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Govenor of Texas talks of Secession from the Union

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I don't believe the first report....but it has been continuing all week....This is another wing-nut that needs to be taken down a peg or two...

here's the STORY

Here's another blurb on this secession talk-

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) The Republican governor of Texas has raised a political ruckus with a suggestion that Texans might get so fed up with taxes, they may want to leave the Union. Texas Democrats say that smacks of racial division and Civil War and say Gov. Rick Perry should disavow any thought that Texas should secede.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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State of confusion, state of rebellion, state of paranoia, state of treachery, ...



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State of apathy, State of ...state of....ooooh, I don't care.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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state of the dead..

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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I resent this. Texas is not a state of the dead. There are many in this beloved state that are alive and kickin.

okay. just a little tic

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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No no, Redwood.

We were not talking about Texas.

We were trying to think who could be the ten states referred to by Joe.

You remember:

There is ten states who want to do this.




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Thousands show up for Dallas 'tea party'; Rick Perry fires up rallies

09:33 AM CDT on Thursday, April 16, 2009

By DAVE LEVINTHAL and GROMER JEFFERS JR. / The Dallas Morning News

For perhaps the only time Wednesday evening, the masses assembled outside Dallas City Hall grew quiet as the man who drew them there, Phillip Dennis, hunched over a wooden lectern, his eyes narrowing.

"We will be called haters, and we are. We are haters of big-spending politicians. We will be called racists, and we are – we are members of the human race," Dennis, a McKinney resident, said as silence turned to roars.

Such moments encapsulated the spirit of area "Tax Day Tea Parties" – unapologetic public rallies that involved Republicans, conservatives and libertarians railing against government expansion, federal taxation and, ostensibly, the government of Democratic President Barack Obama.

At least eight North Texas municipalities, and about 1,000 municipalities nationwide, hosted tea party events.

Police estimated several thousand people attended the Dallas event, with protesters waving yellow "don't tread on me" flags and a variety of signs alternately decrying taxes, panning a federal economic stimulus package and chiding Obama as a socialist/communist.

Becky Hanshaw, wearing a pink papier-maché pig hat atop her head, said she drove 10 hours from McAllen to attend the rally because "it's time to stop the craziness."

"I work too hard to give my money away," said Hanshaw, a dental hygienist. "This is a message to both parties, because I don't believe the Republican Party is conservative enough."

Forty miles away in Fort Worth, about 4,500 people filled LaGrave Field to rally against higher taxes and increased spending in Washington.

They, too, carried signs, including ones that read, "God only asks for 10 percent," and "Born Free, Taxed to Death."

Gov. Rick Perry, wearing jeans and a cap, said the Fort Worth gathering was the largest he attended Wednesday.

He called the crowd a group of patriots, not "right-wing extremists" that critics call them, adding that Washington needs to cut spending and taxes and reread the Constitution.

"They're overturning the rights we had one by one, making choices that would leave our founding fathers scratching their heads," he said.

Perry recalled a line by Sam Houston: "Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression."

Perry, who is in a tough re-election campaign for governor against U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, also praised Texas' diverse economy, low taxes and prudent spending.

After his speech, the crowd chanted "Perry, Perry," as he ran into the dugout, ran back out and tipped his cap to the crowd.

Caitlin Upton, a 26-year-old hospitality industry worker from White Settlement, said she was against socialism and nationalized health care.

"I'm a grown woman, and I can take care of myself," she said.

John Smithee carried a sign that read, "Stop Thief."

"They're stealing from my grandbaby," he said.

While calling themselves a "silent majority," the tea party protesters face formidable obstacles to achieving their stated goal of winning back numerous congressional seats during 2010 elections.

Obama retains much of the national popularity that swept him into office during the November elections, his approval ratings having slipped slightly since his inauguration but still hovering in the mid-50s.

A national Gallup poll released earlier this week indicated that 48 percent of Americans believe the amount they pay in federal income taxes is "about right" – one of the highest percentages since the annual poll began in 1956.

And even if the national debt continues to increase as it did during the last decade, Americans' federal, marginal income-tax burden is generally lower in 2009 than it was during most of Ronald Reagan's administration in the 1980s, according to statistics from the Tax Foundation, a Washington-based nonpartisan tax policy organization.

For a cluster of 25 or so Democrats quietly revolting against the tea party in Southlake, the events unsuccessfully mimicked an overwhelming grass-roots mobilization during Obama's campaign.

"They need to redo their base so they don't just have evangelical Christians, and this is what they are doing," said 53-year-old Ann Teeter, pointing to the stage from the back of the 500-person-strong crowd. "We are deep in Republican country where people make more money than anywhere else in the country. They just don't want to pay."

Some Dallas eventgoers acknowledged that left-leaners have outflanked conservatives in their use of technology as a political tool.

But no more, they vowed.

"We're going to show them how to use Facebook; we're going to show them what Twitter is!" said Mark Davis, the event's emcee and a WBAP-AM (820) radio host and Dallas Morning News columnist.

Added Michael Quinn Sullivan, leader of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility: "You and I have to reclaim our brand."

At one point, Davis piped nationally syndicated conservative columnist Michelle Malkin through the event's audio system via a Blackberry handset.

"If the White House didn't know we existed before, they do today," Malkin said.

Indeed, conservatives in Texas and elsewhere are rising, Dennis said, as he stood beneath a metal tower about 25 feet high, meant to represent the height of the federal tax code if stacked one sheet atop another.

"The conservative sleeping giant is awake. He is awake, and he is hungry," Dennis said. "We will not go gently into socialism – at least not here in Texas."

In Austin earlier Wednesday, Gov. Rick Perry told an anti-tax "tea party" the federal government is "rampaging through the halls of Congress" with big-spending programs and only states' rights can stop it.

"We will not stand our pockets being picked, our children's future being mortgaged, our rights being taken away," the Republican governor told a cheering crowd of 1,000 people outside Austin City Hall.

Perry dismissed characterizations that those attending Wednesday's "tea party" rallies in Texas and around the country are "a bunch of right-wing extremists."

"But if you are, I'm with you," he said.

During the speech, people waved "Don't Tread on Me" flags and signs lampooning the Obama administration's economic stimulus efforts. Some shouted, "Secede!"

Among the signs: "Obama. Liar in Chief" and "I'll Keep My Guns and Money. You Can Keep the Change."

Perry told reporters following his speech that Texans might get so frustrated with the government they would want to secede from the union.

"There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that."

The event came as Perry has stepped up his criticism of political rival Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, suggesting she is part of the problem in Washington.

Perry has criticized federal bailouts and has refused $555 million in unemployment money because of strings attached. He has in recent days asserted states' rights under the 10th Amendment and denounced Washington for overstepping authority.

A spokesman for Hutchison said the senator was in Houston for an event promoting her amendment to make permanent the Texas state sales tax deduction on federal filings.

"The senator is on the front lines in Washington against the Obama administration and their unnecessary spending," said Hutchison campaign manager Rick Wiley.

Before the speech, the Republican governor made the rounds of conservative media on Wednesday. He appeared on Fox News' morning television show and then on Laura Ingraham's radio show, where he compared the anti-tax protests with the battle of the Alamo.

"Washington needs to hear us loud and clear," said Perry, who wore a khaki jacket and a hunting cap. "Cut the spending, cut the taxes, shrink the government. And reread the Constitution."

Texas Republican Chairman Tina Binkiser told the crowd, "We will not bow down to Washington politicians." And conservative radio commentator Rick Green declared, "We are firing the first shots of the 2nd American revolution right here in Texas."

Some in the crowd, which included libertarians and other third-party advocates, said even Perry was not conservative enough.

"This is what politicians do," activist Robert Morrow of Austin said of Perry's appearance. "He's a big-government politician but he's just scared because he has a primary."

Organizers say that Texas is one of the key areas for the parties, with conservative politicians and media personalities giving speeches.

Elsewhere in Texas, Fox News talk-show host Glenn Beck is broadcasting from the Alamo in San Antonio, where rocker Ted Nugent will perform the national anthem.

Organizers are protesting increased spending in the federal economic-stimulus plan and President Barack Obama's multitrillion-dollar budget proposal. Organizers hope to draw enough participants to shake up congressmen who feel vulnerable in next year's elections.

Staff writers Wayne Slater in Austin and Jessica Meyers in Southlake contributed to this report.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Perry is in a tight governor's race. He probably has aspirations of being in the white house also, following the path set by 'W'. I don't think too may people in the lone star state pay that much attention to Perry. The first time I read about this sucession stuff was when I read it here.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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I usually don't take much notice of it when it involves one speech...but the news has been going on about it for the past week...which means that it's either a slow week or Perry really means it....

As far as I am concerned, the only thing Perry is getting elected to is my "Kooky Wacko politicial nut case for the week" award....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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The local news stations around here, were outlining how the Republic of Texas could function independently again. Personally I think that gov. Perry would like to be President (of anything) but he doesn't have a snowball's chance in (I am to much of a lady to say)...

As for secession, well, I think that is just frustrated Texan talk.

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I see a lot of judgmental, uniformed opinions being made in this thread. It really sounds like people are not taking the time needed to get news from a reliable source. I live in Texas and everyone is talking about this in my neck of the woods.

Here is the context.

Governor Perry was at a T.E.A. party and the crowd was chanting "succession, succession, succession". A reporter than asked Governor Perry what he thought of secession. (so let's remember he had not brought up the subject. The crowd was chanting) He commented that we have a great union but if Washington keeps pushing things that would be an option.

(Please read the above paragraph again. Read it 3, 4, 5 or 10 times if necessary to understand the story. Then continue on reading my post)

1. Governor Perry did not bring up the subject of secession.

2. Governor Perry said we have a great union. That is in reference to the union of the 50 states.

3. Governor Perry said secession could be an option. That is an academic fact. Unlike other states, Texas was a sovereign nation prior to becoming part of the United States. When it joined the United States it joined with the condition that it could succeed at a future date if it choose to.

There was nothing radical in the governor's comments. He did not give some kind of crazy speech about Texas breaking away. He was asked a question. His answer was brief and accurate.

As far as him being in a tight race that is yet to be seen. Kay Baily Hutchinson plans to challenge him for the nomination but her pro-choice position is going to make it very difficult for her to win. Kinky Freidman is planning to run as a Democrat and he is somewhat popular but seen as a goofball by many and since Texas has more Republicans than Democrats it would be an uphill battle for him.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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What's All That Secession Ruckus in Texas?

From another "opinion" in the Texas arena-

Poor Rick Perry! He got his knickers so bunched up while speaking at the Austin Tea Party on Wednesday he not only raised the possibility Texas would secede from the Union, he suggested that we gained the right to do so when we became a state in 1845. [emphasis is mine, Shane]

Here is his actual quote, spoken to a group of reporters after the governor’s appearance at a Tea Party in Austin and caught on tape by my colleague R.G. Ratcliffe:

“Texas is a unique place. When we came into the union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that,” Perry said. “ My hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention. We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what may come of that.”

And MSNBC is stating-

Rick Perry said what?

There’s lots of coverage of yesterday’s tea parties below. But perhaps the biggest news came from the one in Austin, TX, where Texas Gov. Rick Perry suggested that Texas could secede from the union. The AP: “Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that. ‘There's a lot of different scenarios,’ Perry said. ‘We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot.’” Perry is definitely ambitious -- is he prepping himself for more than a GOP primary against Kay Bailey Hutchison? -- but this secession talk is pretty amazing coming from the governor of the country's second-largest state.

Slightly different news story than what you said, Shane...However, since this has been an ongoing story from Monday, it might have been a second or third interview...but it is pretty consistant....

So, I gave you 2 Texas new sources, one mainstrean and a couple of outliners...All saying the same thing....Shall we go to the "leftys" that you call extreem like Media Matters, whose primary purpose is to quote what the canidates say?

Let's face it, a political personage whose aspiration include a white house in Washington, talking up sucession to a base of extreemists is not conducive to being an American Patriot....In fact, even in an open society, it can be construded as treasonous....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Watching ABC, NBC and CBS were also saying the same as the links that you quoted Neil. But they also mentioned that 75% of Texans were against it.



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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Well, i would hope so, PK...Texans get 70-80 cents of thier tax dollars back to them, accordding to republican and democracctic sources. Mass. only gets 40 cents of thier tax dollars sent back to them...There should not be this need to yell "sucession" when they are doing better than the rest of the country...and there doesn't need to be political leaders fanning those flames either...

we used to have a name for it, in a closed society....it was called "treason"...If this rally were held in China or even Russia, I doubt very much that there would be this much protest without severe consequences...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Yes you are correct neil, about the treason. So mass is only getting 40 cents back on the dollar. That rots. All I know is, I've lived in NY, California and now Mass for the last 36 years, and as far as I can figure this has been the highest tax state for me. I guess that's why its called Taxachusetts. hahaha



By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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Back to reality for a moment.

No one in Texas government is yelling "succession".

There has always been a small minority in Texas that has wanted to succeed. For those of us that live in Texas, this is not some new idea being floated. This kind of talk has been around for years but only a very small minority would support it.

If Texas did want to succeed they could legally do so. That is not treason. That was a condition of Texas joining the union in the first place. How is that treason?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

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Heh, let Texas secede - 34 red electoral college votes permanently out of the picture nationally. bwink

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Heh, let Texas secede - 34 red electoral college votes permanently out of the picture nationally. bwink

Now Now ... That is not nice. Let's play nice. If only we could get New York to secede. That would help our country greatly. Ha Ha. Top that one !!

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New York is only 31 votes, so if both seceded the blues would still be ahead...

But it's not New York that's talking the talk. I'd be astonished if any of the 10 states who'd like to secede were blue... so by all means, split the union again... hive off all the red(neck) states and build a more compassionate USA. bwink

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it's not New York that's talking the talk.

No one to speak of is talking the talk. Governor Perry specifically stated that we (The United States) have a great union. That doesn't sound like he is talking the talk.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Maybe 'saying the word' is more precise.

I know, it's all bluster and nonsense and nothing will come of it.

But it's more fun to imagine what might happen if it did than to say that...

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