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Report: Iran 'strategic target' over nuke program

Neil D

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[:"blue"] I know, he said that Iran wasn't gonna be invaded...So, why is Iran being targeted? I guess we need to know where we are gonna send our drafted boys, eh?


The Associated Press

The Bush administration has identified Iran as a "strategic target" as intelligence officials grapple with the purposes behind the Islamic republic's nuclear program, according to a story in Monday's edition of the New Yorker magazine.

Reporter Seymour Hersh said Bush and his national security advisers had been "conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran at least since last summer" for the purpose of gathering intelligence and targeting information.

Hersh, who broke the story about the Abu Ghraib prisoner torture scandal, wrote that he had repeatedly been told by intelligence and military officials, on condition of anonymity that, "the next strategic target was Iran."

President Bush's communications director, Dan Bartlett, questioned earlier this week about the Hersh article, said he had read excerpts.

"I think it's riddled with inaccuracies. And I don't believe that some of the conclusions he's drawing are based on fact," the White House spokesman said.

Iran said Sunday that samples taken from a military complex by U.N. inspectors will show that the country's atomic program is for peaceful purposes and not for weapons, as the United States alleges.

associated press

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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[:"blue"] And Iran now has said that it can "deter" an attack....So much for diplomatic skills of our country president, Bush. ...Just remmeber, 51% of you voted for Bush...I think the first 51% should send your kids to that new war that is brewing.[/]

Tue Jan 18, 2005 01:28 PM ET

By Paul Hughes

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has the military might to deter attacks against it, Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani said, after President Bush said he would not rule out military force against Iran over its nuclear program.

"We are able to say that we have strength such that no country can attack us because they do not have precise information about our military capabilities due to our ability to implement flexible strategies," the semi-official Mehr news agency quoted Shamkhani as saying Tuesday.

"We can claim that we have rapidly produced equipment that has resulted in the greatest deterrent," he said, without elaborating.

In October, Iran announced successful trials of its Shahab-3 ballistic missile with a range of 1,250 miles, putting parts of Europe, as well as Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf, within reach.

Bush said Monday Washington would not rule out military action against Iran -- which he has labeled as part of an "axis of evil" alongside Iraq and North Korea -- if it was not more forthcoming about its suspected nuclear weapons program.

Washington accuses Tehran of trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is aimed solely at producing electricity.

The United States has toppled regimes in Iran's neighbors Afghanistan and Iraq since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.

"Iran has no fear of foreign enemies' threats ... as they are very well aware that the Islamic Republic is not a place for adventurism," the ISNA student news agency quoted influential former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani as saying.

Bush's comments followed an article in the New Yorker magazine Sunday which said U.S. commando units were conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran to identify hidden nuclear and chemical sites for possible strikes.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Well of course U.S. intelligence is identifying strategic targets in Iran. It wouldn't be doing its job otherwise. They are supposed to ascertain such targets in any nation that is a potential adversary. If the president decides it is necessary to launch a pre-emptive strike against a nation like North Korea, there should be no delay deciding where to strike. The targets should already be selected. What's more, various plans of attack should already be fully war-gamed and ready to implement. This is what our government has always done. It does not mean any of those plans will be used, or any of those targets will be hit. But if the president makes that decision, it can be implemented with maximum efficiency and minimal delay.

As for Iran's blustering claims it could repel any U.S. attack, remember, Iran could not defeat Iraq after a seven-year long war, and the U.S. defeated Iraq in less than a month. Just because the weak say they are strong does not mean they really are.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Just remmeber, 51% of you voted for Bush...I think the first 51% should send your kids to that new war that is brewing.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

This is a divisive comment. This is the kind of hate-mongering I have been talking about that some of you have been denying that exists. It is the "us against them" tactic.

As far as Iran being able to deter an attack... That is a laugh. The US is on their western boarder in Iraq, eastern border in Afghanistan and their southern sea shore is open to attacks from our battleships, aircraft carriors and nuclear subs.

I look for Bush to build up a military presence and then make demands just like he did with Saddam and like Kennedy did with Castro. Hopefully Iran will be cooperative and prevent a bloodshed. I asked a girl from Iran in a chatroom what she thought of the US invading and she said that is her prayer. Things must be tough there.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Well of course U.S. intelligence is identifying strategic targets in Iran. It wouldn't be doing its job otherwise.

Like they identified the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq prior to their "liberation" of that country?




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The USA president of freedom is threatening to impose his will on yet another country in the Middle East.

This time he can't even argue that

  • they have WMD - he should have mentioned that years ago, or
  • that it is an unpopular dicatorship - it isn't.

Bush and his advisors have their heads deep in the sands of time, ignoring where the future is obviously going, while furiously figuring out how to loot the USA middle-class taxpayers of as many dollars as possible.

How else can you explain the stupidities of the Bush government that

  • thinks torture, indefinite imprisonment without trial, and bribery will get to truth and justice
  • thinks that lying to the American public and the world will make them want to emulate us
  • thinks that having Mutual Fund advisors, stock brokers, etc taking money out of the Social Security pool will make it more profitable
  • thinks that buying expensive radios, fire trucks, atropine injectors, and small-pox immunization sets is going to make the USA safer
  • and has started oil drilling in some of the most fragile areas on the planet?


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I think that is a very unfair statement. There are many religious people and groups that support responible care of the environment.

As for the "current political/religious coalition" I guess I don't know what that is. Is that Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Push Coalition?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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