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Pro-Abortion still on the aganda!!!


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I disagree that pictures make any difference to the majority. I had a friend that was a heavy smoker, he worked for a cancer research place, I don't recall the name. But he used to tell me all about the images that he'd see there. He said it grossed him out but yet he kept right on smoking. He also knew the consequence's of smoking.

You’re right! The majority will not be impressed by the evidence. The warnings are for the benefit of the minority who will listen and change their behavior.

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That is what we call a strawman. It is typical for people that ramble on and on and on and on. The defeat is sound when the strawmen come out.

The German Adventist Church aligned itself with Hitler while he was engaged in the genocide of the Jews. Our current Adventist Church has allowed some of our hospitals to participate in the current genocide of the unborn. Where are the straw men?

Our guilt is greater than that of the German Adventist, because they simply cooperated with the Nazi regime, while we are actively participating in the current genocide. Wake up, Shane and smell the stench of the dismembered bodies of innocent babies.

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I reckon you never get tired of making unfounded accusations for your cause.

Unfounded? What kind of foundation you want me to provide for my theory that the church has deviated from the original pro-life position of the Adventist of the early pioneers? I have provided 300 pages full of hundreds of references from Adventist sources, and you still claim that my theory is unfounded?

Serious Adventist scholars have testified that our current position on abortion is pro-choice instead of the pro-life position of the early pioneers. Do you deny this? An investigative work by the “Washington Post” has revealed that hundreds of abortions were being performed at our Washington Adventist Hospital. Do you discount this as unfounded accusations?

A survey conducted by Loma Linda University revealed that five of our own hospitals were offering elective abortions to their patients. Is this also unfounded? Jim Walters, a leading Loma Linda University ethicist, did admit that our church has moved to the pro-choice position on abortion in his book “What is a Person.” Is this also unfounded?

Adventist historian George Gainer revealed that elective abortions were being conducted at our Castle Memorial Hospital in Hawaii a couple of years prior to the legalization of abortion by the U.S. Supreme Court. Is this also unfounded.

Nobody I know has provided so much documentation from Adventist sources confirming that our church is pro-choice, and you still insist that I am making unfounded accusations? If you continue making such claims, sooner or later you will loose credibility.

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Personally I'm opposed to abortion but I also believe breaking the Sabbath is wrong.

I agree. Killing innocent human beings is wrong and Sabbath breaking is wrong. Both Commandments are very important; nevertheless, if I worship God on the wrong day of the week, nobody dies as a result of my disobedience; this is not true about abortion. The legalization of abortion has resulted in the genocide of fifty million unborn babies so far. Can we say the same about Sabbath breaking.

As Christians, we are citizens of the heavenly kingdom, but as Americans we are citizens of our country, and we have the duty to vote for politicians who will work for the protection of the life of all the human being under the jurisdiction of the American government, including the unborn, unless someone can prove that the unborn are not human.

The fact is that if a woman wants the baby, the government will claim that what was killed was a human being and the killer will be guilty of murder; but if the woman doesn’t want the baby, then no crime has been committed. Do you understand this legal conundrum?

How can a baby be human and non human at the same time and the final decision contingent on the whims of a quite often confused and mentally depressed pregnant woman?

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Just one example of your 'pick and choose' methods....you did not include the texts where women and children were wiped out, as ordered, from various nations during battles.

I presume that you are referring to those instances where God ordered the killing. My question to you is: Do we have a divine order to exterminate the unwanted unborn babies? I suppose that you will agree with me that we don’t. In addition, we have a prohibition against the killing of innocent human beings.

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That picture on your "brochure" - or the explanation for it - must be contrived. Saline does NOT burn skin!!!! Have you been in the ocean lately? Did it burn your skin? The ocean itself has a salinity of roughly 35% (35 g/L). Saline solutions given by IV in the hospital are 0.9% at the maximum. Scientific experiments can be done with approximately 58g/L. I've spilled it on myself. It didn't burn me. Abortions caused by saline solution occur because the saline promotes contractions.
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Here is the testimony of a woman who survived a saline abortion, and she claims that she was “burned alive for 18 hours.” She has cerebral palsy but enjoys life, but she has forgiven her birth mother for the permanent and irreversible damage done to her. This was reported by the BBC of London.

Pro-choice groups say that while hers is a distressing story it is unusual and that guidelines are in place in the UK to stop live births after abortions. ...

"The saline solution injected into the mother is to burn the baby, which gulps it in the womb," she said.

"But after being literally burned alive for 18 hours I was delivered live. ...



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The German Adventist Church aligned itself with Hitler while he was engaged in the genocide of the Jews. Our current Adventist Church has allowed some of our hospitals to participate in the current genocide of the unborn. Where are the straw men?

The Adventist church in Germany and Austria promoted allegiance to Hitler. This was done so that it would survive under the Nazi government.

The Adventist church in the US does not promote the use of abortion. Even if it did, it would not be so that it would survive under the US government.

Put a fire to that strawman. Burn him up.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The church condemns 90 percent of abortions and also condones the same.

Nope. Not so. The church's guidelines on abortion condemn over 90% of abortions in the US. That's it.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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In China they are eating babies,

in Loma Linda, they are —

Harvesting Organs

The following is excerpted from an article in the January 1996 issue of Rutherford, the official journal of the Rutherford Institute (Charlottesville, VA). We have added subheads.

When reports of Chinese citizens eating human fetuses for health reasons surfaced in Hong Kong last year, many dismissed them as fiction . . , but when Eastweek and Eastern Express, two English- language publications based in Hong Kong, investigated, the reporters were in for a shock.


One investigator feigned illness and asked a Shenzhen hospital doctor for fetuses. Holding up a fistsized glass bottle stuffed with ten thumb-sized unborns, the doctor said, “[They were] all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state-run hospital and don’t charge anything.” A private hospital spokesman offered to sell the reporters full-term unborn, which he claimed “contain the best healing qualities.”

Zou Qin, a doctor who claimed to have aborted several hundred unborn and eaten 100 fetuses herself,

said, “People normally prefer [fetuses from] young women, and even better, the first boy and a


She justifies the practice: “They are wasted if we don’t eat them . ..Zou Qin has fed fetuses to her

sister’s children. “I wash them with clear water until they look transparent white and then stew them. Making soup is best.” A photo depicts Zou Qin smiling, holding up a tiny fetus which hasn’t made it to her bowl yet.


The stories are gruesome and almost unreal. Eating babies? But that, of course, is China, we say. In

America, we abort babies, but we don’t eat them.

Or do we?

The ongoing American debate over using fetuses in medicine bears some striking parallels to China.

One big difference is that America better understands the importance of “spin” and proper marketing

techniques . .

Donating one’s own organs, or even allowing a loved one’s untimely death to take on added meaning by permitting doctors to use her organs to help another, has a long and respectable history. But by interweaving the taking of life with the giving of life, medicine and science begin to confuse their mission. A quick mention of the aborted fetus, and then on to the happy ending, the discovery, the patient’s cure, the family’s joy!

Real life isn’t that simple.


The history of fetal research is inextricably linked to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion

on demand in America. Other than a very few failed experiments around mid-century, little fetal research had been done before the 1970s. Roe and its progeny placed the preborn human’s body into legal limbo. Thus it became possible to observe the incredible irony of using the body parts of an allegedly non-human fetus to treat specifically human ailments. The heart might still beat, and the [unborn] child feel pain, but the fetus was now considered a “product.”

And like most products, “The fresher, the better.” Deterioration of brain tissue, as well as other bodily organs, commences almost immediately after death. So it became important to create an efficient assembly line which would seamlessly take the baby from the warm womb to deep frozen sterility . .

Finnish and American scientists did an experiment in 1973, described in Newsweek:

“[The team] decapitated a dozen human fetuses, each aborted live through hysterotomy, and kept the heads alive artificially for study. The ghoulish experiment—partially funded by the National Institute of Health—was designed to measure fetal metabolism. At about the same time, another research team kept a batch of aborted fetuses alive in saline solution in order to find out if they could absorb oxygen. One fetus survived for nearly a day.”


In 1974, responding to public censure of such science, Congress banned the federal funding of research on aborted fetuses, and tightened those restrictions in 1985. This did not, however, forbid private institutions from conducting fetal research, since the fetus is not protected by law in the U.S. And the restrictions on [federal] funding were not total: Fetal tissue transplant research, which to this day remains the most medically and monetarily promising “use” for the unborn, was sponsored by the NIH until 1988, when President Reagan’s administration imposed a moratorium on such funding.

Much fetal tissue research remained unaffected by the moratorium, which continued under the Bush administration. The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment observed:

“Since the Moratorium took effect, NIH has spent more than $23.4 million to support 295 research projects involving human fetal tissue.”

As the old reporters’ saw goes, “Follow the money.” During the 1980s and early 90s, research pressed

on in a number of areas.


One of the most controversial programs of the 1980s was that of Loma Linda University Medical

Center, who chose to “harvest” the organs of [live] infants with some or most of their brains missing.

The harvesting did, of course, cause the death of such infants; but, since these infants did not in Loma Linda’s opinion qualify for personhood, their organs were considered fair game. In 1988 the University gave up the program—but not for moral reasons: The transplants didn’t work.


Loma Linda’s, and other American, fetal research does have a Chinese connection. As Loma Linda’s

Medical Center notes in an Internet post:

“A fetal brain bank has been established at Hua Shan Hospital, where fetal brain tissue is held in

cryogenic [super cold] preservation as part of a long range basic sciences research program. Parkinson’s is only one of many potential uses for the tissue samples.”

The [LLU] Internet post goes on to note that, for qualified doctors, “potential withdrawals” are available from the Chinese “brain bank.”

In addition, seven North American Parkinson’s sufferers were taken to China between 1989 and 1991 for fetal transplants. [About this project of theirs, the LLU post notes:]

“Success was impressive, but the long standing ban on [aborted] fetal tissue research made this kind of surgery impractical in the U.S.”

And Dr. Z.S. Tang, a fetal tissue research pioneer from China’s Shanghai Medical University and Hua

Shan Hospital, was a visiting professor at Loma Linda University Medical Center during the summer

and fall of 1992.

A Loma Linda doctor, Robert P. Iacono, returned Tang’s visit by doing fetal tissue graft implants in China.

Back in the U.S., in only the third day of his presidency, Bill Clinton repealed the Reagan/Bush ban in order, he said, to “free science and medicine from the grasp of politics” . .


But the industry has continued to research and develop their “product.”

Though many pro-lifers have heard about the newest abortion method, the so-called “D&X” [dilation

and extraction, more commonly known as partial-birth abortion], few know that the method is often touted as a superior way to obtain “undamaged” viable fetal tissue. Former abortionist Bernard Nathanson described the technique as used by Swedish doctors harvesting unborns’ brain tissue for treating Parkinson’s disease:

“Pregnant women at 13 to 18 weeks are placed on an operating table, the cervix is dilated, the bag of water is broken, the fetal head is guided into position just above the open cervix, the fetal skull is drilled open and a suction device is placed into the brain . . the brain substance is then suctioned out and placed immediately on ice to preserve its viability, then the fetus is aborted.”

Similar processes, according to Nathanson, are used in procuring fetal pancreas, fetal liquid and fetal thymus . .


And finally, the runway is being smoothed for full-blown research on living, fertilized embryos, including those artificially inseminated in the laboratory. If embryos, why not grow fetuses in the lab as

well? Scientists could then replace laboratory rats with a superior “product” more closely related to the human species.

When, in late 1994, an NIH panel recommended giving the green light to embryo experimentation,

First Things observed:

“We are confident that most people, to the extent that they are aware of the Panel’s recommendation,

experience an immediate and strong revulsion. This is not to be dismissed as an irrational reaction.

It signals a deep, intuitive awareness of lines that must not be crossed if we are to maintain our sometimes fragile hold upon our own humanity.”

Loma Linda Harvesting Organs http://www.sdadefend.com/Abortion/Harvest-organs.pdf

When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own. {COL 69}

The Narrow Way Ministires

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The Adventist church in Germany and Austria promoted allegiance to Hitler. This was done so that it would survive under the Nazi government.
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Nope. Not so. The church's guidelines on abortion condemn over 90% of abortions in the US. That's it.

Nope? Yep! You have not thought this through. The guidelines allow for the “health” exception. Ninety percent of abortions are performed because the pregnant woman doesn’t want the baby. She is mentally depressed as a result of an unplanned pregnancy. The number of abortions for other causes—rape, malformation, incest—do not exceed a small percentage of the total.

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You have a strange view of God.....He can kill the innocent or order it done by others. It must be some other God I am not aware of. If that is what you believe than I can understand your position better, although I disagree with it.

A strange view of God? It is the biblical view. The Lord of the Bible is the creator and he did have the right to exterminate the corrupt pre-flood generation of rebels whose thoughts were bent on evil and blood shed. Jesus did make reference to those who perished by the flood. He also predicted that all the rebels will be finally eradicated from the universe.

This is the only way evil will be finally eliminated. But do not forget that Noah warned that evil generation about the coming flood and offered them a chance to find refuge in the ark he was building. They refused the offer of life and salvation. Likewise, the Lord is giving sinners and rebels ample time to repent and avoid the fire of hell reserved for the Devil and his angels.

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Take a breather!!!!!! You will find out that the sun comes out tomorrow!!

Yes, the sun will come out tomorrow, but not for the 50 million which were aborted.

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It's too bad Nic sees fit to keep quoting air-head sources that are so biased you can see them coming a mile away.

Would you prefer if I started quoting these sources? Would it make a diffrence in your favor?

Abortion and The Seventh Day Adventist Church

Bibliography by Gary Shearer

Adventist Studies Librarian

Pacific Union College Library

Updated 11-16-2004

Books | Periodicals | Vertical Files | Addresses | Web Sites


Abortion: Ethical Issues and Options. Edited by David Ralph Larson. Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda University, Center for Christian Bioethics, 1992. 272p.

Her. Coll. HQ766.25 .A26 1992 (2nd copy in main collection)

Bruinsma, Reinder. Matters of Life and Death. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2000. Chapter Four, "Is Abortion Always Wrong?", pp. 65-85.

Her. Coll. R725.56 .B78 2000 (2nd copy in main collection)

Kubo, Sakae. Theology and Ethics of Sex. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1980. Chapter 15, "Abortion," Pp. 93-98,126.

Her. Coll. BT708 .K8 (2nd copy in main collection)

Osmunson, Robert Lee. Protest and Promise. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1973. "Protest...Feticide," pp.55-68.

Her. Coll. BV4501.2 .O75 (2nd copy in main collection)

Pearson, Michael. Millennial Dreams and Moral Dilemmas: Seventh-day Adventism and Contemporary Ethics. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Chapter 7, "Adventists and Abortion: Early Hostility," pp.92-105; Chapter 8, "Abortion: Tensions in the Institutionalized Church," pp.106-133.

Her. Coll. BX6122.5 .P38 1990 (2nd copy in main collection)

Weber, Martin. Wrestling With Reality. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1993. Chapter 4, "Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?," pp.57-66.

Her. Coll. HN37 .S48 W42 1993 (2nd copy in main collection)

Wittschiebe, Charles E. God Invented Sex. Nashville: Southern Publishing Association, 1974. "What position does our church take on abortion?," pp.130-133.

Her. Coll. HQ31 .W775 (2nd copy in main collection)


Aagaard, Earl. "Partial Birth Abortion: Ethical Issues." Update 12 (December 1996): 2,4.

Aagaard, Earl M. J. "Abortion Guidelines." Pacific Union Recorder 93 (February 1,1993): 31. Letters to the Editor.

"Abortion." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 1. An editorial.

"Abortion Guidelines." Ministry 44 (March 1971): 10-11.

"Abortion Guidelines for Adventist Medical Institutions." Ministry 61 (January 1988): 18-20.

"Abortion Guidelines: Official Statement Approved By the Annual Council, October 1992." Adventist Today 1 (May-June 1993): 17.

"Abortion Guidelines: Seventh-day Adventist Church, October 12,1992." Update 9 (September 1993): 3.

"Abortion: Readers Respond." Adventist Review 163 (November 20,1986): 12-13.

"Adventists and Abortion." Pacific Union Recorder 90 (July 2,1990): 31. Letters to the editor.

"Adventists and Abortion." Pacific Union Recorder 90 (September 3,1990): 31. "Letters to the editor."

"Adventists and Abortion - Three Professionals Share Their Views." Adventist Woman 9 (February/March 1990): 3. Margaret McFarland, Thesba Johnston, and Serena Gui share their views.

"Adventists Face Abortion: Other Opinions." Pacific Union Recorder 90 (October 15,1990): 31.

Anton, Ronald D. "Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and Rescue." Ministry 65 (September 1992): 6-10.

Augsburger, Daniel. "Five Myths Commonly Held About Abortion." These Times 86 (July 1977): 8-10.

Banks, Candace. "Abortion." Spectrum 20 (April 1990): 36-38.

Beach, W. R. "Abortion?" Ministry 44 (March 1971): 3-6.

Beem, Teresa. "The Hardest of the 'Hard Cases': Rape and Saving the Life of the Mother." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 7-13.

"Behind the Scenes: Development of the Abortion Guidelines." Update 9 (September 1993): 6-8.

Blake, Christopher. "Abortion: The Matter of Life or Death." Insight 19 (23 January 1988): 14-15.

Brooks, Charles D. "Isn't Abortion Murder?" Message 67 (July/August 2001): 22.

Brown, Gina Spivey and Loretta Parker Spivey. "Abortion." Adventist Review 173 (October 1996): 27.

Brunt, John C. "Adventists, Abortion, and the Bible." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 14-20.

Carr, Mark F. "Opinions and Positions: Where Is the Church on This Issue?" Pacific Union Recorder 102 (October 2002): 55.

Case, Steve. "Abortion, Part 1: What Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church's Stand on Abortion? And Please Explain Why." Insight 35 (August 28, 2004): 6-7.

Case, Steve. "Abortion, Part 2: What Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church's Stand on Abortion? And Please Explain Why." Insight 35 (September 4, 2004): 12-13.

"The Choice We Made." Campus Chronicle 62 (January 23,1986): 9.

Cleveland, E. E. "Abortion." North American Regional Voice 10 (February 1989): 5.

Clifford, H. E. "Perspectives on Abortion." Australasian Record 88 (May 14,1983): 12.

Condon, Guy. "Fatherhood Aborted: The Hidden Trauma of Men and Abortion and What the Church Can Do About It." Adventist Review 177 (February 17,2000): 11-14. Reprinted from "Christianity Today," December 9,1996.

Cottrell, Raymond F. and James W. Walters. "Pro-Life and Pro-Choice - Can the Church Have It Both Ways?" Adventist Today 1 (May-June 1993): 16.

Couperus, Molleurus. "Abortion." Spectrum 3 (Spring 1971): 4-5.

Crosby, Timothy. "Abortion: Some Questionable Arguments." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 21-28.

Daily, Steve. "From Womb to Tomb: Christian Concern for the Total Human Predicament." Adventist Review 169 (April 30,1992): 14-18. "The Unborn," pp.15-16.

Day, Garland. "Abortion: A Noble Protest." Adventist Singles Ministries Bulletin 21 (July 1986): 6-7.

Dick, W. G. "A Look at Abortion." RH 148 (May 13,1971): 11.

"A Dilemma." Cornerstone Connections 31 (Third Quarter 2000): 43-49.

Doran, Sandra. "Redefining the Topic." Spectrum 20 (April 1990): 38-40.

Drennan, Olga. "The Ending Place." Insight 8 (11 October 1977): 9-13.

du Preez, Ron. "The Fetus in Biblical Law." Ministry 65 (September 1992): 11-14.

du Preez, Ron. "The Status of the Fetus in Mosaic Law." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 1 (Autumn 1990): 5-21.

Duge, John. "The Abortion Issue: Must the Church Decide?" Lake Union Herald 77 (May 21,1985): 13,15.

Dunbebin, Clarence. "Delegates Fervently Discuss, Then Vote to Limit Abortion." Columbia Union Visitor 96 (November 15,1991): 5. Vote affects 3 Adventist hospitals in the Potomac Conference.

Durand, Eugene F. "About Abortion." Adventist Review 160 (September 1,1983): 13-14. An editorial.

Evans, Harrison S. "The Psychiatrist and Abortion." Spectrum 3 (Spring 1971): 23-27.

Fly, James L. "A Tale of Two Secrets." Insight 19 (23 January 1988): 2-3.

Ford, Alyssa. "Discussing Abortion: The Fear of Ideas." Campus Chronicle 62 (January 23,1986): 11.

Forsyth, Diane. "A Working Definition of Life." Spectrum 20 (April 1990): 40-41.

Fredericks, Richard. "A Biblical Response to Abortion." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 29-37.

Fredericks, Richard. "Less Than Human?" Ministry 61 (March 1988): 12-16.

Fredericks, Richard. "'Quality of Life': Toward a Compassionate and Christian Ethic." Liberty 84 (March/April 1989): 7-9,27.

Fredericks, Richard. "Who Deserves to Live?: Toward an Ethic of Compassion." Signs of the Times 117 (April 1990): 2-5.

"Fredericks' Suggested Guidelines for Crisis Pregnancies and Medical Protocol Within Seventh-day Adventist Institutions." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 34.

Gainer, George B. "Abortion: History of Adventist Guidelines." Ministry 64 (August 1991): 11-17.

Gainer, George B. "'The Wisdom of Solomon'?: The General Conference Abortion Statements of 1970-1971." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 38-46.

"GC Votes Positions on Abortion, Environment, and Care for Dying." Adventist Review 169 (October 29,1992): 7-8.

"General Conference Appoints Committee on Human Life." Ministry 61 (November 1988): 20,21.

"General Conference Appoints Committee on Human Life." Ministry 61 (November 1988): 20-21. Includes a list of members of the Christian View of Human Life Committee.

Geneson, Leigh B. "Adventist Abortion Guidelines: A Clinical Ethicist's Perspective." Update 9 (September 1993): 5.

Gow, Haven Bradford. "The Right to Life." Insight 8 (11 October 1977): 5-7.

"Guidelines on Abortion." Adventist Review 169 (December 31,1992): 11-12. Includes "Principles for a Christian View of Human Life."

Guthrie, Patti Gentry. "Loma Linda Hosts Abortion Conference." Adventist Review 166 (January 26,1989): 18-19.

Hall, Anna Lou. "The Woman and Abortion." Spectrum 3 (Spring 1971): 37-42.

Hanks-Harwood, Ginger. "Abortion and Adventists: Significant Theological Themes." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 51-54.

Hanks-Harwood, Ginger. "A Higher Calling." Adventist Today 1 (May-June 1993): 18.

Hegstad, Roland R. "A Vote for the Unborn." Liberty 88 (January/February 1993): 2. From the editor.

Holbrook, Frank B. "A Christian View of Abortion." These Times 86 (July 1977): 10.

Holbrook, Frank B. "Frank Answers: Should I Work in an Abortion Clinic." These Times 86 (March 1977): 32.

Holbrook, Frank B. "Frank Answers: The Christian and Abortion." These Times 84 (April 1975): 21.

Jecker, Nancy S. "Abortion in Context: Individual, Family, and Community." Update 9 (September 1993): 1-2.

Johnston, Madeline S. "Should the Church Take a Stronger Stand? - No." Insight 19 (23 January 1988): 13.

Jones-Haldeman, Madelyn. "A Modest Proposal." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 10.

Kerr, V. G. "Abortion: Where Does the Church Stand?" Messenger (British Union Conference) 93 (27 May 1988): 13.

Kis, Miroslav M. "The Christian View of Human Life." Ministry 64 (August 1991): 6-10.

Koranteng-Pipim, Samuel. Book review of "Abortion: Ethical Issues and Options," edited by David R. Larson. College and University Dialogue 6 (No.3,1994): 26-27.

Kruger, Joseph Patrick. "What Pro-Life Really Means." Insight 23 (November 14,1992): 6-7. Includes "Seventh-day Adventist Guidelines on Abortion: Excerpts From Our New Official Statement," pp.7&15.

"Laura's Question: Should I Have an Abortion?" Adventist Review 163 (September 25,1986): 8-13. Three perspectives on abortion.

Lawson, George. "What Will Our Answer Be?" Pacific Union Recorder 90 (October 15,1990): 12-13.

"Letter: Abortion, Not Murder." Insight 9 (7 March 1978): 3.

"Letter: Right to Life." Insight 9 (28 March 1978): 3.

"Letter: Right to Life." Insight 9 (18 April 1978): 3.

"Letter: Whose Rights, Whose Life?" Insight 9 (10 January 1978): 3.

"Letter: Whose Rights, Whose Life?" Insight 9 (17 January 1978): 3.

"Letters." Lake Union Herald 77 (August 27,1985): 23.

"Letters: Abortion." Ministry 58 (July 1985): 2,8.

"Letters: Abortion." Ministry 61 (July 1988): 2,29-30.

"Letters: Abortion Guidelines." Ministry 61 (May 1988): 2,27-28.

"Letters: Adventists and Abortion." Ministry 61 (March 1988): 2.

"Letters: Last Letters on Abortion." Ministry 61 (November 1988): 2,30.

"Letters: Life, Abortion, and the Christian." Ministry 64 (December 1991): 2,27.

"Letters: More on Abortion." Ministry 58 (October 1985): 2.

"Letters: More on Abortion." Ministry 61 (September 1988): 2,26-27.

"Letters: The Abortion Dilemma." Ministry 66 (January 1993): 2,30.

"Lisa, You're Not Pregnant, Are You?" Vibrant Life 3 (March/April 1987): 26-30. Letters in response to article in September/October 1986 issue.

Londis, James J. "Abortion: What Shall Christians Do?" Insight 5 (19 March 1974): 12-17.

Maffeo, Richard. "A Lingering Sadness." Signs of the Times 129 (January 2002): 6.

Mansell, D. E. "Abortion." Ministry 44 (September 1971): 49. Letter to the editor.

"Matters of Life and Death." College and University Dialogue 5 (No.2,1993): 26-27. Includes documents "Principles for a Christian View of Human Life" and "Seventh-day Adventist Guidelines on Abortion."

Maxwell, R. Maureen and Clarice J. Woodward. "The Nurse and Abortion." Spectrum 3 (Spring 1971): 19-22.

Mazat, Alberta. "The Dilemma of Abortion." Journal of Adventist Youth Ministry 3 (Winter/Spring 1993): 17-21.

McMillan, Leonard. "To Abort or Not to Abort: That Is the Question." Ministry 51 (March 1978): 11-13.

Medley, Carlos. "GC Votes Positions on Abortion, Environment, and Care for Dying." Adventist Review 169 (October 29, 1992): 7-8 ("Abortion Guidelines", pp.7-8).

Miller, Jim. "Abortion and the Bible: A Caution." Adventist Today 10 (Winter 2001): 8-9.

Miller, Karen. "The Abortion Debate." Record 97 (November 21,1992): 2.

"Ministry Reports: Statement 1 - Guidelines on Abortion." Ministry 66 (May 1993): 22-23.

Müller, Richard. "Abortion: A Moral Issue?" Ministry 58 (January 1985): 18-20,31.

Newman, J. David. "Abortion: Choice or Life?" Ministry 65 (September 1992): 4-5.

Newman, J. David. "Do We Need an Abortion Standard?" Ministry 62 (October 1989): 33.

Newman, J. David. "How Sacred Is Human Life?" Ministry 64 (February 1991): 5.

Newman, J. David. "Provisional Statement on Abortion." Ministry 63 (July 1990): 19-20. Contains, "A Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Consensus on Abortion (Preliminary)."

Nixon, Rosalee. "A Young Woman Looks at Abortion." Australasian Record 89 (October 27,1984): 4.

"Partial Birth Abortion Dialogue." Update 12 (December 1996): 5-6. Excerpts from oral presentations given by Earl Aagaard and Elmar Sakala.

Pearson, Michael. "Abortion: The Adventist Dilemma." Ministry 61 (January 1988): 4-6,28.

Pearson, Michael. "Control of the Body, Control of the Mind: A Personal Abortion Ethic." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 55-58.

Platner, C. Elwyn. "General Conference Committee Making Extensive Study of Abortion Issue." Pacific Union Recorder 90 (March 19,1990): 4,6.

Platner, C. Elwyn. "Lay Groups Form Abortion Education Ministry." Pacific Union Recorder 90 (March 19,1990): 5. New organization, "Adventists for Life."

"Principles for a Christian View of Human Life." Adventist Review 169 (December 31,1992): 12. Scriptural principles. Included with article "Guidelines on Abortion."

"Proposed Abortion Guidelines." Spectrum 21 (August 1991): 40-43.

"A Proposed Statement of Consensus on Abortion." College and University Dialogue 2 (November 1,1990): 32-33.

Provonsha, Jack W. "An Appraisal of Therapeutic Abortion: The View of Christian Ethics." Spectrum 3 (Spring 1971): 29-36.

Provonsha, Jack W. "How Much Is a Fetus Worth?" Ministry 57 (January 1984): 15-17,24.

"Re Preliminary Statement on Abortion." Ministry 63 (November 1990): 29.

"Readers' Symposium." Spectrum 20 (April 1990): 36-38. Letter from Candace Banks of Richmond, VA regarding abortion.

"Readers' Symposium." Spectrum 20 (April 1990): 38-40. Letter from Sandra Doran of Bridgeport, CT regarding abortion.

"Readers' Symposium." Spectrum 20 (April 1990): 40-41. Letter from Diane Forsyth of Loma Linda, CA regarding abortion.

Rock, Calvin B. "Crucial Questions." Message 61 (March/April 1995): 26-27.

Rock, Calvin B. "Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?" Adventist Review 167 (May 17,1990): 11. SDA leaders and scholars have not been able to declare the church pro-life or pro-choice.

Rumble, Beverly. "Consensus Emerging in Abortion Study." Adventist Woman 9 (June/July/August 1990): 1,13.

Rumble, Beverly. "Women Major Contributors as Church Studies Abortion." Adventist Woman 9 (February/March 1990): 1,2.

Sakala, Elmar P. "Partial Birth Abortion: Mandates, Methods, and Morality." Update 12 (December 1996): 3,4-5.

Saxby, Gayle. "Holding Values in Tension: The 1992 Abortion Guidelines." Update 9 (September 1993): 4.

"Seventh-day Adventist Guidelines on Abortion: A Report From Annual Council, 1992." Journal of Adventist Youth Ministry 3 (Winter/Spring 1993): 12-16.

Shettles, Landrum and David Rorvik. "Abortion - A Doctor's View." Vibrant Life 3 (March/April 1987): 30-35. Illus. Neither author is SDA.

Shoebox Baby. "Shoebox Babies." Perspective Digest 6 (No. 1, 2001): 48-50.

Spangler, J. Robert. "Reflections on Adventists and Abortion." Ministry 61 (January 1988): 17-18.

Stevens, John V., Jr. "Abortion Answers and Attitutdes." Pacific Union Recorder 90 (August 20,1990): 12,13.

Stirling, Betty. "A Sociologist Looks at Abortion." Spectrum 3 (Spring 1971): 12-18.

Sweem, Andyce, Pat Wick and Gerald Winslow. "Laura's Question: Should I Have an Abortion? - Three Perspectives on Abortion." Adventist Review 163 (September 25,1986): 8-13.

Sweem, Ardyce. "Abortion's Effects." Ministry 61 (July 1988): 14-16.

"Taking a Stand: The Church Responds to Moral Issues Confronting Christians: Statement I, Guidelines on Abortion." Adventist Review 169 (December 31, 1992): 11-12.

Terian, Sara Karkkainen. "Psychological and Social Effects of Abortion - Some Recent Data." Spectrum 19 (May 1989): 59-61.

"Thirty a Day." Insight 19 (23 January 1988): 4-6. Author is an anonymous former missionary.

Thomsen, Ervin and Carolyn. "Should the Church Take a Stronger Stand? - Yes." Insight 19 (23 January 1988): 12.

Tisdale, Sallie. "We Do Abortions Here: A Nurse's Story." Insight 19 (23 January 1988): 8-11.

Tuinn, Barbara. "Letters: Abortion." Adventist Review 160 (November 24,1983): 2. Letter to the editor. Response to letter mentions EGW did not write about abortion. Pp.100-101 in A Solemn Appeal are not by her.

"Unborn Child's Humanity." Insight 7 (24 August 1976): 14-15.

Vixie, Suzanne. "Choosing Life." Campus Chronicle 62 (January 23,1986): 8.

Waddell, Ralph F. "Abortion Is Not the Answer." Ministry 44 (March 1971): 7-9.

Watts, Kit. "Abortion and Conscience." Adventist Review 167 (January 25,1990): 5.

Weber, Martin. "The Abortion Dilemma." Ministry 65 (September 1992): 15-17.

Weber, Martin. "The Christian View of Human Life: Adventists Approve Guidelines Rather Than Edicts." Liberty 88 (January/February 1993): 11-13. Includes "Principles for a Christian View of Human Life."

Weber, Martin. "Potomac Constituency Votes Abortion Appeal." Ministry 64 (December 1991): 25.

"What Do You Think About Abortion?" Insight 19 (23 January 1988): 7. Brief responses by Jerilyn Johnson, Everett Roper and Ruth Crouch.

Wick, Pat. "The God-given Right to Choose." Campus Chronicle 62 (January 23,1986): 6-7.

Widmer, Myron. "The Church on Abortion: Current Suggested Guidelines." Adventist Review 163 (September 25,1986): 14-15.

Winslow, Gerald. "Abortion - A Pastor's View." Vibrant Life 3 (March/April 1987): 35-36.

Winslow, Gerald. "Abortion and Christian Principles." Ministry 61 (May 1988): 12-16.

Winslow, Gerald. "Abortion and Christian Principles." Liberty 84 (March/April 1989): 10-13. Reprinted from "Ministry",1988.

Winslow, Gerald. "Abortion: Consensus and Dialogue." Adventist Today 1 (May-June 1993): 20.

Winslow, Gerald. "Adventists and Abortion: A Principled Approach." Spectrum 12 (December 1981): 6-17.

Wood, Miriam. "Dear Miriam." Adventist Review 162 (September 12,1985): 21. Problem about church membership in a church whose hospitals perform "abortions of convenience."

Youngberg, John and Millie. "The Reborn and the Unborn." Lake Union Herald 77 (May 21,1985): 12,14.

Youngberg, John and Millie. "The Reborn and the Unborn." Ministry 58 (November 1985): 12-13.

Youngberg, Millie and John. "Myths and Maybes." Adventist Today 1 (May-June 1993): 19.

Ziprick, Harold E. "Abortion in Our Changing World." Spectrum 3 (Spring 1971): 7-11.

Vertical Files

"Abortion Guidelines." May 13,1970. "Interruption of Pregnancy: Statement of Principles." 1971. 6p.

Allen, Sydney. "Immortality of the Soul and the Abortion of the Body." Unpublished paper . 1988. 19p.

Baldwin, Dalton. "The Views of John Harvey Kellogg on Abortion." Unpublished paper. 1988. 21p.

Bird, David. "What the Bible Says About Abortion Today." Unpublished paper. 1988. 18p.

Brunt, John C. "Adventists, Abortion and the Bible." Unpublished paper. 1988. 27p.

du Preez, Ron. "The Status of the Fetus in Mosaic Law." Unpublished paper. February 1989. 33p.

Gardner, Vincent. "Abortion - Adventist Interpretation." Unpublished paper. February 1,1989. 24p.

Hanks-Harwood, Ginger. "Abortion and Adventist Interpretation: Significant Theological Themes." Unpublished paper. 1988. 28p.

Lawson, Ronald. "Pro-What?: Seventh-day Adventists and the Abortion Issue." Paper read at the meeting of The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Raleigh, NC, October 1993. 27p.

Londis, James. Abortion, Mercy or Murder? Nashville: Southern Publishing Association, 1980. 32p.

Müller, Richard W. "Ellen G. White and Abortion." Unpublished paper. 1988. 27p.

A Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Consensus on Abortion: Preliminary. 4p.

Walters, James W. "Adventist Guidelines on Abortion." Unpublished paper. 1988. 21p.

Web Sites

Christian Family Adoptions


Guidelines on Abortion



Christian Family Adoption

6040 SE Belmont Street

Portland, OR 97215

Phone: 503-232-1211

Fax: 503-232-4756

Adventists For Life

P.O. Box 1012

Loma Linda, CA 92354

Living Options

24769 Redlands Blvd., Suite E

San Bernardino, CA 92408

Living Options is a nonprofit crisis pregnancy ministry. It publishes a newsletter.

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This is a long list....but all the references are at least 6 years old.

Do you have more recent publications to cite?

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This is a long list....but all the references are at least 6 years old. Do you have more recent publications to cite?

Here is a more recent list. I finished compiling it in 2006. It took me a long time to do this since it was part of my doctoral program in religion. I am afraid this is a long one as well.



Alcorn, Randy. Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Questions. n.p.: Multnomah Books, 1992. 265 pp.

Bruinsma, Reinder. Matters of Life and Death. Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Association, 2000. 65-85.

Crutcher, Mark. Lime 5: Exploited by Choice. Denton, Texas: Life dynamics, Incorporated, 1996. 281 pp.

________. On Message: Understanding and Communicating the Pro-Life Position. Denton, Texas: Life Dynamics Incorporated, 2005. 132pp.

Guy, Fritz. Thinking Theologically. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University Press, 1999. 236.

Herndon, Booton. The Unlikeliest Hero. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1967. 199 pp.

Kellogg, J.H. Man the Masterpiece. Battle Creek, Michigan: Modern Medicine Publishing Co., 1894. 424-425.

Larson, David. Abortion: Ethical Issues & Options. Loma Linda, California: Center For Christian Bioethics, 1992. 264 pp.

Norma McCorvey, Won by Love. Nashville: Tomas Nelson Publishers, 1997. 244 pp.

Ministerial Association: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventist Believe . . . A Biblical Exposition of 27 Fundamental Doctrines. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1988. 283 pp.

Walters, James W. What Is a Person? An Ethical Exploration. Urbana and Chicago, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1997. 181 pp.

White, Ellen G. Ministry of Healing. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1958. 373, 397.

________. Patriarchs and Prophets. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1958. 316.

________. Patriarchs and Prophets. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1958. 516.

________. Prophets and Kings. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1943. 728.

________. Selected Messages, Vol. 2. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1958. 429-430.

________. Testimony Treasures, Vol. 2. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1949. 374.

________. The Adventist Home. Nashville, Tennessee: Southern Publishing Association, 1952. 280.

________. The Great Controversy. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1939. 635.

White, James. Solemn Appeal. Battle Creek, Michigan: Stem Press, 1870. 100.

Young, Curt. The Least of These: What Everyone Should Know About Abortion. Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1983. 225 pp.


Acosta, Luis F. “Letters” Ministry (Aug. 1991): 28.

Anderson, Jim. “Letters” Ministry (Mar. 1993): 2.

Andrews, J.N. “A Few Words Concerning a Great Sin” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (30 Nov. 1869): 184.

Augsburger, Daniel. “Abortion: Don’t Believe all you Hear!” Ministry (Sept. 1976): 24.

Auxt, Andrew. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988): 30.

Bacchiocchi, Samuelle. “Letters” Ministry (May 1988): 28.

Beach, W.R. “Abortion?” Ministry (Mar. 1971): 3.

Beem, Teresa. “The Hardest of the Hard Cases: Rape and Saving the Life of the Mother” Spectrum 19/4 (May 1989): 7.

Blake, Kenneth B. “Letters” Ministry (Dec. 1991): 2.

Blake, Ken. “Letters” Ministry (May 1988): 2.

Bohr, Stephen P. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988), 29.

Bork, Paul F. “Letters” Ministry (Dec. 1991): 2.

Brunt, John C. “Adventists, Abortion and the Bible” Spectrum 19/4 (May 1989): 14.

Cargill, R. M. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1986): 28.

Crawford, David F. “Letters” Ministry (Dec. 1991): 27.

Crosby, Timothy. “Abortion: Some Questionable Arguments” Spectrum 19/4 (May

1989): 21.

Dean, Shirley B. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988): 2.

Dick, W. G. “Letters” Ministry (Jan. 1993): 30.

Dunn, Robert H. “Letters” Ministry (Oct. 1985): 2.

Endres, Sarah. “Letters” Ministry (Feb. 1991): 2.

Ferguson, John. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 2.

Fielding, Jim. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1988): 2.

Fisher, Edward G. “Letters” Ministry (Mar. 1988): 2.

Florea, Jeremia. “Letters” Ministry (May 1986): 30.

Florea, Jeremiah. “Letters” Ministry (Dec. 1991): 27.

________. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988): 30.

Fortin, Dennis. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 27.

Fredericks, Richard. “A Biblical Response to Abortion” Spectrum 19/4 (May 1989): 29, 33.

________. “Less than Human?” Ministry (Mar. 1988): 12.

________. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 26.

Fulop, Mark. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1990): 29.

Gainer, George “Abortion: History of Adventist Guidelines” Ministry (Aug. 1991): 11.

________. “Letters” Ministry (May 1988): 27.

________. “The Wisdom of Solomon?” Spectrum 19/4 (May 1989): 38.

Glenn, David. “Letters” Ministry (June 1991): 28.

Grimm, Terry C. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1988): 30.

Gutel, William L. “Letters” Ministry (Mar. 1988): 2.

________. “Letters” Ministry (Jan, 1993): 30.

Hamilton, Thomas. “Letters” Ministry (Mar. 1988): 2.

Hampton, David. “Letters” Ministry (May 1986): 30.

Hansen, Richard A. “Letters” Ministry (Jan. 1985): 30.

Harmon, Ralph. “Letters” Ministry (Dec. 1991): 2.

Harter, Chris. “Letters” Ministry (July 1985): 2.

Hays, Robert E. “Letters” Ministry (May 1986): 30.

Hubbell, C. L. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 27.

“In China They Are Eating Babies, in Loma Linda, They Are Harvesting Organs” Pilgrims Rest: Waymarks (n.d.): 1.

Jackson, Gordon E. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 26.

James, David C. “Deciding About Abortion” Ministry (Feb, 1989): 19.

Jessen, Timothy. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 26.

Jones-Haldeman, Madelyn. “A Modest Proposal” Spectrum 19/4 (May 1989): 10.

Kerbs, John G. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 2.

Kumamoto, Danny. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 2

Kurlinski, John. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 2.

Larson, David. “Shop Talk/Call for Papers on Abortion” Ministry (Dec. 1987): 32

Laurell, Clifford. “Letters” Ministry (Aug. 1991): 28.

Lemmo, Alfred. “Letters” Ministry (Mar. 1996): 2.

“Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 27.

Lorenz, P.A. “The Way We Were” Adventist For Life/Heritage Edition (v.3, n.3, n.d.): 2.

Mansell, D.E. “Feed Back” Ministry (Sept. 1971): 49.

Maxwell, R. Maureen, & Clarice J. Woodward. “The Nurse and Abortion” Spectrum (Spring 1971): 19.

McCall, William. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988): 29.

McDowell, Lyndon K. “Letters” Ministry (Jan. 1993): 2.

McMillan, Leonard. “To Abort or not to Abort: That is the Question” Ministry (Mar. 1978): 11.

McPherson, Robert C. “Letters” Ministry (Dec. 1991): 2.

Meier, Hugo. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1990: 29.

Miceli, David. “Letters” Ministry (July 1993): 29.

Muller, Richard. “Abortion: A Moral Issue?” Ministry (Jan. 1985): 18.

Newman, J. David. “Do We Need an Abortion Standard?” Ministry (Oct. 1989): 37.

________. “First Glance” Ministry (July 1988): 3.

________. “Guidelines on Abortion” Ministry (May 1993): 22.

________. “How Sacred is Human Life?” Ministry (Feb. 1991), 5.

________. “Provisional Statement on Abortion /A Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Consensus on Abortion” Ministry (July 1990): 19.

Nichols, Charles W. “Letters” Ministry (May 1988): 28.

O’Ffill, R. W. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1990): 29.

Ottey, Van. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1990): 29.

________. “Letters” Ministry (May 1988): 27.

Paulson, Kevin D. “Letters” Ministry (Jan. 1986): 2.

Peachey, Keith. “Letters” Ministry (May 1988): 28.

Pearson, Michael. “Abortion: The Adventist Dilemma” Ministry (Jan. 1988): 4.

________. “Control of the Body, Control of the Mind: A Personal Abortion Ethic” Spectrum 19/4 (May 1989): 55.

Phillips, Pauline W. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988): 29.

Preez, Ron Du. “The Fetus in Biblical Law” Ministry (Sept. 1992): 11.

Provonsha, Jack W. “How Much is a Fetus Worth?” Ministry (Jan. 1984): 15.

Regester, Willard D. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1988): 2.

Ricker, George M. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1990): 29.

Sanchez, Ernie. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 26.

Scholes, David A. “Letters” Ministry (May 1988): 28.

Schreven, Leo. “Letters” Ministry (Dec. 1991): 27.

Smith, Uriah. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. Quoted by P.A. Lorenz. Adventist for Life News, Vol. III, Issue 3. (n.d., Heritage Edition): 3.

Spangler, J. R. “Abortion Guidelines” Ministry (Mar. 1971): 10.

________. “Reflection on Adventists and Abortion” Ministry (Jan. 1988):

Steed, Lincoln E. “Why Silence is not an Option” Liberty Online (Sept. /Oct. 2004):17.

Stevens, John V., Sr. “Abortion Answers and Attitudes,” Pacific Union Recorder (20 Aug. 1990).

Stirling, Betty J. “A Sociologists Looks at Abortion” Spectrum (Spring 1971): 12.

Story, Joseph L. “Letters” Ministry (April 1992): 2.

Sweem, Ardyce. “Abortion Effects” Ministry (July 1988): 14.

Terian, Sara Karkkainen. “Psychological and Social Effects of Abortion–Some RecentData” Spectrum (May 1989): 59.

Thomsen, Ron. “Letters” Ministry (Nov. 1990): 29.

Todd, John. “Fashionable Murder” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (25 June 1867): 29-30.

Waddell, Ralph. “Abortion is not the Answer” Ministry (Mar. 1971): 7.

Watts, Kit. “Letters” Ministry (Jan. 1993): 2.

Weber, Martin. “The Abortion Dilemma” Ministry (Sept. 1992): 15.

Wesley, Alice Blair. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988): 30.

Westendorf, R. F. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 27.

Whiting, M.L. “Letters” Ministry (Sept. 1988): 2.

Wiltse, Glen L. “Letters” Ministry (July 1988): 30.

Winslow, Gerald. “Abortion and Christian Principles” Ministry (May 1988): 12.

________. “Abortion Policies in Adventist Hospitals” Spectrum 19/4 (May 1989): 47.

________. “When is Enough Enough?” Adventist Review 182 (31 March 2005): 30.

Youngberg, John, and Millie Youngberg. “The Reborn and the Unborn” Ministry (Nov. 1985): 12.

Young, Curt. “The Least of These: What Everyone Should Know About Abortion” Ministry (Sept. 1986): 31.

Ziprick, Harold F. “Abortion in Our changing World” Spectrum (Spring 1971): 7.

Online Internet Sources

“Abortion” Azure Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church (2006). Accessed from http://www.azurehills.org/index.php?option=com_na_bibleinfo&task=topic&bi_id= on 20 Oct. 2010.

“Abortion” Phoenix Camelback Seventh-day Adventist Church (2006). Accessed from http://www.camelbackchurch.net/ on 20 Oct. 2010. The original website is no longer in existence and it was replaced with a new one which does not contain the pro-life statement alluded to in the present investigation.

“Adventists laud Pope for concern on world peace, poverty and family” Adventist News Dispatch/Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (11 Mar. 2005). Accessed from http://www.ssd.org/news/mar1105.html on 20 Oct. 2010.

“A Seventh-day Adventist Statement on Well-being and Value of Children”. Adventist Beliefs/Official Statements/ Seventh-day Adventist Church (29 June 2000). Accessed from http://www.adventist.org/beliefs/statements/main-stat51.html on 20 Oct. 2010.

Bacchiocchi, Samuele. “The Signs of Increased Wickedness” Endtime Issues No. 24 (29 July 1999). Accessed from http://www.biblicalperspectives.com/endtimeissues/eti_24.html on 20 Oct. 2010.

Beem, Teresa, & Arthur D. Beem “Why we Left: A Letter to Family and Others” Former Adventist Fellowship Online (7 Feb. 2001). Accessed from http://www.formeradventist.com/stories/teresaarthurbeem.html\ on 20 Oct. 2010.

________. “Why we left: A Letter to Family and Others” Former Adventist Fellowship Online (18 Nov. 2002). Accessed from http://www.formeradventist.com/stories/teresaarthurbeem.html\ on 20 Oct. 2010.

“Birth Control: A Statement of Consensus” Adventist Beliefs/Other documents/ Seventh-day Adventist Church (26 July 1994). Accessed from http://adventist.org/beliefs/statements/main-stat44.html on 20 Oct. 2010.

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“Considerations on Assisted Human Reproductions” Adventist Beliefs/Seventh-day Adventist Church (26 July 1994). Accessed from http://adventist.org/beliefs/other-documents/other-doc10.html on 20 Oct. 2010.

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Nicoll, Regis. “The Sacrament of Abortion” Spectrum (6 Dec. 2005). Accessed from http://www.spectrummagazine.org/library/columns2005/051206nicholls.html The link to this Spectrum article no longer works and the effort to locate it through its current archive failed to yield the expected results.

Pavone, Frank. “The Sacrament of Abortion” Priests for Life Educational Resourcess (n.d.) Accessed from http://www.priestsforlife.org/columns/columns2002/02-08-12sacramentofabortion.htm on 20 Oct. 2010.

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Internet link: http://letsfocusonlife.com/?page_id=3510

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Originally Posted By: Shane
The Adventist church in Germany and Austria promoted allegiance to Hitler. This was done so that it would survive under the Nazi government.

If what the Adventist leaders did then was the right thing to do, then why the need to say “We’re Sorry”?

The church was wrong in Germany and Austria. They should have apologized long before they did. BUT THE CHURCH IS NOT DOING TODAY WHAT IT DID IN GERMANY AND AUSTRIA!

Get rid of that strawman. Burn him up!

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Whether the church promotes abortion or simply condones it the end product is the same: hundreds of dead babies in our own hospitals.

The church does not condone any abortions. None. It condemns over 90% of abortions and leaves the individual believer the right to make their own decisions for the other less than 10%.

Politically, our church is doing EXACTLY the right thing. In Germany, the church took sides in a political issue (and took the wrong side). With abortion, the church take neither side. The church in Germany should have done with Hitler what the church is doing today with abortion.

Get rid of the strawman. Burn him up!

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The church was wrong in Germany and Austria. They should have apologized long before they did. BUT THE CHURCH IS NOT DOING TODAY WHAT IT DID IN GERMANY AND AUSTRIA!

I see things from a different perspective. In Germany under Hitler, the church compromised for the sake of the survival of the entire denominational structure in those countries. Our church in the U.S. compromised for fear of loosing the profit derived from a lucrative business. Read the story of how it started as related by George Gainer.

Likewise, in Rwanda, Adventists killed innocent human beings under extreme duress: Their choice was: Kill or be killed. Today we kill—not to protect our lives from a sure death—but rather to protect our lifestyle. Our guilt is so much greater. If we fail when the moral test is comparatively light, what shall we do when the big test comes and we will have to choose between life and death as predicted by our prophet?

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Destroyed babies and children of the OT were rebels??????

No, they were innocent. So were the babies and children of the pre-flood generation. The same thing can be said about the babies and innocent children who perished as a result of our war against Hitler. Collateral damage is a natural result of our fight against evil. Innocent children suffer the consequences of the wrong choices made by their parents or the national leaders.

When God orders the destruction of evildoers, he takes the moral responsibility for those actions. Death is a temporary outcome, and in the resurrection day the Lord can restore to eternal life those who perished in their innocence. We can’t do this, which means that we should not try to play God.

The Lord has not given us the moral right to take the life of innocent human beings. We need to differentiate between the collateral damage from the deliberate and intentional practice of targeting the weak and defenseless members of society.

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