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Guest truthseeker007

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Guest truthseeker007

When i red the GC Ellen White gave me the impression that every sinfull act and even forgotten sins will stand on record to testify against us in the investigative judgement. In order to be saved we have to become perfect. This is what Dr. Ford protested against. All scholars agree that justification in the bible is imputed to the sinner. On the contrary Ellen White tells us to become rigtheous and then through our own righteousness hope that we can make it through the investigative judgement.

This view has been actively abused by the White Estate who gave Ellen her writings equal authority with the bible, although this was not what Ellen herself wanted!

Actually this post is supposed to be an eye-opener. When you listen to the lyrics of the song, everybody here will agree that it s not okay. But i am wondering why is nobody realising the terrible state that we are in? We have so much double-talk, confusion, false explanations for discrepancies between the SOP and the bible, pharisee like interpretations etc. Nobody seems to be willing to take the pain in order to gain more consistent truths. I think we are all victims of this terrible state the church is in, and i believe we need to fix it. There is too much legalism and too less christianity from the heart. I mean, if God wanted robots who make no mistakes and ritually keep all the commandments etc., he would have created robots. But he doesn t create robots because they don t mean anything to him, because they don t do the right stuff, but because they are programmed to do so. Why are so many churches programming sincere adventists according to their own narrow minded interpretations?

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I think I prefer someone telling me I have to be perfect, because listening to that trash doesn't do anything for you. I'd have to reread the GC, which I'll probably do at some point, but I'm not sure that EGW teaches that.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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TS, you're misunderstanding what she is saying, but I used to think the same way about what she wrote. I used to just think of all the thousands of rules and wonder how I could possibly do all of them.

But a person can find the same kinds of things in the Bible.

Read it again, and also read Steps to Christ, Christ's Object Lessons, Desire of Ages, and the book Faith and Works.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Actually this post is supposed to be an eye-opener. When you listen to the lyrics of the song, everybody here will agree that it s not okay. But i am wondering why is nobody realising the terrible state that we are in? We have so much double-talk, confusion, false explanations for discrepancies between the SOP and the bible, pharisee like interpretations etc. Nobody seems to be willing to take the pain in order to gain more consistent truths. I think we are all victims of this terrible state the church is in, and i believe we need to fix it.

It sounds like you're referring mostly to what the church is teaching, right? I don't get the impression that you're talking about structure and organization or finances.

Personally, I don't feel that I am a victim and certainly not a victim of the the SDA church. I don't like all the things some of the people in the church are doing and saying, but I don't blame the church.

But you are right that the world and all of society is in a "terrible state." When the society is in a terrible state, it is bound to affect the church, of course, because the church is surrounded by the society. Not everyone coming into the church, and affecting the church, is converted or even a true Christian. God is not the only one who leads people to join the church. Satan also wants his people in the church and on "Christian forums." But all of this is as the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy said it would be.

The fact is that our church has known for over 120 years that we are the church of Laodicea, the "lukewarm church" of Rev. 3: 14-22. God sent messages of warning and appeal to us over a hundred years ago. What are we doing with those messages?

The question is what are we doing about it, individually and as a church? It has to begin on an individual basis. It isn't enough for me to find fault with the church and with other people in the church. It must begin with each person in it. None of us can control what others are doing. I'm responsible for ME. God isn't going to ask me what you did or what someone else did. But He is going to ask me about what I did.

So while it is true that we should try to "fix" the church, we first have to have the correct diagnosis and then "fix" ourselves. That "fix" will only be accomplished if I first let God "fix" me according to His counsel in Rev. 3: 14-22.

The church will never be really "fixed" until just before Jesus comes, and even then it won't look "fixed." In fact, the church is going to get worse from the human point of view. The SDA church is going to look like it's going to fall. In some ways, it already does look like it's going to fall. But God's loyal and faithful people in the church won't fall. The institutions will fall but God's people and His truth won't.

Do we know Jesus as our personal Saviour and Lord, and are we living up to all the light that the Holy Spirit shows us through God's word and through the Spirit of Prophecy? That's really the most important question we have to answer to God and to ourselves. We can only answer that for ourselves.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I have not read all of EGW writings. But I uncanny harmony between what I read in SOP and the Bible. I doubt you will ever find better statements on justification than the SOP. Confusion reigns when one denigrates the Biblical teaching and the reality of sanctification.

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