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It is impossible for democracy to work without morality.

This is something I realised some years ago and I have never heard anyone else say it. I'd love to hear your point of view.

Pray Without Ceasing

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I think about any form of government would work if we had morality. And no form of government will work well without it.

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Not necessarily Christian morality, though, IMO: Norway seems to be doing pretty well.

Truth is important

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In terms of the survival of its democracy, it's doing very well indeed. And in a time when almost all world economies are crashing, its economy is growing. Its citizens are healthy, happy and long-lived. Their morality may not be your morality, but that wasn't the topic, it was about the survival of democracies.

Truth is important

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  • 2 weeks later...

excellent comments folks. thank you.

i don't agree that any government would survive, however.

there have been some pretty horrid governments throughout the history of this world that the people had no choice in. then again, there is no government here on earth that would work both equally and morally.

my comment was more along the lines of the immoral having the same equal rights as the moral and what a mess that has made of our country.

one example is how the homosexuals learned back in the '70s that if they wanted the USA to be in their favor, they had to get into politics and work hard at that level. now they have tremendous power over society and are telling the rest of us how to behave.

another point in case is the predators of society and how backwards our so-called justice system has become. the prisons are filled with people who smoke pot; not a good thing, but not vicious behavior. all the while, child molesters and rapist walk the streets with a slap on the hand.

white collar crime is running rampant. honesty is out the window. it's nothing new, it's just gotten to a level that is so huge it affects us all. some of us older folks remember when a man's word meant something and integrity was a common thing.

the ACLU is a perfect example of how open-ended democracy corrupts society. they go by "the letter of the law" and not the "spirit of the law" thereby there is no moral point of view, only a legal one and moral judgement is lost.

there will always be more immoral people than moral people and, in a democracy, they have equal rights. i think the only thing we can do to increase morality and decrease immorality is to be Christ's ministers to the world.

Praise God, we have the Blessed Hope and His word to show us what is to come.

Pray Without Ceasing

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