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Not Paying Taxes ...

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Is it an epidemic?

Okay ... in an attempt to be sensitive to the sensibilities of those on the extreme left of left ... I will leave it at that. But the Obama pick to be the Trade Rep ... Ron Kirk ... is the fourth nominee to have been discovered to not pay his taxes.

This seems to be a commonality amoung Bama picks. But I will leave it at that with no further commentary.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I think taxes is an easy thing to get people on because the tax code is so complicated. I doubt any of these people even do their own taxes. Obviously, there are people who are out to get whomever Obama nominates, and if this is all they can come up with, I'd say he's doing pretty well.

Incidentally, I have always felt this way about the tax issue. It doesn't matter whether it is conservatives or liberals they are going after. Mostly, I guess I don't put a lot of stock into most of what they use against nominees, because I know they are just trying to dig up dirt. So if this is all they can come up with....oh, I already said that.

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"that's ALL" ???

Like .... paying taxes is not all that important?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Of course paying taxes is important. And if they weren't filing a tax return at all, that would be one thing. But usually, they just neglected to report something. I mean, it's something, but if that's the worst dirt they can dig up, then it's not that much.

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Some people have never met a liberal that they didn't like. :)



May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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THAT is how FEDS got AL CAPONE on tax evasion

and I think the bible says give unto CAESAR the things

that are CAESAR and the things that are GODS TO GOD.....

I THINK that applies to taxes


Of course. Did I say otherwise?

But that's a great example of the way taxes are used to get people when you can't get anything else on them.

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I'm not talking about people who don't pay taxes. Yes, that's very bad. I'm talking about people who pay taxes but somehow made a mistake and forgot to include something or whatever. Or maybe they even purposely "forgot" or stretched a loophole a bit far or whatever. It's still not a good thing, but sometimes people blow it all out of proportion. In those cases, then I say if that's all they can come up with, it's not that bad. Because I bet if they scrutinized most people's tax returns over a certain income, they could come up with some kind of gotcha. A tax gotcha is too easy, so it doesn't count for much in my book.

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I don't think any of the tax issues with nominees were because they weren't paying taxes. They were paying taxes but happened to miss something.

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I think taxes is an easy thing to get people on because the tax code is so complicated. I doubt any of these people even do their own taxes. Obviously, there are people who are out to get whomever Obama nominates, and if this is all they can come up with, I'd say he's doing pretty well.

That excuse does not fly with me. Sorry. Too many in high places are flouting the tax law because they think they could do it. It has made me very cynical about our lawmakers that I did not vote this past election.


Incidentally, I have always felt this way about the tax issue. It doesn't matter whether it is conservatives or liberals they are going after. Mostly, I guess I don't put a lot of stock into most of what they use against nominees, because I know they are just trying to dig up dirt. So if this is all they can come up with....oh, I already said that.

If they can't be trusted with their taxes, how can you trust them with anything else?

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Every year, lots of people are audited and found to owe money. It doesn't mean they did it purposely. Most people don't even do their own taxes; they just sign the form. Of course, some do it purposely. Perhaps many do it purposely.

My point is that taxes are such an easy gotcha that they can get almost anyone on taxes when they can't find anything else. If they could find something else, they would have done it, but there is nothing else. That's it.

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Taxes are not that difficult to file. Honestly, any politician worth electing should be capable of filing his own taxes accurately.

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Taxes are not that difficult to file. Honestly, any politician worth electing should be capable of filing his own taxes accurately.

Excuse me??? It's been my experience that the more money that is made, the more involved the taxes are....It takes me a minimum of 2 eight hour days to get to where I know what I owe uncle Sam. And these guys have someone else do thier taxes.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


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I agree with Aubrey. I've been doing my own taxes for over 20 years. They're complicated, but they aren't difficult. And I don't use the EZ Short Form either.

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Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Yes, I've been audited too and had to come up with a $200 or so, just because of an inadvertently overlooked source of income. But $35k or was it $50K for the Sec of the Treasury? And something ling $150K for Daschle? That stretches my credibility to a nebulous thread!

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Originally Posted By: Aubrey
Taxes are not that difficult to file. Honestly, any politician worth electing should be capable of filing his own taxes accurately.

Excuse me??? It's been my experience that the more money that is made, the more involved the taxes are....It takes me a minimum of 2 eight hour days to get to where I know what I owe uncle Sam. And these guys have someone else do thier taxes.....

Then you make too much money, Neil!

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Then you make too much money, Neil!

You think so???.....I thought it was because it was difficult to go thru the Alternative Tax verse the 1040 ez, vs the 1040 itemized....

I do my own taxes, and I try to be throuogh, because I don't want to get audited. I got nothing to hide, but those guys are the experts, and them blook suckers will get every drop from you.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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blook suckers

?????blook??? Can you not reach any keys on the left side of your keyboard???


For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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Originally Posted By: Neil D
blook suckers

?????blook??? Can you not reach any keys on the left side of your keyboard???


Ok, so my TIAs are affecting my keying abilitities...You have a college degree. You obviously can figure it out...You ARE a smart lady.! [and in more than one way too!] catslapsurrender

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Originally Posted By: Aubrey
Taxes are not that difficult to file. Honestly, any politician worth electing should be capable of filing his own taxes accurately.

Excuse me??? It's been my experience that the more money that is made, the more involved the taxes are....It takes me a minimum of 2 eight hour days to get to where I know what I owe uncle Sam. And these guys have someone else do thier taxes.....

In general it is true that the more money that is made, the more involved the filing of taxes. It's not rocket science though. Anyone considering running for public office should be competent enough to read and to do simple math.

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Originally Posted By: Neil D
blook suckers

?????blook??? Can you not reach any keys on the left side of your keyboard???


I think Liz ... that the 'bloke' has confessed to being 'blind'. But 'blook' is really stretchin' things.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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The fact is that very few of the wealthy figure their own taxes. Very few business people figure their own taxes. Seriously, who has time to study all the rules and forms? Even IRS auditors have been known to disagree on what constitutes an appropriate deduction.

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Regardless of who figures their taxes, regardless of income or social status--every American citizen who is required by law to file taxes is responsible for the accuracy of such filing. When he writes his official signature on the tax forms he is agreeing that under penalty of perjury, he has examined the return and accompanying schedules and statements. He also agrees that to the best of his knowledge and belief, the return is true, correct, and complete.

Anyone running for public office who files an income tax return is legally responsible for the things he claims in such return. If to the best of his knowledge he cannot understand such a return, then, in my opinion, he is not qualified to represent his fellow citizen.

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