you say ... they may be busy with life. They may not be able to let the HS fill their life like they should.

And sometimes, even though they do let the Holy Spirit fill their lives, He doesn't lead them to the SDA church or Sabbath-keeping. Because they have issues in their lives that are much more important to their salvation than which day they worship. God never hits anyone with everything they need to change all at once. He leads each along the path to Him by a different, personally tailor-made route. Some day, all true believers will have their doctrinal confusion cleared up, including Adventists, and be convicted of the truth, but only God knows when it's time for each one.

He is very patient. We need to be too.


Excellent Excellent Excellent

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I think that's very true. I also think that this is very difficult sometimes to realize that the HS would lead us to other churches and not to a SDA church. Because we are so quick to judge.



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Once a month, I get together with a friend who is Pentecostal. She is a very committed Christian, and God has been working with her in many of the same areas He's been working on with me. She appreciates my friendship because she doesn't know anyone else with whom every conversation turns into a spiritual one. This is definitely not something I do on purpose. But when you think of everything in your life in a spiritual context, almost all the time, it always comes out that way.

Once when I told someone about my friend, she said, "what a wonderful witnessing opportunity!" I actually resented that. This person isn't an opportunity, she's my friend and sister in Christ. I don't witness to her. We edify each other. The Holy Spirit is working in her life just as much as in mine. Sometimes she is the one who gets me back on track! Or rebukes my wrong attitude. Or shows me the way to a fuller relationship to the Lord.

We have areas of doctrinal disagreement, for sure. But we respect each other's differences and do our best not to get into controversy over them. God brought her to me in answer to prayer for a woman friend my own age I could relate to on my own level, who is at about the same place in her spiritual walk as I am, after all my closest Adventist friends had moved away, and the only ones I had anything in common with in the church we had changed to were younger, and far behind my stage in life. I certainly didn't have a non-Adventist in mind when I prayed, but her friendship has been a tremendous blessing to me. She is exactly what I needed.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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Way to Go ...

Appreciate what you have said.

And what you are doing.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Once when I told someone about my friend, she said, "what a wonderful witnessing opportunity!" I actually resented that. This person isn't an opportunity, she's my friend and sister in Christ.

We have areas of doctrinal disagreement, for sure. But we respect each other's differences and do our best not to get into controversy over them. God brought her to me in answer to prayer for a woman friend my own age I could relate to on my own level, who is at about the same place in her spiritual walk as I am, after all my closest Adventist friends had moved away, and the only ones I had anything in common with in the church we had changed to were younger, and far behind my stage in life. I certainly didn't have a non-Adventist in mind when I prayed, but her friendship has been a tremendous blessing to me. She is exactly what I needed.

Wow... Its a bit like me... I'm still a Pentecostal at heart, and I still count myself as a Christian who goes to a service there every now and then because I still have lots and lots of friends there who I consider my brothers and sisters in Christ...

Of course there is differences of doctrine, but we both believe and put our trust and faith in Jesus and they are awesome to be around.

Well done Catherine, and thankyou for your words of wisdom.

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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Like I've mentioned a few times, I believe we should be christians first, and SDA, methodists, baptists, etc., 2nd.



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Like I've mentioned a few times, I believe we should be christians first, and SDA, methodists, baptists, etc., 2nd.



Yes, we are Christians, Followers of Jesus Christ FIRST--Regardless the denomination.

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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