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Why are we killing each other?


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So it seems to be a human phenomenon, not just an American one. I agree, getting into the gun control debate again just gives us a contentious and pointless thread.

As I said above, I don't think single-cause approaches work: and most often they say more about the prejudices and attitudes of those who advance them than about the phenomenon in itself.

The UK has a huge problem with knife related crime right now. Since guns are not readily available folks use knives. If a gun could be bought at the local walmart things would be very different in the UK.

The propensity to kill exists in every culture. I think mass murder happens for all kinds of reasons but its clear that certain sets of circumstances in some countries makes mass killing more frequent and takes a higher toll in terms of lives.

I wonder if anyone knows how many of the guns used to kill the 48 people last month were legally held?

Gun control is not the only solution but surely it must be part of a package of measure.

Anyone like to suggest other things that can be don't besides controlling availability of guns?

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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