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What to do about the 2 young adult groups in our church.


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We basically have 2 groups, I wouldn't say they disagree with each other but they are run by 2 different people.

The first group is the popular one. Most of them are over 21, but there are a lot of them who are 16+. So the youth becakme young adults and basically stayed in the same classroom. The teachers are very involved in Pathfinders and Adventurers and most of the youth/young adults.

The 2nd group is run by a lady who is 30, and basically every week about 3 people show up, I think the place we meet at can hold at least 200. She is a very nice and sweet person, but she can be a bit intense sometimes, not intense in a bad way but she is a very strong Adventist, she recently converted from Catholicism a few years ago. So she tries to get people to go knock on doors and pass out literature about the ending times, stuff which I feel many people are not interested in doing.

I personally think there are many different ways for bringing people in the church, I am support staff for the Pathfinders and I am part of the Audio Visual crew, we tape the sermon and make DVD's to sell.

Any ideas on how the 2 could be merged?

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Doug, of what benefit do you see would it be to have these two groups merged?

In my opinion, the challenges a high schooler faces are very different than what a 21 year old faces. Both ages would do well to have separate meetings the majority of the time with maybe a picnic or other social outing with both groups 4 or 5 times a year. One of the complaints I get from the teenagers in our church is that there really isn't a group just for them; their choices of groups to join are either the early teen group (13-15 year olds) or the over 20 crowd. The discussions that sometimes take place with the over 20 crowd are not appropriate for the 16-18 year olds.

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OK if not merged how would the young adult group get more members? I doubt any of the newly graduated people from the other group would be coming over anytime soon.

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Are you speaking of graduated high schoolers? If so, they really don't belong with the 16-18 year old crowd either. Hmm. Maybe 3 groups?

As for getting more members--ask the young people what they would like to see in the group. They will have good ideas (probably some silly ideas too) that will help to lure others to their group. The over-zealous woman might do well to start a different outreach group though. Maybe one in which all ages can participate. Door-to-door evangelism isn't everyone's spiritual gift, but she could do well to minister by leading a group of people who DO have that gift.

Just thoughts.

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We could introduce the first group to encouraging ministries like GYC and mission work.

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We could introduce the first group to encouraging ministries like GYC and mission work.

Mission work is good.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I would go to the both groups and have them fill out questionaires about how they want their groups to grow, what activities they would like to do, how would they like to serve their communities. Then also have them fill out, what type of topics would they like to discuss in addition to their SS Lesson; dating/marriage, relationships in general, job and Sabbath conflicts how to broach the subject with a boss, how to stand true and yet live in the world, peer pressure. I am sure you can come up with a bunch of others. Then work the classes accordingly, the groups may divide on their own, when they realize what will be offered in each class.

At least it would give you a starting point; and it will help the teachers of both groups know what the students are wanting.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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Not a bad idea Liz. Depending upon the group you have. Some youth would just look up at you and say "Uhhhh. I dunno".

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I don't even know if you could call the young adult part a group. I think a problem is that the lady who runs our group is REALLY conservative. For example, she has 3 kids, and her kids basically go on whatever outings we all go on, but she never goes. We went bowling one night and she came but she got upset because the alley was not playing "christian music and videos". A problem might be that she doe s not have a car.

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I doubt that she stays away from the stores in the mall ... just because they aren't playin' Christian music.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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As a leader for our Pathfinder group, I too might see cause for alarm if we were to take our group to a bowling alley that plays music with vulgar language and videos of the same nature. From my perspective, I am responsible for each and every inappropriate exposure our pathfinders have when we are on an outing. We take great precautions to see to it that they are in a positive, uplifting, Christ-focused environment. Our purpose is to provide an experience greater than what the world has to offer. The care of the youth is a great responsibility--in my opinion, one of the greatest responsibilities that God gives us. While it is virtually impossible to avoid all possible negative scenarios, those we can control, we do.

This does not mean that when I am alone or even with older youth, that I avoid everything that is considered offensive to the Christian eye and ear. There are limits and boundaries, however, that every youth leader needs to take into consideration when dealing with a wide age range.

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It sounds like you are in the smaller class, and I could be wrong here but I get the feeling you aren't enjoying it very much. Have you talked to your pastor about the situation. Maybe the smaller class needs to be in a smaller room and then let the larger class split into two groups according to age. But you need to attend a class you enjoy.

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Get the teacher of Group 1 to cooperate with the teacher of Group 2. Make them meet up on a Sunday/Saturday at the place where Group 2 normally meet. Don't tell them why. Then you go door to door giving out books. About the selling DVDs with you sermons on them, you can talk to Lucian Mihailescu to add your sermons online to his website. http://intercer.com/

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