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President Obama goes to church for Easter

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Obama family goes to St John's Episcopal Church for Easter

Obama left his Trinity United Church of Christ and has since been without a home church. Aides and advisers have visited more than a dozen Washington-area churches in recent weeks; Obama is expected to check out many of them before settling on a new church.

Here's a golden opportunity for the local SDA church. How about sending a letter saying something like "Dear Mr President, we note that you have yet to decide which church to join, we would like to take the liberty of inviting you to worship with us." Even if he doesn't join, he might visit one Sabbath.

Or, should they support the denomination that runs their children's school?

Somehow I can just picture Mr & Mrs Obama at a Quaker meeting...



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Ha the funny thing is Aldona I was thinking that same thing. Not sure how to go about that. I went on to CNNs web site but couldn't find a link to any religion questions.



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A couple of months ago there was a report in the "South Pacific Record" (our local version of the Review), stating that Mrs Sarah Hussein Obama, the President's step-grandmother in Kenya, was preparing to be baptized as a Seventh-Day Adventist after attending evangelism meetings in her area.

There was a picture of her talking to an SDA church official from that world division.

Anybody got more information about this?

I wonder how much influence she has with her step-grandson.



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I didn't think that was his step-grandmother but maybe it was. That would mean it was the mother of his step-mom. I thought it was his paternal grandmother. Anyway, whoever she was, I did read that she was baptized. If we hope to make inroads to the President's heart I suspect the Senate chaplain has the greatest opportunity to do that. He is Adventist and black.

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Even with the help of Black ... I think it is going to be an uphill battle. But, who knows.

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I didn't think that was his step-grandmother but maybe it was. That would mean it was the mother of his step-mom. I thought it was his paternal grandmother. Anyway, whoever she was, I did read that she was baptized. If we hope to make inroads to the President's heart I suspect the Senate chaplain has the greatest opportunity to do that. He is Adventist and black.

"Step-grandmother" as in, the second wife of his paternal grandfather.

i.e. paternal grandmother died, and grandpa married again. But my understanding was that Barack and his half-sister refer to Sarah as "grandma" by custom, even though she is not a blood relative.



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Even with the help of Black ... I think it is going to be an uphill battle. But, who knows.

Redwood, are you suggesting that it would be a harder battle in the case of Obama, or just generally a hard battle to convert someone who holds that particular office?




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It's hard to convert Obama, or anyone else. It would take a lot of courage and conviction to get someone who is that high profile to accept the sabbath and various other aspects of this movement. The flack he caught because of his former pastor Jeremiah Wright would be considered mild compared to the torment he would catch for identifying with SDA church and beliefs. photoes of him trying to keep the sabbath while his wife and daughtsrs pout about not going to the mall. Photos of him not keeping the sabbath properly. Sunday talking heads politidal news programs like face the nation interviewing top catholic luminaries about how they feel about our interpretation of the beast and the mark of the beast.

the possibilities are infinite.


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It's hard to convert Obama, or anyone else. It would take a lot of courage and conviction to get someone who is that high profile to accept the sabbath and various other aspects of this movement.


I think if he were to become an Adventist it would be after he leaves office. The groundwork can be laid now but it is highly unlikely that any high profile politician is going to convert to another denomination while holding high office. That would not be wise as it would create an incredible distraction for the person and his or her administration.

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I think I would agree with you Shane.



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Originally Posted By: Kountzer
It's hard to convert Obama, or anyone else. It would take a lot of courage and conviction to get someone who is that high profile to accept the sabbath and various other aspects of this movement.


I think if he were to become an Adventist it would be after he leaves office. The groundwork can be laid now but it is highly unlikely that any high profile politician is going to convert to another denomination while holding high office. That would not be wise as it would create an incredible distraction for the person and his or her administration.

Are you saying if Obama were truly convicted he should put his conversion on hold for 4-8 years so he doesn't upset anyone?

Dare to be a Daniel comes to mind. So does the fiery furnace.

Is there a biblical precedent for conversion to be put on hold

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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Well if I was him, and the Sabbath was not that important (as I am sure it is not important to him) I would choose a church based on security and safety of my family. After all this is the only time he mixes with the public. They must be careful. In modern history almost all of our presidents have been attacked. I am sure there were even attacks that did not make the news. So I would not read to much into this. I doubt it reveals very much about his spirituality.

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Well if I was him, and the Sabbath was not that important (as I am sure it is not important to him) I would choose a church based on security and safety of my family. After all this is the only time he mixes with the public. They must be careful. In modern history almost all of our presidents have been attacked. I am sure there were even attacks that did not make the news. So I would not read to much into this. I doubt it reveals very much about his spirituality.

If the sabbath is not important why would he become a SDA??

What happened to if God calls, you answer. Not saying,Lord,you have to wait till I am out of office,four years but it might be 8.

Still wondering where Daniel and 3 friends got it wrong.

Doubtful Obama would be tied and thrown into a fiery furnace.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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UNLESS a person in public office is convicted

of a bible truth it would be hard for them to

public commit to the bible truth....

My understanding is that BILLY GRAHAM was send

many many many great controversy books until he told

people to stop sending him the books for he had large

stack of these books already....

if this is true then it is very difficult for a person

in the public eye to change and still be in the

public eye.....


Of course it would be difficult. Someday ask Peter

No one has spoken of bombarding Obama with any religious literature.His convictions of bible truth is between him and God.

The absolving of someone,whether president or not,and giving the acceptance of putting God on hold is what is surprising.

Does difficult mean that you don't respond to the Holy Spirit till you are no longer in the public eye.

Do you recall the story of Daniel and what he did in the public eye.

I not sure I care what if any conviction he holds. Just very surprising to again see SDA's make special consideration for a president.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Originally Posted By: Joe Knapp
Well if I was him, and the Sabbath was not that important (as I am sure it is not important to him) I would choose a church based on security and safety of my family. After all this is the only time he mixes with the public. They must be careful. In modern history almost all of our presidents have been attacked. I am sure there were even attacks that did not make the news. So I would not read to much into this. I doubt it reveals very much about his spirituality.

If the sabbath is not important why would he become a SDA??

I don't believe Joe said anything about Obama becoming an SDA.

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I don't believe Joe said anything about Obama becoming an SDA.

The topic was concerning Obama becoming a SDA. SDA means keeping the sabbath to most. I did not realize that Joe had switched to something else.

Maybe you can explain what Joe did mean

Here it says the sabbath or becoming a SDA would be an incredible distraction.

I think if he were to become an Adventist it would be after he leaves office. The groundwork can be laid now but it is highly unlikely that any high profile politician is going to convert to another denomination while holding high office. That would not be wise as it would create an incredible distraction for the person and his or her administration.

Up till now I had never read anything remotely like this.

Scores of people down thru the ages have been convicted of many bible principals including the sabbath and have suffered much as a result. Not telling God to come back later,or they didn't want God to be a distraction so would wait.

Maybe that is how it works but a little surprising to read

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Originally Posted By: aldona

Somehow I can just picture Mr & Mrs Obama at a Quaker meeting...


Nixon was a Quaker...


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