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By Tom DeWeese

June 3, 2009


Throughout our history, Americans have been inspired by many patriotic slogans such as “I have not yet begun to fight,” or “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country,” or “Remember the Alamo.” I don’t believe the nation will find much inspiration in the Obama Administrations new one: “Remember the Yugo!”

Barack Obama promised the “nation of change,” “We cannot, must not, and we will not let our auto industry simply vanish.” Nope. He has other plans. He’s going to build Yugos. Well, Obama is too clever to actually say that, but Yugos will certainly be the result of the anticipated federal take-over of the American auto industry.

Americans should all remember the Yugo- the pride of communist Yugoslavia – the first commie car to endanger American highways back in the 1980’s. Small, affordable and easy on gas- the perfect modern car for our current economic and environmental crisis that the Obama Administration is hell-bent on perpetuating, regardless of economic or scientific fact.

Of course, most Yugos only ran long enough to get off the lot and into the driveway. Those lucky enough to drive them further just had to keep a bucket in the back seat for emergencies - when it was necessary to stop and pick up the parts that flew off when their Yugo hit a pot hole. In short, the Yugo was an international joke because it certainly did showcase the skills of communist workers in an industry controlled by communist bureaucrats.

Now, in the United States, where the car for the masses was born from the genius of Henry Ford’s free market assembly line, Barack Obama and the Democrat Congress have declared themselves the saviors of the American auto industry. They know what Americans need best! They know how to get Americans buying American cars and get the economy going again.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (an auto-making genius) says Americans should drive smaller, more efficient vehicles. And she has the power to pass laws to make us do it – or at least the power to pass laws to make sure Chrysler and GM can only build the cars that Washington wants. And all Nancy and her gang of thugs in Congress have to do is pass stricter emission laws and even Ford, which hasn’t taken the Federal candy, will have to comply. And that saves the auto industry – how?

The whole point of the federal takeover of the auto industry, of course, is to enforce “climate change” restrictions on the industry. The code word is “cleaner” cars. That really means eliminating CO2 emissions to protect us from global warming. And it will be so much more efficient for government to dictate it directly to an industry it now owns than trying to argue with the pesky industry professionals who keep talking about what the buying public wants. Don’t they understand there is a crisis here?

There are, of course, three problems with that plan for the auto industry. First, since the 1970s, the federal government has been dictating emission standards, setting the bar higher and higher until today, American cars literally are so clean that they emit nearly zero pollution, and they can’t get any cleaner or more efficient. Second, the only way for cars to emit less CO2 is for cars to use less carbon-based fuel, and that doesn’t exist. And need we say it again, science is showing more and more evidence that there is no man-made global warming, so no matter how clean the car is made to run, it won’t make any difference and the regulations are completely unnecessary. Third, the American buying public doesn’t want the pesky little cars and won’t buy them. Detroit had better be very worried.

Obama’s scheme is not the first time government has tried dictating small cars to the American public. Back in the 1970s, as a result of Jimmy Carter’s man-made oil shortage, mandates were put out for smaller, more efficient Detroit cars. Remember the Pinto? As a result, all cars got smaller – even Cadillacs. Americans simply couldn’t squeeze their families into the things.

That’s when the environmentalists’ nightmare began. To get around the hated smaller cars, Americans started buying Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs). Back then they were simply called trucks. The old fashioned, market-based Detroit automakers knew a good customer when the saw one and they started improving the trucks to be more family oriented. And the SUV revolution was on.

Today, almost every American family has one. And the government environmentalists hate it. They have been inventing rules and regulations ever since to try to get Americans out of the hated SUVs. They have tried to raise gas prices to make them unusable- didn’t work. They have offered tax incentives to get us to abandon them – didn’t work. So now they have just taken over Detroit. Now they will just dictate the cars Detroit can make.

Get ready America. The Corvette, Chevy Camaro, Dodge Viper, Dodge Challenger R/T, Mustang, Cadillac CTS and the Hummer are all on the Obama chopping block – even though that’s what Americans want to buy. It doesn’t matter anymore. We now have government-controlled industry dictated by those who do everything through political agenda. They have a vision and it looks a lot like the Yugo.

© 2009 Tom DeWeese - All Rights Reserved

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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History will probably be unkind to obamar. Right now I don't blame them..

Say, I have an idea. Maybe Obama can be the president of Muslim (Mooslim) people after he is done destroying the American resolve.

y'all take care


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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The guy has put a nice spin on things I'd say. I personally don't believe this will happen. He has said he does not want the government to run the car industries. And I don't think that the American people would allow the building of small cars only. The last time they had this come up it didn't work either. I for one would like to see the Hugo come back, it could do things other cars could not. I thought it was a pretty funny car. And if he thinks, the guy who wrote the article, that it got good gas mileage than he'd better guess again.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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The alternative is to let the corporations go bankrupt and not receive any assistance from the government. That would result in some short term pain but in the long term the free market would take care of the demand.

Labor unions have destroyed the auto industry. President Obama is trying to save labor jobs as much as he is trying to save the auto industry. It is almost guaranteed that without government intervention all the auto manufacturing jobs would be moved into non-union states.

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What! You expect thoughtful alternatives? How dare you get in the way plain 'ol bad mouthin'!!


Maybe they should have let GM go into bankruptcy without the interference and now ownership by the government.

Bankruptcy does not always mean folding up but restructuring a leaner and more financially sound company. We can not produce the Hummer here but China can. Wonder if they have a way that will make it more pollution free and more gas efficient? Or if pollution only has an effect in america

You now have a task force with no experience in the auto industry or even in running a successful business. Obama says many things but sometimes depends on the day what it means.

His big stimulus plans with all the new added jobs misses a key piece of information. The private sector is losing jobs right and left and there is substantial growth in the public sector. Wonder why that is? His big photo Op with the new 25 police officers in Ohio is another fun one. Enough money from the stimulus till the end of the year and then layoff. Seems he left that little detail out while praising his stimulus

We now have 21 czars . None elected and all answerable to Obama.

Little power stretch there?

No taxes on those earning under 250,000?? Wonder what those that more than likely will get hit with taxed employee insurance will call it.

Seems strong consideration by Obama. Altho it was a terrible idea when John McCain promoted it and was heavily critized by "Senator Obama"

We can always hope the value added tax keeps gaining ground,just to make things a little more fair.

Iran should have nuclear power for energy,that is only fair and we all know these peace loving Iranians only want it for a energy source. Obama sure thinks so. Funny how he nixes nuclear for his own country. Cap and trade is the way to go for us.

Military tribunals that looked like a "terrible failure" to Senator Obama is looking pretty good to President Obama.

Warrantless wiretapping was another that Senator Obama critized and thought to be illegal. President Obama has found that it is not so distressing and disturbing. Likes it enough to leave it in reserve for his own use.

The terrible unjust war and our presence in Iraq had to come to an end. Funny now his timetable closely resembles that of his predecessor. Build up in Afghanistan.

Maybe you are right,if we wait long enough he may decide to ditch GM. Doubtful but fairy tales are always fun

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Lest we forget the homeowner that lied,over inflated and bought what he could not afford is in trouble again.

60% so far are back in default of their mortgage again and more are anticipated and will more than likely be bailed out again if Barny Frank has his way.

Another great use of the stimulus money. The information that was to be given the american people for 5?days to go line by line.

I am sure we can all understand the need and the way this should stimulate the economy. A study on how to help chinese prostitutes drink alcohol more responsibly. Or of course paying for tattoo removal of gang members in California.

For all those the hand wring for the "starving children" and the single mom trying to make it,How many could be cared for instead of helping prostitutes drink more responsibly while "entertaining clients"

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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It's interesting that people criticize Obama for putting people in charge who have no auto or business experience. Um...who was it that was running the show before?

Whatever Obama does, if it is successful, he will do more of it. If it is not successful, it will most likely die. It will be interesting to watch.

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It's interesting that people criticize Obama for putting people in charge who have no auto or business experience. Um...who was it that was running the show before?

Whatever Obama does, if it is successful, he will do more of it. If it is not successful, it will most likely die. It will be interesting to watch.

The people that owned the companies were doing it before. If they did badly it failed.As it should be. Government does not run any business well. They don't have to,run out of money,print more or borrow more and more we can't pay back from China.

The stimulus has not been successful and he thinks it time for another.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I just don't understand why is everyone screaming bloody communist murder on this one?

In the US we have:

1) Government owned and operating school systems.

2) Government owned and operating infrastructure (roads).

3) Postal system

4) Nature preserves

5) Law enforcement

6) Certain emergency services

7) If you count government contracts for what these are - a vote on how to run a business in order to get these... government has its hands in much more than auto industry.

In fact, US government consumes nearly a HALF of the national income in taxes (if you combine state and federal taxes). I would certainly expect them to do something more valuable with that money than to spend it on excess military force.

If you look at history of Japan and South Korea, the ONLY reason they were able to compete in auto sector today is because their previous history of Government involvement and subsidy of the auto industry.

If you look at the agriculture industry in the US today, it would be a loosing business if not for government involvement and subsidies. Granted, I don't think it's the best way to go, because government likes to keep what it gains. Yet, I hardly see socializing and supporting certain functions of industry as "communism". If that's the case, the US has been a "Communist" country long before this crisis... think back to the New Deal.

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If you look at the agriculture industry in the US today, it would be a loosing business if not for government involvement and subsidies. Granted, I don't think it's the best way to go, because government likes to keep what it gains. Yet, I hardly see socializing and supporting certain functions of industry as "communism". If that's the case, the US has been a "Communist" country long before this crisis... think back to the New Deal.

Simply not true. You need to check your facts a little more.

The farm subsidy was enacted by FDR as an emergency temporary measure. Like all things the government gets their fingers into,the word temporary is one they really don't understand. It becomes terminal ,only death works.

Maybe we need to take a look at New Zealand. They kicked farm subsides out and are doing fine.

The government school system is a mess. They cannot operate within a budjet. They just keep getting more from the government.

There are area's that government has a legitimate involvement or control as in the infrastructure.

Law enforcement is needed and another that should be part of government control.

But yes,it has been a slow slide since FDR.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I don't dispute that :). I'm not a fan of government ownership... as I understand it to be terribly inefficient. What I'm asking is why republicans gripe about the nationalization of health care, and be ok with nationalized schools? One of the advantages to the nationalized "life-blood" institutions such as education and health care is the affordability factor.

I have insurance today, and I still can not afford healthcare. Any major health problem will send me in spiraling debt, and I can say this is the case with most Americans today. I know people who afraid to go to a dentist knowing how much it will cost. And these costs have little to do with "technology", but more with all of the overhead involved to operate a healthcare facility.

I lived under socialized healthcare, and the least it gives to people is a knowledge that they don't have to afraid to be ruined financially by a serious illness. Sure, the doctors only have 2 cars and two story house, but what do we value more as a society? For me, it's really a no-brainer. Unfortunately, in this country... if you don't have income, you die... slowly and painfully.

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Not sure how this will fit here, but I recall a number of years ago there was a company in pennsylvannia that was a union shop. They were going out of business, the union was really screwing them, and people where being laid off left and right, so the company went bankrupt (I believe). Not sure of all the other things that happen, but in the end the employees all invested and became shareholders in the company, they did so good, after they got rid of the union, that they rehired the ones that got laid off. As far as I know they're still doing well. I've never been a fan of unions, but they did and do have there place when they are really looking out for the workers.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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