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Carrie Prejean to Surrender Miss California Title

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Carrie Prejean to surrender Miss California title

iss California Carrie Prejean is being encouraged to surrender her title, in the wake of recent controversy surrounding her anti-gay marriage stance and nude photos. Keith Lewis, the director of the Miss California Pageant, has said that the 21-year-old beauty queen is giving preference to her views than what her title represents.

"We are just trying to move forward in what is the best way for the organization, the women, the titleholder and the state. Carrie is still Miss California USA, but right now she is not acting in the capacity of Miss California USA. She is acting as Carrie Prejean and working on things that are important to Carrie Prejean," Fox News quoted Lewis as saying.

In fact, many Pageant insiders and former title-holders have said that if Prejean wishes to continue her crusade in advocating her traditional views of marriage, she should first resign from her role as Miss California.

"I think it's awesome that she's found something that she's very passionate about and found this voice, but if she wants to pursue that and emphasize those opinions she should do it as Carrie not as Miss California so therefore I do think she should step down," said Miss USA 2004 Shandi Finnessey.

She added: "But I actually think it's sad you turn on the TV and everyone is so concerned about a beauty queen and whether or not she will lose her title. But I understand it's important because she now is Miss California USA and she has to represent that title and not necessarily herself."

Meanwhile, Prejean did not turn up for the shooting of a PSA, titled 'I Believe ... The Beauty of California', aimed at promoting the diversity of California.

[text taken from link]

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I don't think Miss Prejean will be hurt professionally at all if the title is taken away from her. In fact, it could help her out. I don't think, however, that she should voluntarily give it up. She did a good job answering the question on gay marriage (which should have never been asked) and the outrage over her underwear commercial pictures seems quite disingenuous coming from California - world capital of hard-core porn. I think she will become the latest victim of political correctness. She should certainly have the freedom to crusade against gay marriage if she so chooses. I seriously doubt she would be having these problems had she come out in support of gay marriage. It only goes to show that we need not only fear the far-right, religious extremists. The far-left is just as dangerous to religious liberty as the far right.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Dr. Dobson to Interview Miss Calif., May 11 & 12

Dear Friends,

In the final round of the Miss USA® pageant, contestant Carrie Prejean made a courageous decision that may have cost her the crown.

Every day, each one of us has the opportunity to stand up for what we believe in. But it's not always easy. Please join us today and tomorrow for the "Focus on the Family®" daily broadcast--featuring an in-depth interview with Carrie and her mother, Francine Copolla. You'll hear unique perspectives and the "real story" behind her decision--as well as some practical insights to help you speak out in your own community.


James D. Daly

President and CEO

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Trump says Miss California USA can retain crown

"We've reviewed the pictures carefully," Trump said at a packed news conference at Trump Plaza in New York City. "We've made a determination that the pictures taken were acceptable. Some were risque, but we are in the 21st century."

Trump also defended the answer Prejean gave at the April 19 Miss USA pageant. She was asked her view of marriage by blogger Perez Hilton. Prejean said she believes marriage is between a man and a woman.

"It's the same answer the president of the United States gave," Trump said. "It's the same answer many people gave. She gave an honorable answer. She gave an answer from her heart, and I think for that she has to be commended."

...On April 19 on that stage I exercised my freedom of speech, and I was punished for doing so," said Prejean, who described Hilton's question as "politically charged" with a "hidden personal agenda."

"This should not happen in America."

In an interview with The Associated Press, Prejean said she was briefly tempted by Satan to answer Hilton's question in a way that would please the judges.

"I had worked so hard for this," she said.

Instead, she decided to give her honest opinion, even if it cost her points.

"The Lord was in my heart and in my head just saying, `Carrie, how bad do you want this? Are you willing to deny me?'" she said. "I will always continue to not compromise my values."

Prejean said she had forgiven the people who attacked her for expressing her views, including Hilton.

[text from link]

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Shane, the "gay marriage" quote had nothing to do with the "Miss California" title or the subsequent controversy over whether she should keep that crown. The "gay marriage" comment was made during the competition for the "Miss USA" crown.

The two controversies are entirely separate (although some people believe that the gay brouhaha provided motivation to delve into her history and "dig up dirt")




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some people believe that the gay brouhaha provided motivation to delve into her history and "dig up dirt"

I think that was obviously the case.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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some people believe that the gay brouhaha provided motivation to delve into her history and "dig up dirt"

I think that was obviously the case.

Why is it obvious?

How do you know?

I believe you are assuming this is the case without any real evidence.




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