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What does the SDA church stand for?


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>>A "funny way to exegete" Jeremiah 18 is simply to "ignore it" and to argue that you have not thought through how you will apply the test of "prediction" in the light of "conditional elements" in blessings or curses.

But we do see that solution tried from time to time.<<

If one notices, it becomes evident early on in Jeremiah 18 that the subjects are the “house of Israel”, the “men of Judah”, and the “inhabitants of Jerusalem” – all of whom were under the conditional covenant established at Sinai.

John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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So, I go the beach for a few days to escape the heat wave and lookee-here – the thread is falling off the page. Oi voi...


If one notices, it becomes evident early on in Jeremiah 18 that the subjects are the “house of Israel”, the “men of Judah”, and the “inhabitants of Jerusalem” – all of whom were under the conditional covenant established at Sinai.

>>A distinction without a difference "at best".<<

Non, non, Bob Ryan. Au contraire. It is, regardless “best” or “worse” – rather, a difference with a distinction! It is Israel, to whom the ‘promises and covenants’ of the fathers and mothers are bequeathed; those promises of salt, if you will, to which Gd swore “by Himself” – for there was none greater by which to swear. It goes to

conditional and unconditional promises and covenants.

Quote:Bob Ryan

Jer 18

7"At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it;

8 IF that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it.

The above New American Standard Bible texts are purported to benefit from the many mss which provide additional insight; whereas, the KJV is said to be dated and limited (I can live with that). The .Org seemingly prefers the NIV for, I imagine, the same reason. Let’s see how the NIV translates the above texts...

Jer 18:7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed,

Jer 18:8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.

Following immediately after the allegorical nature of verse 6, vss 7 and 8 with their “If” and “might” – argue from the ambiguous and for a hypothetical definition. It seems rather hopeful for the expositor to extrapolate “general principles” from ambiguity and/or the hypothetical. That said,

Quote:Bob Ryan

Note the generic principle applicable to any nation hence the applicability of this principle to Ninevah in the book of Jonah.

the ‘conditional promise’ exists; as does the ‘unconditional promise’. The dialogic position that a “spiritual Israel” so-called has displaced “physical Israel” portrays a perfidious Gd – that ‘other’ Gd of OT literature?

>>Hence the conclusion that Jonah's certain doom message is not an example of a failed prophecy.<<

Indeed, the prophecy failed – but upon only the point of forty days, which is unclear whether it was not simply an invention of Jonah’s; and, after all, wasn’t Nineveh still later destroyed? However, the fact that Gd forgives the repentant, as He did the Ninevites is not lost... Elsewhere, He laments the fact that His own people would not turn away from their pollutions – that He might heal them...

>>This is incredibly obvious to the reader as you probably have suspected already.<<

Indeed, Gd forgives the [repentent] wicked – such as the example of Coniah/Jehoiachin provides, as witness the favor of Gd re Coniah/Jehoiachin’s grandson Zerubabbel.

>>But as for the "distinction without a difference"<<

Read above: a difference with a distinction!

>>...your point fails even in the specific case of Israel - since as Romans 9 points out - the saints ARE spiritual Israel<<

St Paul characterizes certain saints as engrafted to the metaphoric “Olive tree” – Israel. It simply cannot be postulated that engrafted branches are somehow the “Olive tree” itself. Other than what I've noted above,

there are, additionally, saints representative of physical Israel – presently nations, kingdoms, Gentiles.

>>...and so the promised blessing in the case of Ellen White's prediction regarding the Israel of God and the 2nd coming - would STILL apply.<<

I must have missed it, but what are you talking about?

Quote:Bob Ryan

But as for the "distinction without a difference" your point fails even in the specific case of Israel


You might want to rethink your position before it becomes cemented foursquare wrong. Gd made promises that are eternal and many of them belong to physical Israel – and were unconditionally given, bequeathed, and still obtain.

>>The point is that Ellen White AND those to whom she gave this predicted blessing all agreed on the Romans 9 Bible truth of the saints being considered as "Israel today" which means that even if we completely negated the entire agreed upon points listed above and imagined that Jeremiah 18's conditional message only applies to Israel - the saints are in fact the ISRAEL of God "The holy nation" and the "Royal priesthood" (according to Peter) and in fact ISRAEL (according to Paul in Romans 2 and in Romans 9).<<

Ah so, this is the “prophecy” noted above?

>>Thus your argument fails in both instances -- not merely in the one.<<

I suppose one might think that - depending how much credence one places on the extraBiblical, yes?

>>As for just how it is that "he is a Jew who is one inwardly and circumcision is that which is of the heart by the Holy Spirit" Romans 2 such that "they are not all Israel who are children of the flesh but rather it is the children of the PROMISE" Rom 9<<

In view of the texts Romans 4:16 and Galatians 3:29, I suspect we won’t agree upon the point you seem to be making...

Moreover, one must bear in mind the matter of forced conversions – and bringing the matter forward some centuries – there is Arthur Koestler’s “The Thirteenth Tribe”.

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The first question was:

What does the "SDA" Church stand for?

most people think the "SDA" would stand for:

Seventh Day Adventist?????

But really the "SDA" stands for something else:

Spirit Dives Agnostically??????

hehehehe haahahaha hohohohoho heheeheh hahahah hohooh


Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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Jer 18

7"At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it;

8 IF that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it.

9"Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it;

10 IF it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it.

Note the generic principle applicable to any nation hence the applicability of this principle to Ninevah in the book of Jonah.

Hence the conclusion that Jonah's certain doom message is not an example of a failed prophecy.

This is incredibly obvious to the reader as you probably have suspected already.

John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Now here is the top financial publication reporting on the efforts of the pope to take control of the world. Its a headline in a respected publication. Its earth shattering if you think about it. Its not the first time either.

But we are not allowed to talk about it. We are labeled as undesirables because we dare to talk about a conspiracy even when its right out in the open.

People need to remember Jesus was murdered by a conspiracy.

What has our church become when we can't talk about what the pope is openly doing?

What would our founders think of such a policy as this?

What would Bates, Miller, Smith, Wagner, Jones say about this?


There is a Review article out on this topic -- does that help?

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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The first question was:

What does the "SDA" Church stand for?

most people think the "SDA" would stand for:

Seventh Day Adventist?????

But really the "SDA" stands for something else:

Spirit Dives Agnostically??????

hehehehe haahahaha hohohohoho heheeheh hahahah hohooh


Here is your first post on the Forum:

I'm very new to all of this as well.

I just signed up yesterday.

I put my forms in to cancel my membership at the Seaton Baptist Church.

I've got a formal meeting with the pastoral team this Monday at 2:30pm, please prayer for me there at Seaton B.C.

I am so looking forward to finally becoming a member with the Seventh-day Adventist Church at Queenstown.

I've been through quite a bit especially with my mother and friends and deacons in the Baptist Church trying to stop me finding the real Biblical truth from the Bible from the SDA Church.

And yes Ben I also believe that there is a Sanctuary in Heaven and it is being cleansed right now like the Scriptures says.

I'm looking forward to Jesus Christ soon return to take us with Him to reign with Him for a thousand years in Heaven.

Looking forward to the blessed hope...

From Luke Goss.

You've changed quite a bit since your first posts. Could you tell us what happened and why your outlook is so different now from what it was? Do you feel that Club Adventist has had a positive influence on you?

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I can't imagine he developed this kind of change from being here. But am anxious to find out.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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>>JASD responded with an appeal to the NIV instead of KJV, or NASB (as quoted above). But even in that -- the NIV did not help either. You seem to be stuck there.<<

Umm, Bob Ryan, piqued? You departed from the KJV, electing to quote from the NASB, why? I accomplished two things by responding with ‘the preferred translations’, as it were; that is, I pointed out the ambiguous and hypothetical nature of your preferred translations, and, witness the above, “instead of KJV” - brought to mind that it may be the better translation. Admittedly, I ordinarily prefer quoting from only the KJV and YLT.

Per my “being stuck there” – a weak canard “at best”, as I remind that – it was you who lamented that Jeremiah 18 was ”ignored”.

I accommodated you.

Further, I’m a bit uncomfortable with undefined distinctions; I would rather that remedied, than that one should utilize suspect tenor in his or her posts.

Quote:Bob Ryan

But as for the "distinction without a difference" your point fails even in the specific case of Israel - since as Romans 9 points out – the saints ARE spiritual Israel and so the promised blessing in the case of Ellen White's prediction regarding the Israel of God and the 2nd coming - would STILL apply. Hence the "distinction without a difference" in the BEST case scenario for your point above. [ed.jasd]

Quote:Bob Ryan

jasd responded that you need to avoid the point of Romans 9 and Romans 2 on who is a jew "HE is a Jew who is one inwardly not outwardly" Rom 2 -- maybe you need a subject thread to make your case on just how we are supposed to ignore Romans 2 and 9. [ed.jasd]

So, Bob Ryan, is it apparent that the above is fuzzy re distinctions? such as, the admixturing between Israel and Jews? or ‘spiritual Israel’ vis-à-vis ‘Abraham’s seed’? That noted, there yet remains – Israel – literal and physical Israel? etc.

Moreover, how do you harmonize the above with “And if ye [be] Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal 3:29) Israel is not in view here.

Or, the fact that those who were formerly without the promised Christ, together with Israel, are now in Jesus Christ – one body, believers all. No ‘replacement” in view here.

>>We observe that the Jer 18 principle was perfectly applied to the case of Jonah's "certain doom" predictoin regarding the very non-Jewish city of Ninevah as well as noting that the text of Jeremiah itself PROVIDEs the generic language for us in the form of "IF A NATION" or "IF THAT NATION".<<

The initial phrase of verse 9 "Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation...” – is translated “moment” because it carries the sense of ‘an instant’, as occurs in a wink. What nation has ever arisen in the instant, a “moment”? The ‘conditional clause’ of Jeremiah 18 is hypothetical. That, however, does not negate that Gd raises up whom He will or destroys whom He will.

>>Then you came back with "Jonah just made that up" about the 40 days???<<

Perhaps I missed it, but where exactly – does Gd’s commission to Jonah include the parameter “40 days”? It would not be the first time ‘a prophet’ presumed too much. Anyway, per my quote, following...


Indeed, the prophecy failed – but upon only the point of forty days, which is unclear whether it was not simply an invention of Jonah’s;

you may put the matter to rest by showing where Gd did indeed include, in speaking to Jonah, “40 days”.

>>God did not say at the end of the 40 days "you just made that 40 days up – that is why they are not yet destroyed".<< [ed.jasd]

My point was that despite the Ninevites ‘repentance’ they were still – later destroyed!

>>Your wild assumption failed the test of scripture jasd.<<


Difference with a distinction – “Thee only, of all the families of earth have I known.” [/as I recall]

I’ve taken certain liberties responding to the several posts I did; however, should you wish to pursue this line – I’ll attempt to follow elsewhere – than Townhall.

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How ya doin' True- believer? Well and swell, yes?

>>But really the "SDA" stands for something else:

Spirit Dives Agnostically??????

hehehehe haahahaha hohohohoho heheeheh hahahah hohooh<<

We are all in Gd’s hand and it is He who increases, yes? Moreover, that hand is not short

that it cannot save... Gd Bless Us All.

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Originally Posted By: True-believer
The first question was:

What does the "SDA" Church stand for?

most people think the "SDA" would stand for:

Seventh Day Adventist?????

But really the "SDA" stands for something else:

Spirit Dives Agnostically??????

hehehehe haahahaha hohohohoho heheeheh hahahah hohooh


Here is your first post on the Forum:

I'm very new to all of this as well.

I just signed up yesterday.

I put my forms in to cancel my membership at the Seaton Baptist Church.

I've got a formal meeting with the pastoral team this Monday at 2:30pm, please prayer for me there at Seaton B.C.

I am so looking forward to finally becoming a member with the Seventh-day Adventist Church at Queenstown.

I've been through quite a bit especially with my mother and friends and deacons in the Baptist Church trying to stop me finding the real Biblical truth from the Bible from the SDA Church.

And yes Ben I also believe that there is a Sanctuary in Heaven and it is being cleansed right now like the Scriptures says.

I'm looking forward to Jesus Christ soon return to take us with Him to reign with Him for a thousand years in Heaven.

Looking forward to the blessed hope...

From Luke Goss.

You've changed quite a bit since your first posts. Could you tell us what happened and why your outlook is so different now from what it was? Do you feel that Club Adventist has had a positive influence on you?

Have I changed quite a bit since my first post?

Yes, Club Adventist has had a very positive influence on me.

What happened to me, and why my outlook is so different now from what it was?

-----Well I can now think more clearly and concentrate better, and focus more on Jesus My Savior a whole lot more.

I am more confident in what I believe, very confident in the True Doctrine.

I am free in Jesus, the Truth has made me FREE-----woohoo woohoo----yeah yeah---FREE INDEED.


Luke 4:19

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

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Hmmmm, Truebeliever are you now set free? I am sorry to hear that. As for me, I am a bondservant for Jesus Christ since He paid the bond for my penalty of sin. Therefore I am not free like you are. When I am made a family member, then I will be set free--but until then, I am still a bondservant.

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