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Well, I was out browsing around and went to Google and searched 3ABN & ClubAdventist. I found a site called ATomorrow. I have never seen it before, so I joined. I am a member everywhere, so I figure, why not?

It gave a critique of other forums. I thought it was a lik to CA, but no it gave the administrators opinion of CA and Stan.

My first impression was different to say the least. What do you think about this open description of you and CA in general?


Club Adventist

Club Adventist claims to be “ one of the largest Adventist forums”

It is EXTREMELY Liberal in focus (both from a Religious viewpoint and the popular Political discussions. There is a decidedly Anti-American viewpoint in all the discussions allowed.

It is a private commercial enterprise of a departmental director in the British Columbia Conference of SDA. Charges a “membership fee” and the Administration demonstrates exceptional BIAS and one sided viewpoints on what they allow to be posted. A “CLUB” it truly is, as the “in” members of the “CLUB” over there have a tendency to BAN (including the poster) any and every opinion they don’t approve of.

One has to wade through the VULGARITY allowed on Club Adventist, and indeed some of the messages are downright bordering on FILTH. Religious discussions are extremely SHALLOW, and controversy with the “in” crowd is simply not allowed. Indeed it appears more of a joking club then a Seventh-day Adventist discussion forum or group.

Be warned, that if you post anything CONTROVERSAL with the “in” people over there, that your post will disappear with alarming suddenness and you will be immediately BANNED. As they claim, it is a “SAFE” forum! Also do not be shocked if you encounter post from those involved in the Occult, or some in their membership engaging in sly sexual innuendo. Popularity seems to be more important with the crowd over on Club Adventist....then any focus on Adventism.

Club Adventist does seem to do a representative job on informing the internet community of General Conference “News”.

Hey! I'm still here! seenoevil.gif Stan, when are you going to get rid of me? (sob crazy.gifsob crazy.gif) oops.gif

The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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Heh, having done a little wandering around the Adventist forums myself, I can probably guess within a cadre of 5 or so people who wrote that text. Basically there seem to be one or two disgruntled ex-habitues (trolls is probably a more accurate description) from here who spread basically that same screed all over the place.

I just hope people will come here and check this place out for themselves.

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The critique was writen by J. R. Layman, a one-time SDA who hangs around SDA forums.

This is how he describes himself: Cantankerous Troublemaker, e.g. a Butthead

It should be noted that he recently posted in CA, but his post was made by proxy, and his name was left off.


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About the only way you, or others would lose posting privileges is to become a cyber bully/abuser... He lost that on the original adventist forum as well for a while, and was one of the reasons, that online community was shut down. Not many worry about what he says, He does a great travel dialog, and really got me to appreciate Vancover and the Rockies

Gregory, which post was that?

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I guess the other thing (without sounding too defensive) is to consider what is actually said: it's a problem that we (mods) try to make this a 'safe' community?

(and yay for sly sexual innuendo - God invented sex!)

Truth is important

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I remember him, I beleive from SDANET...Seems to me that he got banned there as well....oh well, some people you can never make happy and like to sit in thier...uh, stuff...

But that was many years ago....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


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Three words: consider the source.

'nuff said.





... no, wait: two more words:

social engineering

(and not only pathetic in its attempt, but transparently so, and pathetic in its transparency at that).

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Even though there appears to be bitterness behind the critique, when accusations are made, it is good to consider each and determine if we need to make changes so that we won't wonder if, maybe, there is some validity in the critique.

I have sometimes cringed at the "Weirder, Lighter Stranger" and "Just a Little Bit Off" forums. Sometimes when I login and look at the past 24 hours, the majority of the posts are in those two forums, some with subject lines that make me veer the other way, fast. I have often wondered what image this is presenting to the casual person dropping in.



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the "Just a Little Bit Off" is not available to most people... and not at all to the casual viewer.

I have no problem with the content level rising...

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Some posts wouldn't be appropriate to read on Sabbath, however, the topic names give you a good idea whether it is going to fit your criteria.

I don't find vulgarity - but some people don't like the words "valentine" or "christmas" etc. They are the ones who wouldn't likely feel comfortable in this site anyway.

I think the post will make many people take a look here and find it a safe, comfortable forum to spend some worthwhile time in.

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I think those who are not supposed to see them should not see them at all, not even the topic names nor any indication that they exist. That's just my 2 cents ...

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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the topics for the private forums, women's, mens, a little bit off, the survivors of sexual abuse, admins, etc etc are not publicly shown... Seems to me Greg has a room as well, Shane will be having a 12 step room, that will be private and the public respect the privacy of the members....

I do appreciate the laughter that Amelia supplies to many of us, laughter is a good medicine...

There are forums here for pretty much all kinds of people... light-medium-heavier thinking...

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Oh - Didn't know "A Little Bit Off" wasn't public. -- What I think we need is a very private grief recovery forum.



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LynnDel, I would gladly make that one in a flash, ( well this weekend) I really like CA to have those kinds of ministries

Are there 4-5 that would join this???

AND am thinking that should be one of the private, invitation only kind...


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Stan, I think that is a wonderful idea. I will mention again that there are private forums that others might not be aware of, but that may be of great benefit to them. It was at least 6 months into my membership before I was aware of the Women's Only forum--one of which I truly enjoy. Also, to my regret (I'm so sorry I pushed for this one...in retrospect, I think I've made a great mistake) Mrs. Gray's Postum Cafe is one that some members enjoyed that may have lost privileges to when the switch was made. ~Chrys

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JR has contacted me in regard to the post that I made here in Club Adventist. He has expresed some very strong comments on it, and feels that I have neither been fair to him, nor been honest (acurate) in the post that I made. As I reflect on his post to me, I have to say that he has a point, I did not state well what I said. I apologize to him, and will attempt to correct it in this post.

a) I was accurate in what I said when I stated how he described himself as a "butthead" and more. However, I took that as a joke on his part. I come from a background that does consider jokes to be semi-serious, but not necessarily literal. I did not consider his statment to be a literal description of himself, and no more than semi-serious.

B) In regard to him posting by proxy: Here is where I feel that he has a major valid point. One might think that I intended to imply that he was working with others to continue to post here on CA under another person's name. I did not intend to imply that. Although one might reasonably think that I did. I was wrong in stating it in a manner that one might so think.

As a matter of fact, and I have explained this in private to those who have asked, me, I refered to myself. I, with his permission, recently posted something from JR, in CA. I felt the item that I posted was funny (I still do.) I posted it without his name attached because he was not the author. I did not remove his name to hide the fact that I got the item from him.

JR has correctly reminded me that I asked him for permission to post that item elsewhere. I did not specificly tell him that I was going to post it in CA. I did not remember that. At the time I posted here I thought I had told him I was going to post it in CA. I did not. I apologize for what clearly could be misunderstood by people reading my post.

c) As to my description of JR as a one-time SDA who hangs around SDA forums, that is my opinion. I believe it to be factual. I do not consider it to be a negative statement. It applies to many others who come here. Perhaps that statement has no major value. I do think that such help us to relate to and understand people here. But, it may have been so brief that it was inapproprite on my part. I do not know.

d) By the way, if you want to read my post of something that he had first posted, go to the humor section, and read "Shopping for a husband". That is what I posted.


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... am thinking that should be one of the private, invitation only kind...


I think it should be entirely invisible to all but those in it, and invitation should be extended (in the future, after the first 4-5 are chosen) to those who express a recent loss of great magnitude like LynnDel's.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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JR has contacted me in regard to the post that I made here in Club Adventist. He has expresed some very strong comments on it, and feels that I have neither been fair to him, nor been honest (acurate) in the post that I made. As I reflect on his post to me, I have to say that he has a point, I did not state well what I said. I apologize to him, and will attempt to correct it in this post.

Gregory you are a gentleman and a Christian. I must say I've never seen the one to whom you (over-)extend such a courtesy so much as lift one pinky to do likewise to anyone he has offended. Instead, if anyone expresses to him having been hurt, harmed, or offended at his postings he takes that opportunity to trample them further in the dust and treat them like garbage with his words.

You set a good example here Gregory. May he learn from it and follow suit, so it is not utterly wasted.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Just an inquiring question here, Nicodem

First a quoting of what you just said..

"I must say I've never seen the one to whom you (over-)extend such a courtesy so much as lift one pinky to do likewise to anyone he has offended.

Instead, if anyone expresses to him having been hurt, harmed, or offended at his postings he takes that opportunity to trample them further in the dust and treat them like garbage with his words."

now the question....

Is it possible to find posted messages on ClubA in the last year where you yourself have done literally to others what you are at this moment accusing JRL for having done?

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Sometimes when I login and look at the past 24 hours, the majority of the posts are in those two forums,

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Not even remotely close. Those two forums get very little attention/posting. Did you know you can close those forums down so you dont see the thread titles? That should make you feel better. Or maybe it would make you feel better if you could close me down since one of those forums is mine and I do the majority of the posting? Maybe treat me like Frankenstein and come after me with fire and pitchforks? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/seenoevil.gif" alt="" />

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

It is EXTREMELY Liberal in focus (both from a Religious viewpoint and the popular Political discussions. There is a decidedly Anti-American viewpoint in all the discussions allowed.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

I guess he hasn't read too many of my posts. However given our beliefs of Revelation, wouldn't one expect Ant-American and Anti-Catholic viewpoints?

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