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New World Order: Still A Conspiracy Theory?

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Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet.com

Friday, April 3, 2009

Despite the fact that the term “new world order” was mentioned in connection with the G20 this week hundreds of times by both global leaders and in news reports, it is still regarded as a “conspiracy theory” by that bastion of truthiness, Wikipedia.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown himself yesterday announced that the G20 heralded the creation of a “new world order” which would involve increased global regulation of economic markets.

A Google News search provides well over a thousand results of reports including the term “new world order” over the past couple of weeks.

Despite the fact that world leaders have been talking about a “new world order” for decades, in the context of the political agenda to diminish the power of sovereign states in favor of a move towards global governance, it was still regarded as a delusion of paranoid conspiracy theorists by the establishment media until relatively recently.....


So my question is when does this stop becoming a theory and people recognize it as a plan?

In your opinion.

If the top twenty political leaders in a very important meeting use the term and the press uses the term, when do we admit to ourselves its their next plan?

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It definitely makes a lot of sense. Like I said before, I've heard about a new world order since the 60s. And you think to yourself, How? But with the economic problem being world wide, you can see how some of these things can easily come about. Especially the one about buying and selling. We know these things are coming, God says to be ready and not sleeping.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Well as the years have gone bye its made more sense. You know how you hear things than as you read the Bible you wonder how certain things will work! Well right now with the economic problems you can see how a One World Order could work.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Among other signs, a vatican insider (Malachi Martin) writes a 700 to 800 page tome detailing the RCCs plan to lead the head the coming new world order. And here some are still wondering if it is a theory or not.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

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An aside... the G-20 controls +/- 85% of the world's GDP. Hmm, that's pretty close to 100%, yes?

What then? I'll give 5-3 odds that chips will follow shortly (we can use socialist chits; that is, OPM - other people's money - for payoff).


Uh, uh, uh, uhrticulate bwink

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So my question is when does this stop becoming a theory and people recognize it as a plan?

In your opinion.

If the top twenty political leaders in a very important meeting use the term and the press uses the term, when do we admit to ourselves its their next plan?

I have an alternative question: when do you recognise that it's not a vast sinister conspiracy but just a set of words that politicians think sound good together and makes them sound statesmanlike and global.

How about, if we make it through the next 5 years and nation-states are still pretty much as they are now, you make that concession. Seem fair?

Truth is important

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Bravus, my friend, Jesus will be here in five years. Things are going to speed up now.

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And Joe, what happens to your faith when after 8 years, we are still here and tentions seem a bit higher and there is more nipping at yours and other peoples words? What happens to your faith when Jesus hasn't come?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Neil, history shows there were faithful who weathered disappointments before. History also shows there were faithful waiting and expecting Jesus the first time.

I don't care if its one year or twenty. The point is I am certain it is soon.

The world has changed.

They have played their cards. They have shown their hand.

Satan an his evil human agents never would have done this unless they felt they had everything in place. Now they will act, slowly at first, start to execute their plan. As they gain more power they will pick up speed.

Maybe it would be fun to chronicle all the EGW prophecies as we go along.

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It can't be within eight years,that would mean Obama has his fingers in.

When people look at him with awe and reverence that is impossible to contemplate

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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When President Obama was inaugurated and all of the conspiracy-theory-followers were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, yelling that the sky was falling because "he said 'NEW WORLD ORDER'!!!"....

I did a google search on every US president way back to the beginning of the 20th century, what they said and did, and what was said and reported about them when they came to office.

And guess what? The phrase "New World Order" featured with every single one of them. Try it yourself. Do a search on "New World Order Nixon" or "New World Order Reagan" or "New World Order Roosevelt", etc.

That phrase has been thrown around since at least World War I, and I stopped looking then because I ran out of time. And each time, the religious types and doomsday-watchers got into a frenzy and predicted that the end of the world was at hand and that Jesus was about to come.

How many more times can people "cry wolf" before the general public switches off completely? I know I have...and I'm an Adventist!



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When President Obama was inaugurated and all of the conspiracy-theory-followers were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, yelling that the sky was falling because "he said 'NEW WORLD ORDER'!!!"....

I did a google search on every US president way back to the beginning of the 20th century, what they said and did, and what was said and reported about them when they came to office.

And guess what? The phrase "New World Order" featured with every single one of them. Try it yourself. Do a search on "New World Order Nixon" or "New World Order Reagan" or "New World Order Roosevelt", etc.

That phrase has been thrown around since at least World War I, and I stopped looking then because I ran out of time. And each time, the religious types and doomsday-watchers got into a frenzy and predicted that the end of the world was at hand and that Jesus was about to come.

How many more times can people "cry wolf" before the general public switches off completely? I know I have...and I'm an Adventist!


It isn't the phrase "the new world order" that disturbs a lot of people about Obama

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I'm willing to say that this IS the topic of the thread. All things are in order. grouphug And we are in the right forum.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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But, um, that's the topic of this thread.

Whenever or however the end times take place it has to be world wide. World wide has to be unified or it can't be accomplished. In that sense it is not so far fetched to keep watch on "The New World Order"

One thing,all are in the same boat. They don't know. But we have been given guideposts along the way.

It is really interesting to read here and listen to others. Others being non-SDA.Here it says "Not now","can't happen","Obama No" "Not for the next eight years"

Standing in the grocery line I have listened to some very uneasy people. They don't know exactly why they are. Whether they voted for Obama or not I have no idea.

They are concerned about the power grab and the socialist leanings stated that come from him. I have heard people that are barely aware of Rev wonder if it could be Obama that ushers in the beast.

Whether it is next year,five years,20 years it is no longer difficult to see how it can play out and quickly.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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It isn't the phrase "the new world order" that disturbs a lot of people about Obama

OK - make a list of exactly what disturbs people about Obama. Then go back in history and see if any of it applies to previous political leaders (of whatever country or political party affiliation).

My point is that it has all been said so many times before. Go back and research the inauguration of every US president - hey, why stop there, try every pope, every British/Australian/Canadian prime minister, every Russian or Chinese leader...and look up the responses from Adventist (and other) conspiracy theorists and doom-sayers.

You should read some of the stuff that was written about Hitler by Adventists in Europe during WWII (that is, AFTER they were done voting him into office because he was supposedly a non-smoking non-drinking vegetarian).

You should read some of the stuff that was written about the leaders that were in power just before WWI, by Adventists at the time. (And don't get me started on what they said about the brewing Communist revolution in Russia at the time).

How many more times must we jump at shadows and label every emerging political leader as The One Who Will Usher In The End Of The World? Why are we so bent on making a complete laughing stock of ourselves and rendering our credibility in other areas of prophecy null and void?



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Aldona has a point. People rushed to call Bush a killer and a liar. Now ... Obama is proving himself to need these labels. History does repeat itself.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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OK - make a list of exactly what disturbs people about Obama. Then go back in history and see if any of it applies to previous political leaders (of whatever country or political party affiliation).

Yes,it has a familiar ring reading about certain leaders of other countries.

Realizing a day late and a dollar short he has very strong socialist leanings if he is not an outright socialist. Not a crime to be one as long as that was made public instead of running as a democrat.

By his own words every person that was instrumental in shaping his values as an adult range from socialist,marxist and communist. What this means to those outside the US is immaterial. It is beginning to either scare many or make them uneasy.

The power grab,even our local mainstream news refer to it as 'Unprecedented in the history of the presidency.

When it became apparent that Obama targeted a private group of citizens for his own motives. A group who had not broken the law was threatened with the full power of the presidency.

He was neither shocked or outraged,he approved that which he was using for a bully pulpit.

The firing of a private company by the president and the pretty clear threat there will be more. If this was to be then it should have been made known.

It is now beginning to dawn on people his pledge to only raise taxes on the top 5%.This made many happy till they realized what this is really going to cost them and just how pitiful of the 8.00 a week taxcut. Not only the monetary cost but the big brother threat with a lot of this.

My point is that it has all been said so many times before. Go back and research the inauguration of every US president - hey, why stop there, try every pope, every British/Australian/Canadian prime minister, every Russian or Chinese leader...and look up the responses from Adventist (and other) conspiracy theorists and doom-sayers.

You are of course showing you believe I do not know the history of our presidents

It makes little difference what others have had said about them in other countries. When the mainstream news refers to some of his "actions as unprecedented" that means to me Obama is unique in this

You should read some of the stuff that was written about Hitler by Adventists in Europe during WWII (that is, AFTER they were done voting him into office because he was supposedly a non-smoking non-drinking vegetarian).

Again, you are making the assumption that you are sharing something that I am ignorant of and need you to inform me.

I suppose we could demonize them in hopes of making Obama look better.

{quote]You should read some of the stuff that was written about the leaders that were in power just before WWI, by Adventists at the time. (And don't get me started on what they said about the brewing Communist revolution in Russia at the time).

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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The purpose of this thread was to ask the question. If the top twenty leaders of the world in a strategy session used the term new world order and the media reporting it used it over 100 times( nothing like that in history). When does it stop becoming a theory and become a plan?

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What do they mean by it? That's the question. I guarantee that what they mean by it is *not* one world government - because that would rob every one of them of their power as the heads of nation-states.

This is the problem. The sequence of words means dramatically different things to different people.

If you want to know what they were saying (and planning), you need to know what it means to *them*, not to you.

Truth is important

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Perhaps when Mr. Obama arrived?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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