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What did Obama know and When?

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Yesterday Obama was indicating he was 'shocked' and 'outraged' that AIG was giving out bonuses. Today they are saying Obama knew all along that these bonuses were there and yet they did not include any limitations in legislation. Sen. Wyden from Oregon tried but it was rejected by Obama.

Some of the workers got individually as much as 4 million in bonuses.

I suspect that soon we will have 'Watergate' type hearing into what Obama knew and when he knew it.

In the meantime ... we have Sen. Charles Grassley from Iowa declaring that some should perhaps commit suicide. He also said that "It's irresponsible for corporations to give bonuses while they're sucking the tit of the taxpayer"

Sorry for the language. But that is the quote. I am guessin that Sen. Grassley does not see eye to eye with our own Shane.

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