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Obama's Slippin'

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The Latest Rasmussen Report shows that Obama now has a 43% Disapproval Rating. People are beginning to express frustration at his tax and spend policies. Will his ratings continue to slide?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Which taxes are being raised? I know 'tax and spend' is US shorthand for 'Democrat', but haven't actually seen any proposed tax rises from Obama.

Truth is important

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I personally am not really for Obama.. but people ask way to much of one man to fix all the things that the people did....

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Which taxes are being raised? I know 'tax and spend' is US shorthand for 'Democrat', but haven't actually seen any proposed tax rises from Obama.

I guess my post should have been more specific. I was speaking more theoretically in response to South Africa, that if our taxes go up, it would not sit well, particularly in light of how so much of our taxes have gone to pay for executive bonuses.

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I could care less about his ratings. He hasn't even been in office 3 months yet.

Sheeze Red, I know you don't like Obama but do you have to post every little thing you think is wrong with him on the board? Why not post something good being done by the currant administration for a change?

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Bad things:

1) threw a juicy bone to trial lawyers - allowing people to sue for loong past alleged workplaces discrimination gripes. Will have the net effect of increasing an American whining/greed quotient.

2) Taxpayes funding stem-cell stuff.

3) Huge porkulous stimulus plan that incorporates all the wacky ideas that liberals had sitting on Pelosi's shelf for the last 15-years. Clark Howard, Steve Forbes, and other reliable experts say that it is a real bad idea.

4) Spending money that we don't have like a drunken sailor. Our children & grandchildren deserve better. Olger says this is a bad idea.

5) Is about to throw a bone to greenchurch members with the ridiculous cap & trade notion. Designed to steal more money from citizens.

6) Is trying to remove the secret ballot from union votes, thus allowing intimidation to alter the voting outcome. Not a good idea.

7) Wants to take over American healthcare. That one is all about control.

8) Has no ability to motivate people to be their best, continually directs people to government as their object of hope instead of using their god-given talents to be productive. "If they don't work, they should not eat" said Paul.

9) Is about to throw a bone to the gay agenda. Wants to "decriminalize" (whatever that means) homosexuality worldwide (whatever that means II).

10) reserved for your input.... I may have missed something..

humbly submitted by


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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You probably could have saved yourself a lot of typing, since your list boils down to:

1. Is not a conservative.

You know - what the American people voted for.

Truth is important

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I have seen a cartoon - which was apt for this situation.

But now I can't find it anywhere... maybe one day I'll stumble upon it. :)

Anyways, the cartoon have three panels.

In the first panel you have your Average Joe - who'll want to apply for a loan in order to cover some of his expenses.

In the middle panel you have a bank CEO - who want to apply to the Government for a bailout package.

In the third panel you have a Government employee telling the reader that the bailout loan will be granted to the bank CEO - but that the money will come from the Average Joe in the first panel by means of higher taxes.

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Bad things:

1) threw a juicy bone to trial lawyers - allowing people to sue for loong past alleged workplaces discrimination gripes. Will have the net effect of increasing an American whining/greed quotient.

2) Taxpayes funding stem-cell stuff.

3) Huge porkulous stimulus plan that incorporates all the wacky ideas that liberals had sitting on Pelosi's shelf for the last 15-years. Clark Howard, Steve Forbes, and other reliable experts say that it is a real bad idea.

4) Spending money that we don't have like a drunken sailor. Our children & grandchildren deserve better. Olger says this is a bad idea.

5) Is about to throw a bone to greenchurch members with the ridiculous cap & trade notion. Designed to steal more money from citizens.

6) Is trying to remove the secret ballot from union votes, thus allowing intimidation to alter the voting outcome. Not a good idea.

7) Wants to take over American healthcare. That one is all about control.

8) Has no ability to motivate people to be their best, continually directs people to government as their object of hope instead of using their god-given talents to be productive. "If they don't work, they should not eat" said Paul.

9) Is about to throw a bone to the gay agenda. Wants to "decriminalize" (whatever that means) homosexuality worldwide (whatever that means II).

10) reserved for your input.... I may have missed something..

humbly submitted by


Good Post Here Olger. I commend you.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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