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SDA Extreme Make Over Coming Up


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DVD would be FABULOUS if you can do that!! YESSS!! Thank you so much!!

I'll PM you with my email address and private postal addy.


"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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*/me rant mode: Well I was totally disappointed in this program. God and the church were not present. Even in some of the other shows the recepiants praised God for the blessing. If the choir was from an adventist school you wouldnt know because they never said the name of the school. The families emotions were very underwealmed. Shoot if someone gave me one hundred thou for bills and college, I'd be all over the place crying and screaming. They were like, oh...ok...thankyou

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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I saw it and can handle it.

The mom thanked ABC...there was enough emotion..for me..

Gotta remember the enmity thing..and also TV editing..

The show is a video cut and paste job like many shows...and remember TV is mostly a vehicle for SATAN.

Some people react with ecstacy and some with quiet shock..

I am glad the SDA church got no plugs...with the NFDMTTS out there most places...

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Amelia, JimBob7,

Well, I'm sorry to hear that the program did not meet expectations. I'm sorry to hear that the Adventist name wasn't even mentioned. That's not what the show is about though--I mean, it's not about Adventism; it's about extreme makeovers.

Too bad we--as Adventists--can't do an extreme makeover of the way we allow ourselves to be portrayed.

Until I became a converted Adventist, I'd never even heard of the religion. It would have been nice to have at least had the religion named on this program.


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Amelia, please watch "How'd They Do That?" tonight on ABC (8/7 central)for a behind the scenes look at how they put the Sears family home together before you say God wasn't present.

If you've ever watched "ABC Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" before, you'd know that the purpose of the show is to demonstrate how much people can care and pull together for others and totally change someone's life, with some professional help without the preaching.

I'm sort of sorry they didn't say the name of the school, but who really cares! Jhyrve knows what school the choir was from and so do those of us who attend the Pleasant Hill Church and/or Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy. By the way, the director of the choir, Michael Spenser, is also the pianist for "Christian Edition" an Adventist Men's Chorus.

Not hearing the usual screaming and the "oh my ... " was awfully nice! The family was obviously emotional and thankful without making the sound engineer deaf!

I'll be watching the "How'd They Do That?" tonight to see any new gems about the house.

Denise Farquhar coolhello.gif

"If you're all God has, is God in trouble?

-- Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

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Not hearing the usual screaming and the "oh my ... " was awfully nice! The family was obviously emotional and thankful without making the sound engineer deaf!

I'll be watching the "How'd They Do That?" tonight to see any new gems about the house.

Denise Farquhar


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I was blessed by the whole program. ABC is not a God controlled entity. They want the praise. They cut and edit the film. Did we see it all? I don't think so. Public Media try to stay away from religion.

The reaction of the team said to me they knew it was more than just a house replacement.

I could tell the Sears were not materialistic when the son saw his room and said it was a bit of "Overkill". I cracked up. What he was saying was, “I really don’t need all of this! Help for my sister is enough.”

Then of course, accepting such a gift is a humbling experience. There is guilt that you were so blessed while others are not receiving the same blessing. When on the receiving end, there is overwhelming guilt.

The crew received a great blessing! You could clearly see this family was different! I did. The mother struck me as conservative and sacrificial in her daily living. Maybe she isn't, but the manner in which she conducted herself was with great restraint. Yes, I believe she praised God! As for the daughters school; maybe she was away for Academy at Monterey Bay and they couldn't come be cause of transportation and time. Was the name of the school cut out so as not to promote any religion? Usually the family has all kinds of people outside the house. This time was different.

I believe they had to disburse the crowds before the daughter was able to come in. If anyone were sick, she could get sick!

If I were the mother, I would be worrying that maybe the filters won’t be enough. I would be terrified she would get germs from others coming in.

I thought the mother was in shock and overwhelmed with guilt! Praise God it happened no matter what was cut, or not done, or not said. God reads the heart! Worthy is the Lord as he blesses His children!

The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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Hi, Fran!

The choir members are Jhyrve's classmates from Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy, not Monterey Bay.

I don't think Karen Sears' reaction was because of feelings of guilt! I've been told that she's a quiet person anyway.

If nothing else, I wanted to take that bullhorn away from Ty Pennington and tell him he had the name of the town wrong and he said it repeatedly! Maybe they asked him to not say the correct name! I don't know! My husband and I were beginning to laugh about it!

Someday I'd like to meet Jhyrve, but for now, I'd probably have to sterilize my wheelchair and get that flu shot to meet her now!

Denise Farquhar coolhello.gif

"If you're all God has, is God in trouble?

-- Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Amelia, please watch "How'd They Do That?" tonight on ABC (8/7 central)for a behind the scenes look at how they put the Sears family home together before you say God wasn't present.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Would like to but unfortunately the hubby got to the TV first tonight.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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To CoAspen and anyone else who took my posts as negative. It was never meant to be such. This was and is a God event!

I'm sorry you took my post as a negative. It was supposed to be positive! You know, just because they didn't mention the school or church or friends did not mean they were not there, as you could see from the program tonight.

I did not mean guilt because she was guilty, but *feeling* guilty. I have been on the receiving end before. I and others who told me the experiences they had, had a *feeling* of guilt that we were unworthy to receive such blessings from God. I never said she *was* guilty!

Tonight was really good. I was right about all the crowds. I was right about this being different. I believe it was a mighty witness for the crew especially.

If you will go back to the beginning and read all of my posts, you will find I have been positive! I will continue to be positive. This was and is a God thing! A miracle! Regardless of anyone's reaction or giving credit to the church or church members. There is nothing wrong with Karen because she didn't jump for joy and dance around kissing and hugging everyone! I found her reaction very humble and thankful! I was also pleased with the son's response too! To me it clearly said that he was not used to excesses! I really got a laugh out of it, but was glad he got it anyway. I took him as one that could easily be pleased.

I was very pleased with both programs. None of it disappointed me in any way, shape or form. I apologize for causing you to read into it that it was negative. It was not meant that way and is not that way. I don't care who God used to do it! That is quite irrelevant. No one should be concerned with credit or if it did not reach our expectations. God accomplished his task by the means He chose. God still gets all the Glory!

The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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Hi, Fran!

Tonight's program was GREAT!

I didn't really take your post as being negative. I just wanted to let you know which academy was involved in the story.

Did you notice the message that scrolled across the top of the screen every time someone mentioned Oakland?! I wonder how many of us called ABC to let them know that they had the location wrong last night? I never really expected them to do that message! COOL!!!

Denise coolhello.gif

"If you're all God has, is God in trouble?

-- Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

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I enjoyed the show, too. I didn't record the one on Monday night, but saw some of it. It was fun to see them at the drive-in theater right by my house!

Also, I showed my older daughter the choir and said "look! we're going to check out that school and here they are on TV!" I wished they would have mentioned the school, too.

When they kept saying Oakland, I thought they were doing that to protect the family's privacy. But when they showed the refineries in the background, everyone could tell it was Martinez. I'm glad they corrected that on Monday night.

After seeing the refineries I wondered if the occasional fumes from that could pose a problem for Jhyrve.

The choir sounded great, although it would have been nice to hear another song in addition to the one they did sing.

I thought the family appeared very greatful. Yeah, if someone handed me a check for that much money, I would be happy, but I would also not want to look like a crazy woman on TV. The mom looked very sincere. I'm sure she's exhausted with what she's been through...so maybe she didn't have the energy to jump up and down and scream.


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