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It is moving to see people living south of me, being able to take pride in their country again.

This is worth watching..


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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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It is moving to see people living south of me, being able to take pride in their country again.

This is worth watching..


Many,many always have. Proud to be an america because.......

Even tho Canada has heaped scorn and contempt on america with similar sentiments, The US would turn the other cheek if you were under attack. Not reluctantly but as soon as time allowed.Our young service men and women would die for you. As imperfect as they are.

Even tho we are chastised for how we deal with legal and illegal immigrants they keep coming. Some come in the hopes of a better life and leave no stone unturned to do so. Others that do not assimilate and have no intention of doing so are provided food,shelter,and medical.

Even tho we are critised for our country not having universal health care your country men can come here knowing you will be cared for. We would not be treated in that same manner.

Even tho there are those that take the liberty of trying to harm a US citizen not on US shores we give them free legal counsel for their acts.

Even tho if all goes thru immigrants will be eligible for SS benefits. They have not paid in for the life time of their work but will be granted same as american born citizens

Even tho america is the only country on earth that is expected to be perfect,react correctly in any given situation.

This imperfect country allows imperfect countries to place demands and expectations,demand and ridicule. No matter how badly treated by the perfect citizens of perfect countries we always come to the aid that need us. Expecting our citizens

to willingly give and help even tho they are on record with their scorn.

Personally I hope Canada and Australia open their borders and shores a little more and rescue the immigrants that are under the misguided notion that america offers them hope and a better life. Rescuing them from the evil empire of the US.

From the liberals I fail to see one thing the US can be proud of,one thing we have done right.

Please go to Russia or China when disaster strikes.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I don't even know what they were trying to say. It seemed they were blaming greed for our current crisis which seems odd to me. Greed is a constant. We can't outlaw of ban greed so we need a system that depends on greed to make it work. A regulated, capitalist system is exactly that.

Blaming greed for this crisis is like blaming a dog for eating meat left on the floor. Imagine at night if a man were to take meat out of the freezer and leave it on the floor and in the morning discover the dog had eaten it. Well of course the dog is going to eat it. Dogs eat meat. Businesses are formed to make money. They must be expected to operate within the law. The government made a lot of bad decisions that caused this crisis. I haven't seen any CEOs being arrested on criminal charges which would indicate business operating outside the law. Businesses did what what reasonably expected for them to do.

The key to government fixing this is getting the financial institutions fixed. I don't know what that is going to involve but once the financial sector is strong again the remaining portion of the private sector will fix the economy without government help.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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