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The Millennial Kingdom.......What does the Bible tell us?

truth seeker

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I am going to present a Bible study that I did on the Millennial Kingdom. I encourage everyone here to re-study this subject. As I have said in a previous post, I claim no superior knowledge of Scripture, but I do feel that my eyes have been opened by doing a thorough study on this subject and found this study to truely be a blessing. Take care to everyone here and God bless, John.

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THE WORLD TO COME..... This world will

begin with the physical return of Jesus to the earth to establish his kingdom.

It will not end. This world will be totally opposite of the one we live in right

now. Those who practice righteousness will prosper, while those who practice

evil will suffer for it. It is during this period that God's plan will find its

fulfillment. Thanks to Jesus sacrifice for all men, God will bring all men to


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THE MILLENNIAL AGE This is the 1,000 year reign of Jesus and the Saints. (Jesus as the head and us as the rest of the body). During this time satan will be bound totally (Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27, Revelation 20:1-3), authority will be given to Jesus and the Saints to judge the nations (1 Corinthians 6:2-3, Revelation 20:4-6). With no satanic temptation to draw the people aside, the nations will learn righteousness (Isaiah 11:9, Isa. 54:13, Jeremiah 31:34, Ezekiel 37:1-14, John 6:45, 1 Timothy 2:6, 1 Timothy 4:10, 1 Peter 4:6). The nation of Israel will be the chief among nations, illuminating the proper relationship with God. It is obvious from scripture that during this time of the Millennial Kingdom the state of things will be very different from now. The main points from scripture are: Satan is removed from power and locked up (Rev 20:1-3). Jerusalem shall be the earthly center of Christ's Kingdom (Isa. 2:1-4). There shall be universal peace on the earth (Isa. 2:1-4). Nature will be restored to harmony with man (Isa. 11:6-9) There will be no shortage of food for the earth's population (Isa. 25:6-8). There will be universal healing and protection from God (Isa. 32:1-4; Isa. 35:5-10). The knowledge of the Lord will be universal (Isaiah 11:9). The nations will be instructed in the ways of the Lord and the path to righteousness will be made easy for them (Isa. 2:1-4; Isa. 35:5-10). The Bible says," He who dies at the age of a hundred will be thought a mere youth" so our life expectancy will again increase. (Isa. 65:17-25). After this time of personal judgment, death itself will be defeated (Isa.25: 6-8).Any form of evil will not be tolerated (Revelation 2:26-27, Rev.20: 4-6) and all who refuse to learn righteousness will be punished quickly and justly. But those who learn righteousness will experience blessings and prosperity. Very quickly the nations will realize that it is "profitable" to obey the Lord. All who live during this 1000 year era will have learned the lesson of "sin" and "righteousness" for them selves.

At the end of this age there will be a short "season" in which satan will be given free reign to tempt the nations (Rev. 20:7-9). Those who are tempted and drawn aside from good will die for their own sin and be cast into the "lake of fire" with Satan and his angels (Rev. 20:12-15). This is the second death from which there is no hope of release. Those who withstand this temptation will go on to live forever in the new earth (Rev. 21:1). There are those who will say that a man would be a fool to fall into temptation in the very presence of Jesus, but we must remember that is exactly what Adam and Eve did.

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The purpose of the Millennial Kingdom is to give every man and woman a personal opportunity to prove their loyalty to Jesus, and to reward the Lord and the saints and to restore creation to its pre-fall condition. In this present evil world we have only a limited choice. Firstly we are all automatically condemned to death because of Adam's sin. Secondly not all come to a knowledge of "the only name under heaven by which we may be saved" (Acts 4:12) - Jesus. But during the Millennial Kingdom this will not be so. Every person will be on trial for their own life, and all will know Jesus (Isa. 11:9, Jer. 31:34). Scripture also gives prophecy of the building of a physical temple.(Hag.2:6-9 NKJV)"For thus says the Lord of hosts: "Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and the dry land; 'and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,'says the Lord of hosts. 'The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,'says the Lord of hosts.'The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,'says the Lord of hosts.'And in this place I will give peace,'says the Lord of host." So it is clear in scripture that there is yet to come a literal physical temple of extreme glory to be built upon the coming of Lord Jesus to rule and reign, as both priest and king, on the throne of David in Jerusalem. These passages cannot be spiritualized. Israel and Judah are not one(Ezek.37:15-28; Jer.3:17,18), there is no peace,(Isa.2:1-4 Mic.4:1-4; Isa.9:6,7) the Lord has not yet shaken heaven and earth for the final time(Matt.24:29; Heb.12:26,27), and the Lord Jesus Christ has not been seen by all nations in His full glory(Matt.25:31,32; Mark 13:24-27). These prophecies remain yet to be fulfilled, and they are literal prophecies for the second coming and the millenial reign of Jesus Christ upon the throne of David over all the earth from Jerusalem. Finally when all God's plans are complete, Jesus will hand creation back to his Father (1 Corinthians 15:28) perfect in every way and thoroughly tried and proven, displaying to the host of heaven and creation, God's sovereignty over all. Then God himself will live with men forever as it was meant to be in the beginning (Revelation 22:1-7). In that age there will be no more death, no more pain or sorrow, no more suffering and no more evil. God himself will live with us, and he will not allow us to be hurt any more.

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Key Verses Showing The Millennial Kingdom, On Earth..... Restoration Of The Kingdom-(Acts 1:6-8). Regeneration Of The Earth-(Matt.19:28). Christ Shall Have Dominion From Sea To Sea- (Psa.72:8,9; Zech.9:9,10). That The Land Of Israel Will Be Desolate And Waste, But Will Be Rebuilt, Jerusalem A Praise In The Earth- (Isa.Chapters 61&62). Throne Of David-(Luke 1:32,33; Acts 2:30). Measuring Of The Temple-(Ezek. Ch.40-42). The Kingdom On Earth- (Dan.2:44; 7:13,14,27; Matt.26:29; Luke 22:29,30). -Temple Will Be Built By The Lord-(Zech.6:12-15). We Shall Reign Upon The Earth- (Psalm 149; Rev.5:9,10) Key Verses Showing The Nature Of The Millennium Kingdom..... Peace-(Isa.2:4; 9:4-7; 11:6-9; 32:17,18; 33:5,6; 54:13; 55:12; 60:18; 65:25; 66:12; Ezek.28:26; 34:25,28; Hos.2:18; Mic.4:2,3; Zech.9:10). Joy-(Isa.9:3,4; 12:3-6; 14:7,8; 25:8,9; 30:29; 42:1, 10-12; 52:9; 60:15; 61:7,10; 65:18,19; 66:10-14; Jer.30:18,19;31:13,14; Zeph.3:14-17;Zech. 8:18,19; 10:6,7).Holiness-(Isa.1:26,27; 4:3,4; 29:18-23; 31:6,7; 35:8,9 52:1; 60:21; 61:10; Jer.31:23; Ezek.36:24-31; 37:23,24; 43:7-12; 45:1; Joel 3:21; Zeph.3:11,13; Zech.8:3; 13:1,2; 14:20,21).Glory-(Isa.4:2; 24:23 35:2; 40:5; 60;1-9).Comfort-(Isa.12:1,2; 29:22,23; 30:26; 40:1,2; 49:13; 51:3; 61:3-7; 66:13,14; Jer.31:23-25; Zeph.3-18-20; Zech.9:11,12; Rev. 21:4).Justice-(Isa.9:7; 11:5; 32:16; 42:1-4; 65:21-23; Jer.23:5; 31:23,29, 30).Full Knowledge-(Isa.11:1,2,9; 41:19,20; 54:13; Hab.2:14).Instruction (Isa.2:2,3; 12:3-6; 25:9; 29:17-24; 30:21,22; 32:3,4; 49:10; 52:8; Jer.3:14, 15; 23:1-4; Mic.4:2).The Removal Of The Curse-(Isa.11:6-9; 35:9; 65:25).Sickness Removed-(Isa.33:24; Jer.30:17; Ezek.34:16).Healing Of The Deformed-(Isa.29:17-19; 35:3-6; 61:1,2; Jer.31:8; Mic.4:6,7; Zeph.3: 19).Protection-(Isa.41:8-14; 62:8,9; Jer.32:27; 33:6; Ezek.34:27; Joel 3:16, 17; Amos 9:15; Zech.8:14,15; 9:8; 14:10,11).Freedom From Oppression- (Isa.14:3-6; 42:6,7; 49:8,9; Zech.9:11,12).Reproduction By The Living Peoples-(Jer.30:20; 31:29; Ezek.47:22; Zech.10:18).Labor-(Isa.62:8,9; 65:21-23; Jer.31:5; Ezek.48:18,19).Economic Prosperity-(Isa.4:1; 35:1,2, 7; 30:23-35; 62:8,9; 65:21-23; Jer.31:5,12; Ezek.34:26; 36:29,30; Mic.4:1, 4; Zech.8:11,12; 9:16,17; Joel 2:21-27; Amos 9:13,14).Increase Of Light- (Isa.4:5; 30:26; 60:19,20; Zech.2:5).Unified Language-(Zeph.3:9).Unified Worship-(Isa.45:23; 52:1,7-10; 66:17-23; Zech. 8:23; 13:2; 14:16; Zeph. 3:9; Mal.1:11; Rev.5:9-14).The Manifest Presence Of God-(Ezek.37:27, 28; Zech.2:2,10-13; Rev.21:3).The Fullness Of The Spirit-(Isa.32:13-15; 41:1; 44:3; 59:19,21; 61:1; Ezek.11:19,20; 36:26,27; 37:14; 39:29; Joel 2: 28,29).The Perpetuity Of The Millennial Spirit-(Joel 3:20; Amos 9:15; Ezek 37:26-28; Isa.51:6-8; 55:3,13; 56:5; 60:19,20; 61:8; Jer.32:40; Ezek. 16:60; 43:7-9; Dan.9:24; Hos.2:19-23)

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Interesting truthseeker,

I believe the millenial reign of Jesus for 1000yrs will be in heaven, but I am open minded about it being on earth, that is what I was brought up with.

The movie "Left Behind" is so incredibly biblically true and accurate.

In the End Times, there will be the Rapture of the Saints--dead and alive and taken to heaven for seven years in immortal bodies.

On earth during that seven years will be tribulation for the people Left Behind, and a one world ruler will arise and force everyone still on the earth to receive a mark on their forehand or forehead and you can't buy or sell without that mark.

The people who refuse to take the mark will have their heads chopped off.

That seven years will be the worst that mankind has ever seen.

At the end of the seven years Jesus will return with the saints and destroy ALL unbelievers, satan, false prophets and so on.

Jesus and the true saints will rule and reign for a thousand years ON EARTH.

Sounds ok.......???

But, what are your thoughts truth seeker?

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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Interesting truthseeker,

I believe the millenial reign of Jesus for 1000yrs will be in heaven, but I am open minded about it being on earth, that is what I was brought up with.

The movie "Left Behind" is so incredibly biblically true and accurate.

In the End Times, there will be the Rapture of the Saints--dead and alive and taken to heaven for seven years in immortal bodies.

On earth during that seven years will be tribulation for the people Left Behind, and a one world ruler will arise and force everyone still on the earth to receive a mark on their forehand or forehead and you can't buy or sell without that mark.

The people who refuse to take the mark will have their heads chopped off.

That seven years will be the worst that mankind has ever seen.

At the end of the seven years Jesus will return with the saints and destroy ALL unbelievers, satan, false prophets and so on.

Jesus and the true saints will rule and reign for a thousand years ON EARTH.

Sounds ok.......???

But, what are your thoughts truth seeker?

Please tell me you are being sarcastic. If not, can you please supply some scripture that supports this so called seven years of tribulation.

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I have to agree with you Lutz13.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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The movie "Left Behind" is so incredibly biblically true and accurate.

In the End Times, there will be the Rapture of the Saints--dead and alive and taken to heaven for seven years in immortal bodies.

If it weren't for the Bible - the movie "Left Behind" might actually be true.

in the Bible Matt 24 says "AFTER the tribulation of those days ... He will gather His elect".

And in the Bible Rev 19-20:5 says that the resurrection taking place AT the 2nd coming is in fact the FIRST resurrection (from John's point of view looking into the future).

And if that were not enough to sink LB's boat - then Dan 9:1-3 speaking of Jeremiah's 70 year timeline is just as "contiguous and solid" as the end of Daniel 9 talking about the 70 weeks of years (490 years). Once you get the concept of a contiguous timeline that does not get chopped up into pieces with inserts of undefined lengths of time stuck in the middle -- it is all pretty obvious.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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The movie "Left Behind" is so incredibly biblically true and accurate.

In the End Times, there will be the Rapture of the Saints--dead and alive and taken to heaven for seven years in immortal bodies.

On earth during that seven years will be tribulation for the people Left Behind, and a one world ruler will arise and force everyone still on the earth to receive a mark on their forehand or forehead and you can't buy or sell without that mark.

The people who refuse to take the mark will have their heads chopped off.

That seven years will be the worst that mankind has ever seen.

Wow! You got to be kidding me.


I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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SDA scholars are recognized as foremost in the study of end time events.   I see no reason to veer away from their general interpretations relating to the closing days of the great controversy.

What lies beyond, in the infinite future, is mostly unknown and unrevealed.

Prs God, frm whm blssngs flw


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Please tell me you are being sarcastic. If not, can you please supply some scripture that supports this so called seven years of tribulation.

I am not being sarcastic Lutz13

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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Daniel 9:26--27 is the seven year tribulation period, between the Rapture of the Saints and the second coming of Jesus Christ with the Saints.

Paraphased: verse 27:

And he (the Anti-christ) shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (seven years): and in the midst of the week (three and a half years) he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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Daniel 9:27

He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (seven years):

The End Times!

Just a couple of newspaper articles that I showed last time I preached this topic, “Big brother is watching over you; and it is going to get worst.”

In Matthew 24:4-13, all these things will happen before the Great Seven Year Tribulation Period.

False Christ’s: Jose Luis --------- You Tube Video

Wars and rumors of wars:




1 Thessalonians 4:13-18-----the rapture, or the catching up of believers.

Seven years of hell on earth for unbelievers.

The believers who get caught up in the rapture, in the first heaven, the clouds, will get judge according to their works, the believers are save with Jesus, but according to their works which they have done, they will receive certain crowns upon their heads, and Jesus will say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

At the end of the seven years of hell on earth for the unbelievers, in which a few people might have been beheaded during that time for putting their trust in Jesus and not the Anti-Christ, he is destroyed along with the false prophet/s, and all unbelievers will get cast into the lake of fire, where they’ll burn eternally, forever.

The believers in Jesus will return with Jesus at the end of the seven years in His second coming, and will rule and reign for a thousand years. --------Revelation 20:1-15

The unbelievers were judged in the great white throne judgment and if their names were not found in the book of life, which it wouldn’t be, they will get cast into the lake of fire with the anti-Christ and false prophet is and Satan is.

That is at the end of the one thousand years, and then all the believers in Christ Jesus will live and reign with Him for eternally on a brand new cleansed earth in the New Jerusalem.

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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TB, here is an in depth study of what Daniel 9:26-27 means. I would actually suggest going over to the website and studying the whole chapter. You have to be careful with the rapture doctrine. It was started by a Jesuit priest to take the heat off of the Pope who was being labeled as the Anti-Christ by the reformers.

Daniel 9:25-26 “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”

From the going forth - Here Gabriel is giving us the understanding of the starting date of the two-fold prophecy.

Commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem - This commandment to restore Jerusalem, which was at the time in ruins, is the event which marks the starting date of this period. Cyrus gave the Jews permission to return and build a temple, but did not say anything respecting the city itself. (Ezra 1:1-4) This decree was in 536 B.C. This decree Darius renewed when the Jews were hindered by their enemies, and he provided means for the expense of finishing the temple. (Ezra 6:1-12) This decree was made in 519 B.C. But Artaxerxes added to the work of Cyrus and Darius the full restoration of the city to its ancient privileges, and the re-establishment of the law of God as the law of the city; and he authorized the rebuilding of its walls. (Ezra 7:11-26; 9:9) This decree was made in 457 B.C. So we are forced to take this decree of Artaxerxes, because it was this decree that commenced the full restoration of Jerusalem. The other two decrees were stepping stones to the final decree which completed the other two by giving full restoration, this is why we see all three mentioned in Ezra 6:14.

Unto the Messiah the Prince - Messiah is the Hebrew word for ‘anointed one’ or in Greek ‘the Christ’. So this prophecy is pinpointing the time when Jesus would become the anointed one or Messiah. This took place at His baptism when He was anointed with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 10:38, Luke 3:21-22; 4:18)

Seven weeks - This time period equals 49 yrs, remember a day = a year in prophecy. It took the Jews 49 yrs to complete the task of rebuilding Jerusalem even during troublous times [read the books of Ezra and Nehemiah for this history], which would place the completion date at 408 B.C. and this is true according to history. “On this point, Prideaux (Connexion, Vol. 1, p. 322) says: ‘In the fifteenth of Darius Nothus ended the first seven weeks of Daniel’s prophecy. For then the restoration of the church and state of the Jews in Jerusalem and Judea was fully finished, in that last act of reformation which is recorded in the thirteenth chapter of Nehemiah, from the twenty-third verse to the end of the chapter, just forty-nine years after it had been commenced by Ezra in the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanus.” As quoted by Uriah Smith in Daniel and the Revelation pg. 201.

This appears to be a rather long time to accomplish the task of rebuilding. But if we understand the opposition they incurred from their enemies, and the incident of the Jews placing the poor of their own into slavery, also Haggai and Zechariah being raised up because of the Jews slothfulness in building the house of God, because they placed their own houses on priority instead of Gods, we can see how work started and stopped, started and stopped.

Threescore and two weeks - 62 weeks = 434 days = 434 yrs. The Messiah was to appear after the seven weeks and at the end of the sixty two weeks = 69 weeks in total. So if we take away 434 yrs from 408 B.C. or 483 from 457 B.C., we end at the date 27 A.D. remembering that there is no year zero. This was the date of the baptism of Christ. And if we look at Mark 1:14-15 we see that Christ started His ministry preaching that the time is fulfilled, what time? The only time can be the end of the 69 weeks/483 years. So Christ fulfils this prophecy exactly.

This is only 69 weeks, so there is yet another week to go to make up 70 weeks.

After threescore and two weeks - So after this time period which ended in 27 A.D.

Messiah be cut off - Some time after 27 A.D. Jesus would be crucified. The word cut off in Hebrew, karath, means to cut down or asunder, destroy, perish. This same word is used in Genesis 9:11 dealing with the destruction of the wicked by the flood. So it is clear this refers to the crucifixion of Christ, Isaiah 53:8, as He was cut off out of the land of the living.

Not for Himself - Jesus did not die for His own sins because He never sinned, (1 Peter 2:21-22) but for those of mankind. (1 John 2:2, 1 Peter 2:22-25, Isaiah 53:8-11) These texts clearly show that Jesus died for our sins.

People of the prince, destroy city and sanctuary - Jesus is the Prince of the kings of the earth, Revelation 1:5. The king sent HIS armies to destroy the city, Matthew 22:7. This parable was a prophecy against the Jews for rejecting and killing the Son of God. So the people of the prince that destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the Sanctuary is a reference to those of which God used to gain His objective. Who was it that destroyed Jerusalem and the Sanctuary? It was Titus that destroyed the city and temple in 70 A.D. So this was fulfilled in 70 A.D. by Titus.

With a flood - This is a description of the overwhelming character of the end of the Jewish nation. See Isaiah 8:7-8 to see similar symbols to describe the destruction of the Jews under the Assyrians.

Desolations are determined - Marginal reading here is “it shall be cut off by desolations.” Thus the Jews were to be under continual desolations until the end of time, as we can see this before our eyes today.

Daniel 9:27 “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

In verse 26 we see the reference to the Messiah being cut off after the 69 weeks, but have no real dialogue explaining the events of this nor any explanation of the 70th week. Here in verse 27 we find the opposite taking effect. The 70th week is specifically outlined with when the Messiah would be cut off. Let us continue and see.

He - This is obviously referring to the Messiah from the previous verse.

Confirm the covenant - This is a reference to the covenant made with the Jewish people from the time their forefathers were called to be God’s chosen representatives. The gospel message, which this covenant was pointing to, of the coming Messiah and promised seed were to be especially preached to the Jews, Matthew 15:24.

One week - 7 days = 7years. This was to be preached to Jews for a period of 7 years, 3 ½ yrs by Jesus and afterward by the apostles.

“Dr. Hales quotes Eusebius, A.D. 300, as saying : ‘It is recorded in history that the whole time of our Saviour’s teaching and working miracles was three years and a half, which is the half of a week [of years]. This, John the evangelist will represent to those who critically attend to his Gospel.’” As quoted by Uriah Smith in Daniel and the Revelation pg. 203.

Obviously this being the 70th week it will begin at the end of the 69th which is 27 A.D. This period beginning with the baptism of Jesus when He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and finishing in 34 A.D. which at this time Stephen was stoned and the gospel went to the Gentiles. (Acts 7-8:4)

Midst of the week - Half of 7 = 3 ½. Remembering that Artaxerxes decree went into effect in the latter part of the year [the autumn or seventh month of the year by Jewish reckoning], this 3 ½ yrs added to 27 A.D. would then reach to 31 A.D.

Sacrifice and oblation to cease - The types and symbols of the Old Testament sanctuary service, that created a platform for the entire Jewish economy and practice, was to meet its fulfilment in the life, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ. After Jesus gave His life a ransom for many, we no longer needed to bring a lamb, as the Lamb of God (John 1:29) has been slain for all. The veil in the temple rent from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51) at the death of Christ signifying that these things were finished. 31 A.D. Christ was crucified.

For the overspreading of abominations - Due to the apostasy of the Jews they were rejected as God’s people. Their ultimate rejection was of the Son of God Himself. They had cried at His trial and crucifixion, that His blood was to be on them and on their children, and so it was to be.

Make it desolate - The Jewish nation was to be forever destroyed and scattered, never again to be the elect of God.

Until the consummation - This was to be the state of the Jewish nation until the second coming of Christ and the establishment of His kingdom, which is the focus of all these prophecies of Daniel. The ultimate end, the blessed hope, (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour. (Titus 2:13)

That determined - That which has been decreed, that which has been determined by the choices of the Jews themselves, by their apostasy rather than repentance and restoration.

According to Matthew 23:34-37 the Jews were given many opportunities to follow God’s plan, but continually rejected the opportunities.

Shall be poured upon the desolate - The Jews were to suffer the vengeance of the offended God, according to all the light and warning and opportunity that they had had.

We leave this scene in the year 34 A.D. We know also that the 2300 year prophecy starts at the same time as the 70 weeks. There are only 1810 years left of the 2300, and simple mathematics will show us the ending date; 34 + 1810 = 1844 A.D. So the judgment work, in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, has been going on since 1844.

“The query may here arise how the days can be extended to the autumn of 1844 if they commence in 457 B.C., as it requires only 1843 years, in addition to the 457, to make the whole number of 2300. Attention to one fact will clear this point of all difficulty; and that is, that it takes 457 full years before Christ, and 1843 full years after, to make 2300; so that if the period commenced with the very first day of 457, it would not terminate till the very last day of 1843. Now it will be evident to all that any portion of the year 457 had passed away before the 2300 days commenced, just so much of the year 1844 must pass away before they would end. We therefore inquire, At what point in the year 457 are we to commence to reckon? From the fact that the first forty-nine years were allotted to the building of the street and wall, we learn that the period is to be dated, not from the starting of Ezra from Babylon, but from the actual commencement of the work at Jerusalem; which is not probable could be earlier than the seventh month (autumn) of 457, as he did not arrive at Jerusalem till the fifth month of that year. Ezra 7:9. The whole period would therefore extend to the seventh month, autumn, Jewish time, of 1844.” Daniel and the Revelation by Uriah Smith, pgs. 207, 208.

The exact date in the year 1844 for the Day of Atonement is October 22 according to the Karate Jew.

Friends this is a serious time when every work and every secret thing, whether good or evil, is brought into investigation, (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) even the words we speak, (Matthew 12:34-36) for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. This judgment message is to go to all the world under the three angels message of Revelation 14:6-12. We need to be preparing for the soon return of our great and mighty God by confessing and forsaking our sins that we may find mercy (Proverbs 28:13) so we may be found ready to go home with Him for eternity.

We are told that the 70 weeks establishes the authenticity of the 2300 days, thus we can be assured that this date is correct and the entire prophecy will be fulfilled as exactly as the smaller segment of it was.

Daniel Bible Prophecy Chapter 9

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No you can't take week 70 away from the previous 69. You need to read Shaw's book on Daniel.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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1. The simple fact is that ALL Bible timelines are contiguous!

The 70 year timeline of Dan 9 that starts the chapter is composed of 70 years in a timeline -- a single contiguous intact timeline.

The end of Dan 9 - is with a 70 week (70 heptad) timeline -- weeks of years.

2. The next most obvious point of the chapter is that ALL agree that Dan 9 is one of the most amazing Messianic prophecies in all of scripture. The practice of chopping up the 70 weeks so that the last week is tossed down to the end of time -- results in taking ALL of the time being allocated for the work of the Messiah - and assigning that work to antichrist or to some other evil character at the end of time!

How much better it is to LEAVE the timeline intact and to allow this greatest of all Messianic prophecies to HAVE the work of the MESSIAH placed IN the timeline right where it would fall if the timeline were not sliced and diced and strewn all over history.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Daniel 9 begins with a predicate; that is, 'my people, all Israel...' not just the Jews.

Where in that exposited, according to him or her, is recognition that it is only the Jews in view - with Israel elsewhere? The timeline has either expired upon a false note - or somewhere, sometime, Israel must be brought into view...

even if our idea of contiguity re prophecies must be resolved. Should that present a problem, well, we might simply review the times that Gd did actually suspend the count of time - where circumstances


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Hello again friends,

Even though I am not a member of the SDA church anymore, I still keep the true 7th day Sabbath.

While I was just looking around the internet at other Sabbath keeping groups, I happened upon this one. http://cog7.org/

Coincidently they had a page called "THE 1,000-YEAR REIGN WITH CHRIST WHEN? WHERE? WHY?". http://www.christianwalks.org/bibleadvacate/1000yr.htm

I just thought I would share it with you, since it does pertain to my original post.

I briefly read their doctrinal beliefs http://cog7.org/faith_statement.htm and from what I read, they seem to align with the Bible, but I didnt check out their website throughly.

As Adventists, tell me what you think.

God bless


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Hello again friends,

Even though I am not a member of the SDA church anymore, I still keep the true 7th day Sabbath.

While I was just looking around the internet at other Sabbath keeping groups, I happened upon this one. http://cog7.org/

Coincidently they had a page called "THE 1,000-YEAR REIGN WITH CHRIST WHEN? WHERE? WHY?". http://www.christianwalks.org/bibleadvacate/1000yr.htm

I just thought I would share it with you, since it does pertain to my original post.

I briefly read their doctrinal beliefs http://cog7.org/faith_statement.htm and from what I read, they seem to align with the Bible, but I didnt check out their website throughly.

As Adventists, tell me what you think.

God bless


John, were you brought up as a sda christian?

Were you baptized in the sda church?

Why did you leave the sda church?

I have never been an sda christian, even though I nearly did become a member at one time, and I was a active sda church goer for the last 2-3yrs.

I haven't been to the sda church now for almost three months.

What are your reasons and thoughts for leaving John?

I am, of course still friends with the sda church, and I accept them for their different beliefs.

If you google: sabbathkeepers--you'll find the AOG Sabbath keeping Church, being AOG means they are Pentecostal, but that is a whole lot closer to what I believe from the Bible, having been brought up Pentecostal my whole life, and now I can keep my Pentecostal ways and keep the sabbath on saturday at the same time.

What is your story John?

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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True believer


John, were you brought up as a sda christian?

Were you baptized in the sda church?

Why did you leave the sda church?

I have never been an sda christian, even though I nearly did become a member at one time, and I was a active sda church goer for the last 2-3yrs.

I haven't been to the sda church now for almost three months.

What are your reasons and thoughts for leaving John?

I am, of course still friends with the sda church, and I accept them for their different beliefs.

If you google: sabbathkeepers--you'll find the AOG Sabbath keeping Church, being AOG means they are Pentecostal, but that is a whole lot closer to what I believe from the Bible, having been brought up Pentecostal my whole life, and now I can keep my Pentecostal ways and keep the sabbath on saturday at the same time.

What is your story John?

My mother became a SDA member around 1970 and she was very active in the church, which in turn, lead me to be quite active too. I also attended their school as a child.

I was not baptized in a SDA church, I was baptized in a lake by a small Sabbath keeping church in 2004.

Many things, over a short period of time, convicted me to leave the church.

After completing my study on the "Bottomless Pit" and "The Millennial Kingdom" and finding that the SDA interpretation didnt align with what the Bible says, I really started to question if I could still remain a member in the church. The moment I decided I had to leave, is when I was lead to EGW's deletion in the book "The great controversy" (which I shared in a topic on this site) I was appalled and completely numb at what I had found.

The other things are these.... I stopped feeling the Holy Spirits presence in church, and I began to feel a "somethings not quite right" feeling in church.

I started to notice more and more the dominate role of EGW in the church, ....Her quotes overtaking our weekly sabbath bulletins and fewer and fewer Bible verses in those same bulletins. I noticed the same thing in the magazines I was receiving from the church (review and herald, and the lake union herald).

And then theres the doctrine that always bothered me and also gave me that "somethings not quite right" feeling, the "investigative judgement" doctrine, which I clearly see as unbiblical now. To think that the church had the _____ to say that Jesus moved from one place to another in 1844. I find that completely absurd. The work was finished at the cross! The only thing that I feel happened in 1844, as far as the SDA church was concerned, was a failed prophecy, because of a misinterpretation of scripture.

One last thing that I might add is their belief that the SDA church is the "Remnant", again I will use the word "absurd". God's "Remnant" will come out of all the churches (and thats clearly happening already). For the SDA church to think that they have it all figured out or are leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else is not correct and in my opinion quite arrogant.

Take care, True believer, thanks for your post and keep seeking!


P.S Email me a link to the AOG church you mentioned.....jwjgbw@yahoo.com

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Awesome testimony above, keep praising God for all He has done.

In response to the question you asked me John, about that Seventh-day AOG Church, well there isn't any in Australia yet, but they are all over the world and especially very much in America.

Myself and quite a few other people will be starting an AOG Sabbath keeping Church really soon here in Adelaide, South Australia----yes, the first one in this wonderful country, and everything is falling into place just nicely, as God really wants this to happen.

I am currently studying part-time, two days per week, on compus, at an AOG Bible College, at the: Paradise College of Ministries. (PCOM).

www.pcom.com.au --this is the Bible college web address.

Keep praising God for who He is, and for what He has done, and for what He is about to do!!!

Thankyou bro John for your testimony, and I added you to Yahoo-chat, I look forward to chatting with ya in the near future.

Stay strong in Christ.

Your bro...Luke Goss.

Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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My problem with the Left Behind movie is that I find no evidence that once the rapture has occurred that anyone left here on earth actually has a chance for redemption, except the Jews that is.

The story line has a group of people who seem to convert once they see believers taken away, and I don't find any evidence for this in the bible. The rapture itself is well supported but SDA's are typically so blinded by their religion that they can't see it in the Word. I didn't either until I was saved and brought out of the bondage of the SDA religion.

"You may not agree with everyone. But if you are an honest man, when someone says something you disagree with it’ll drive you to the Word. If you find out that you were wrong and change your thinking then you are the better for it. If you go to the Word and find out that you were right then you have been strengthened. But either way always go to the Word!!” Billye Brim

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