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Performance Ratings

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Let's compare the performance ratings of both President Bush and President Obama at the same time in their presidencies. Who do you think was the most popular? Bush? or Obama?

Now this is a difficult quiz ... so get yur thinkin' cap on.

Bush was a very good president so be sure not to underestimate Him.

Today according to the Rasmussen Reports Poll ...

Obama has 57% of the nation that approves of his performance so far.

.......... 42% Disapprove of his performance.

This is a lower approval rating than what president Bush had at the same time according to the Report.

What happened to the 'Honeymoon' ? It disappeared because people are just now seeing the 'real' Obama.

I predict that his approval ratings will continue to drop in dramatic fashion as Obama shows his colors. People are usually slow to see a new president. So, these ratings by a president who had so much promise and hope is shocking. Some deemed him to be our Saviour. Now ... they are scratchin' their heads.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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