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Who can stay in America?

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Illegals should all be deported, right? And pretty much immigrants in general? Well, not people like us, obviously. Just recent immigrants, who look different and talk funny. Liberals should leave as well, because they hate America. People sponging off welfare - which is apparently the vast majority of recipients. They should leave. Gays too.

So who can stay? White, middle class or wealthier, straight, Anglo conservatives.

That about sum it up?

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Illegals should all be deported, right? And pretty much immigrants in general? Well, not people like us, obviously. Just recent immigrants, who look different and talk funny. Liberals should leave as well, because they hate America. Gays too.

So who can stay? White, middle class or wealthier, straight, Anglo conservatives.

That about sum it up?

Illegals should. Illegal is pretty good at explaining.

I see you are taking off in flights of fancy again.

Don't think that legal working immigrants were a part of what was said. The contrast is easily seen. We have a family from Mexico.Many of the men in the neighborhood laugh and say they get tired watching that family. Wonderful addition to our neighborhood. Contrast that with the group trying to force their religious rites and always having complaints,even tho they are literally wards of the town. Protesting at city hall because the town meetings interfers with their prayer time.

For the rest of your less than accurate statements that is what you would like to hear.

1.Well, not people like us, obviously.

Have to take that up with the party that said that. I have not seen that here

2 Just recent immigrants, who look different and talk funny.

This is just about a demeaning as you meant it to be. Please produce it

2. Liberals should leave as well, because they hate America.

Liberals can do what they choose. I do think they harbor a dislike america.

3.Gays too.

I don't know anyone that wants that do you? Please I would be interested to know who has said this.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Originally Posted By: bravus
2 Just recent immigrants, who look different and talk funny.

This is just about a demeaning as you meant it to be. Please produce it

Originally Posted By: bonnie
Personally I am getting more and more disguted and would like to say,"immigrants go home". Stop taking my money to support your family, pay your medical bills, and pay your rent. Other countries will treat you better and will welcome you with open arms.

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Illegals should all be deported, right? And pretty much immigrants in general? Well, not people like us, obviously. Just recent immigrants, who look different and talk funny. Liberals should leave as well, because they hate America. People sponging off welfare - which is apparently the vast majority of recipients. They should leave. Gays too.

So who can stay? White, middle class or wealthier, straight, Anglo conservatives.

That about sum it up?

Illegals should be, because they are "illegal", they need to come over the legal way.

As for the rest, I will leave alone....

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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I don't mind the gays staying. But from how Bravus describes the US ... perhaps they would be more comfortable in Australia.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Heh, nah, we actually have all the same issues here. I only chose America because most here are from there.

The general point is that I personally *don't* want to live in a country filled with only people like me - how very dull that would be! I want the most diverse country possible.

But I keep hearing it said that such-and-such a group should leave the country.

If you say 'immigrants out' in Australia you end up with no-one. In America you end up with the Native Americans. Clearly that's not what the people who say 'immigrants out' actually mean. So how is my interpretation of that phrase inaccurate?

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I've never heard such a statement made here or anywhere. So I have to assume it is a straw man. I just figure the liberals have to have something to fuss about.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Incidentally you'll note that I did not name any person or group as being those with these beliefs - any who have seen themselves in the description have done that all by themselves.

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Getting more an more disgusted and would like to say "immigrants" go home should have been clarified.

The legal immigrants that come here and suck off the federal pacifier and then whine and complain and protest when they don't think it is enough. To them I would love to issue a invitation to go back home or to the country they think will treat them in the manner they want to become accustomed to.

I thought it maybe something most would understand,the difference in the legal immigrants,those as our neighbors or the suck ups

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Australia's Community Agitator has spoken.og

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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IF immigrants come to the U.S. and do it the

legal way then they will be come citizens of the U.S.


It is not just the illegals that are such a drain. Legal immigrants seem to be well versed in how to take and take and do nothing in return but complain.

Complain and protest even to the starting time of townhall meetings. It does not start at a convenient time for them to say their evening prayers.

Most do not make it a point to learn english so of course cannot be made to go to work.

Learning only enough english to be able to complain.

With the derogatory comments routinely leveled against the US why do they want to come and more to the point why do they want to stay. I would be looking for a country that would treat legal immigrants far better

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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ARE we talking about illegal not leaning the

language or immigrants????

Both. Not sure why we have such a large population of somali's in our small towns but we do.

Most do not learn english because they don't have to.

The children do learn in schools but the parents do not become even reasonably fluent.

They do quite well as far as the state caring for them so why learn if they don't have to.

All the schools have tutoring in english available. The classes are not overcrowded.

unless a lot has changed here if a person from

another country come to the U.S. and does it the legal

way they will learn the English language...

It used to be that way but there is no incentive. It is a long way from legal immigration to becoming a US citizen.

there are a lot of illegals that do not know English

As a lot of legals

but most legal immigrants that I KNOW do speak English

the legal immigrants might want to keep their heritage

They can keep their heritage all they like. Just stop draining the taxpayer while doing so.

No one prevents them from speaking their native language among themselves,their customs etc.

Legal immigrants here among the somali do not speak english above a few words.

If they cannot speak english chances are they cannot work. No one seems real anxious about working.

They know enough to protest but they do not know enough to work.

The few legal immigrants I know well enough to discuss this have a much larger distaste for the illegals and those that refuse to work and try to help themselves than I or any one of the dreaded middle class,white, english speaking, gay bashing US citizen

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Oh, I get it. Immigrants are welcome to stay as long as they assimilate and become exactly like those complaining about the immigrants. It's all clear.

Similarly, gays can stay, but they need to shut up and stop being so uppity and agitating for their rights.

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Oh, I get it. Immigrants are welcome to stay as long as they assimilate and become exactly like those complaining about the immigrants. It's all clear.

Similarly, gays can stay, but they need to shut up and stop being so uppity and agitating for their rights.

What is clear is how you will take and twist any and all that is said when it suits your purpose.

You seem to really obsess over gays. Why is that? If all can become exactly like you and think like you they will be worthy of your honesty and curtesy. You will not twist words like silly putty till they take the shape you want.

I have two friends ,a lesbian couple. We have been best friends for well over thirty years. They do not appreciate militant gays anymore than many straight people. They do not hide ,they have a wide range of friends. They also know that they do not have to conform for me or any of their friends.

I worked with two gays. A lesbian young woman who was well thought of throughout the store. We went out for lunch and a few other outings. No one would have thought of leaving her out. No expectation that she should conform.

A gay man had a lot of problems because he was gay. He constantly was on the lookout for something he could pounce on. No one liked him. He blamed that on the fact he was gay and he was being singled out. He happened to be gay.Most did not like him because he was one nasty human being. He just couldn't quite get that thru his head.

The gays I know have enough common sense to understand that others do not have to agree with every aspect of their lives to be friends.

No Bravus you don't get it.

"I get it. Immigrants are welcome to stay as long as they assimilate and become exactly like those"

If by not assimilating they anticipate living off the tax payer as a career choice, For me, No they are not welcome

If by failing to learn the english language they cannot get a job,Go. Speak your native language at home or among your countrymen. Do not anticipate the americans have to learn theirs.

If american citizens continue to pay your medical,housing and food stamps quit kicking the people that supply all your wants in the teeth.

You don't like it here,we don't do enough for you,try Australia or Canada. They will happily provide for all your desires and ask you what else they can do.

We have several legal immigrants in our immediate neighborhood.

They assimilate because they do not want charity,they know they can't work unless they can speak english. Their families and the values their children grow up with are important to them. They also have the misguided and goofy idea that they should be an assest to the country that welcomed them

They appreciate the improvement in their standard of living.

Just to make you happy so you can take it and run with it.

Immigrants,legal and illegal can go home if they.......

(Not including those with physical disabilities or medical handicaps)

Refuse to learn english,fail to get a job because of it.

Failure to get a job so you can pay your own health care thru work. GO

If you continue to complain about not getting enough or having enough done for you,GO somewhere they will

Make subsidized housing a lifetime residence,GO

Stop protesting town meetings because they interfere with your evening prayer time.Go somewhere that will reschedule all meetings to make allowances for that.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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bonnie, you take every post as applying only to you: and they do not. This thread is in relation to bringing together a large number of attitudes that I see displayed here. The thread structure does not always mean that a post applies purely and only to the person whose post it follows.

The comments about homosexual people are related to Shane's 'Gay Obsession' thread. I'm happy that you're comfortable with gay people. You don't need to address that issue at all, because it was never about your attitude at all.

On immigrants, I stand by the point. You phrase it in economic terms because those are the terms you mainly think about, but the point remains - you want immigrants to assimilate or leave.

The USA is the country it is, and as strong as it is, because it's a melting pot and because of successive waves of immigration. Each wave brought changes. If you stop that process - if you make all new immigrants become like the existing population - you kill off the engine of American progress and prosperity.

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The countries that I have lived in ... will not let you immigrate there unless you have a bonefied job skill that that particular countries NEEDS. I had a skilled profession that was in demand ... or I would never have been allowed to immigrate there. I think the US is one of the most liberal in the world.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I should add ... that in order for me to immigrate to this country ... I had to pass a board of examination before a group of professionals including doctors etc ... to prove my competancy.

Believe it or not ... I passed.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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On immigrants, I stand by the point. You phrase it in economic terms because those are the terms you mainly think about, but the point remains - you want immigrants to assimilate or leave.

The USA is the country it is, and as strong as it is, because it's a melting pot and because of successive waves of immigration. Each wave brought changes. If you stop that process - if you make all new immigrants become like the existing population - you kill off the engine of American progress and prosperity.

I hate to break it to you but a concern for economic terms is what allows the US to Feed,house,clothe and provide medical

to those that come here.

It was never meant to be a lifetime career.

People that do not work and only take will do nothing to make the US a better place.

American progress did not come from welfare and lack of expectations.

As for assimilating,tell me where it is unreasonable to expect them to work,pay medical,clothing,food and housing.

Which of those things should they be exempt from. In order to work they need to learn english, God Forbid they should have to do that in a country where english is the first language

Maybe because both my husband and I began and ran businesses of our own we understand the importance of "economic terms".

We never aspired to be rich,what was important to us was our four boys. Economic terms meant daily necessities and educating three teenagers at once at boarding academy.

Doing the best we could for them. Maybe to you ,you can thumb your nose at " the economics" That didn't work for us. We knew only one way. Work and do the very best we knew how.

There was no one paying our housing,medical and food

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Economics are important, of course, but there are other things that are as important or more important. I think Jesus called them 'the weightier matters of the law'.

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Economics are important, of course, but there are other things that are as important or more important. I think Jesus called them 'the weightier matters of the law'.

Economics allows you the ability to take care of the "weightier matters of the law"

It is a little distracting to deal with the weightier matters of the law with someone that is hungry,cold,sick needing medical care and shelter.

That pesky dollar takes over and dictates how much of the weightier matters you can attend to.

Those that can work and care for their own needs and don't leaves less for those that cannot care for themselves.

Work is not a new terminal illness without a cure that has been discovered. Nor is it being selfish to expect those that can as far as possible to help themselves.

But for those that think we are not giving them enough they need to find a country that sees to all their needs and wants.

I am sure there must be some. For the life of me I don't quite understand why they stay and keep right on coming.

Isn't there something somewhere in the bible that had the audacity to say those that don't work should not eat. I am sure I have read that a time or two

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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