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Democrats Block Republican Mailings

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Isn't free speech wonderful. What are the dems so afraid of??


Democrats are preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that is critical of the majority’s health care reform plan, blocking the mailing by alleging that it is inaccurate.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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House Democrats block GOP mailers on ObamaCare

July 23, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

Roll Call reports on a fracas between Democrats and Republicans in the House over the right of Representatives to communicate with their constituents. Republicans want to send this chart, created by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) to represent the flowchart of health services under ObamaCare, in order to show how much more complicated such care will become. Democrats filed a complaint with the franking committee and blocked it (via Drudge Report):

Democrats are preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that is critical of the majority’s health care reform plan, blocking the mailing by alleging that it is inaccurate.

House Republicans are crying foul and claiming that the Democrats are using their majority to prevent GOP Members from communicating with their constituents. …

“Hiding the truth about wildly unpopular policies is a Democrat specialty,” said one GOP aide. “I’d like to see the flow chart on how Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi plans on implementing the open and transparent government she keeps promising everyone.”

“We have initiated discussions with the minority to try and resolve current differences and are operating in good faith to achieve that goal,” said Kyle Anderson, a spokesman for House Administration Chairman Robert Brady (D-Pa.). The committee has oversight of the commission.

Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.), ranking member of the committee and a member of the franking commission, said through a spokeswoman that he is also aware of the situation and is working with the members of the franking commission to resolve the differences, but he added that he believed Democrats on the commission were overreaching.

You can see the chart for yourself here, and click the image to get the full-size PDF:

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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WELL thank you for this post

I am not sure how they can prevent from sending out mail???


I believe that postage is provided when a party has a large mailing. Democrats have blocked that

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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IF THIS IS TRUE then it seems underhanded


Carter & Co. Kick House Censors

by Connie Hair


Democrat censorship of House Republicans’ constituent mailings has reached Orwellian levels. Republican members of the House Monday night took to the House floor during Special Orders speeches and gave examples of some of the censorship horror stories.

Democrats on the Franking Commission have even gone as far as to object to and censor from one member’s communication to constituents a direct quote, in context, from President Obama.

Franking is the process by which Congress, the President and some cabinet members correspond with the public using their signature on the envelope instead of a stamp. The mailings to constituents are limited by budget allotment, and the cost is borne by taxpayer dollars. The commission approves the content of materials to prevent abuse of the privilege. But now it is the commission abusing the process.

The Special Orders hour was led by Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), secretary of the House Republican Conference and a former District Judge. He told the story of the demands of the commission that he remove the words “government run healthcare” and “Democratic majority” from a constituent invitation to a telephone town hall meeting.

“I communicate with my constituents every day,” Carter said from the floor. “One of the tools I use is a telephone town hall meeting. You record a message that leads into the town hall. Part of the message tells the people what you’re going to be talking to them about for the next hour.”

“We made up a telephone town hall recording submission to the Franking Commission in which I proposed to say ‘the Democratic Party is offering their government run healthcare program in the next two weeks and this is what we’re going to talk about tonight,’” Carter continued.

“The Franking Commission came back and told me I could not say ‘government run healthcare’ and I could not say the ‘Democratic Party.’ I had to say ‘the majority party is submitting its public option healthcare program.’ In other words what they’re telling me is that I have to use the same language that the President of the United States uses in his speech or that [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi uses when she talks about this. ‘Public option.’”

“They have never before in the history of the Republic taken the position that you do not have the right to express your opinion on the policies that are being proposed, or that you must reword the language to suit the policies of someone else,” Carter said.

But there are more examples of the Democrats abuse of the franking approval system. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) is having his chart (pdf) Republican staff created in the Joint Economic Committee illustrating the structure of Democrat, government run healthcare censored out of some 20 member mailings. But it does not stop there.

Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.) sends a regular newsletter to his constituents. When he attempted to mail a newsletter to his district covering the issue of healthcare, he was forced to remove the following offensive language before Democrats on the commission would approve payment of postage for the mailing:

“The below quote is from President Obama at a recent town hall on health care, responding to a question on possible medical treatment for an elderly woman who had heart problems and received a pacemaker:

‘Look, the first thing for all of us to understand that is we actually have some -- some choices to make about how we want to deal with our own end-of-life care… we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for ourselves...at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.’

I can honestly say I found the President’s quote offensive, as well. But Democrats censored this direct quote in context of the President of the United States of America from an official communication between a member of Congress and his constituents.

Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) used the words “Democrat majority” in his newsletter to constituents on the issue of Cap & Trade. Franking kicked it back to Barton saying he had to use the words “congressional majority” instead. Yet found in a Nancy Pelosi newsletter from 2006, when Democrats were in the minority, was the statement, “But too many here and across our nation are paying the price for the Republican Congressional majority’s special interest agenda.”

Barton’s office sent the newsletter back to Franking yesterday with a change in the language: “If we don’t, our nation will end up paying the price for the Democrat Congressional majority’s special interest agenda.” Quoting Pelosi’s 2006 newsletter practically word for word, and sending it to them for reference, Barton’s office is awaiting the response from the commission.

Staffers of one of Carter’s Republican colleagues sent an example to Carter to read from House floor. Not cleared for inclusion by the member before floor action began, the member is referred to as a “Florida colleague.” This member submitted to the Franking Commission for review and approval a letter to business owners the week of July 13th. Democrats found this language objectionable:

“The bill imposes a new payroll tax on employers who do not provide their employees with insurance.”

Democrats demanded they change it to read:

“In my opinion, the bill imposes a new payroll tax on employers who do not provide their employees with insurance.”

The problem with that instruction is that the bill’s imposition of a new payroll tax is not an opinion. It’s a fact. The “Florida Colleague’s” office pointed out the fact, as stated in black and white on page 150 of their own bill. The commission relented -- but only after delaying the valid communication between this member and constituents for several days.

House Democrats are engaging in a gross abuse of power by censoring the ability of Republicans to communicate the facts to their constituents in a timely manner.

“If they take away free speech from members of Congress, when will they take it away from the press?” Carter asked from the House floor. “When will they take it away from the people?”

The censorship is not limited to franked mail privileges. Last week, House Republicans planned to speak during their Monday leadership Special Orders hour on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to help secure the release of CIA briefing logs that would disprove or substantiate her accusations that the CIA lied to Congress about harsh interrogation methods used on terrorists we had captured.

House Democrats abruptly voted to adjourn instead of allowing for the traditional Special Orders speeches at the conclusion of business. Democrats did not attempt this same maneuver last night after Republicans threatened to deliver the censorship speeches outside on the Capitol steps.

Rumors that Speaker Pelosi had demanded her staff prepare a “Newspeak” dictionary for her next press conference were unconfirmed as we go to press.

Connie Hair is a freelance writer, a former speechwriter for Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) and a former media and coalitions advisor to the Senate Republican Conference.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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The rub here is that this mass mailing is using the Congressional franking privilege ("free" or special Congressional postal privilege) which is for communication of official Congressional business. It is subject to compliance with special regulations (72 page Frank Manual) overseen by a bipartisan Franking Commission.

Specifically, mailings using the franking privilege are not to be used for political or partisan purposes. In the Manual, at page 7, under the heading of "Examples of Nonfrankable Items"... "Political and partisan references", among other guidelines it specifically states that "Comments critical of policy or legislation should not be partisan, politicized or personal."

The Republicans were wanting to send out Kevin Brady's flow chart - http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/tx08_brady/71509_hc_chart.html . This chart is intentionally obtuse and confusing. It grossly misrepresents the current plan and is intended to frighten people with its unrealistic complexity. See http://www.politicususa.com/en/CNN-Bias . Clearly this flow chart is a very partisan effort highly critical of the legislation.

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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The rub here is that this mass mailing is using the Congressional franking privilege ("free" or special Congressional postal privilege) which is for communication of official Congressional business. It is subject to compliance with special regulations (72 page Frank Manual) overseen by a bipartisan Franking Commission.

There is no rub whatsoever if you take the time to read the objections stated. Or,heaven forbid the same language of the backers are used.

I am sure most of us realize why "government run" is not the preferred wording. Might get folks to really read what they are going to be getting. While we are at it,tell me wo of the democrats,from Obama to the congress and senate know what is in the bill and what they are objecting to?

Obama clearly stated he did not read the bill, democrat lawmakers said,NOPE, we are not going to read it before we vote.

I communicate with my constituents every day,” Carter said from the floor. “One of the tools I use is a telephone town hall meeting. You record a message that leads into the town hall. Part of the message tells the people what you’re going to be talking to them about for the next hour.”

“We made up a telephone town hall recording submission to the Franking Commission in which I proposed to say ‘the Democratic Party is offering their government run healthcare program in the next two weeks and this is what we’re going to talk about tonight,’” Carter continued.

“The Franking Commission came back and told me I could not say ‘government run healthcare’ and I could not say the ‘Democratic Party.’ I had to say ‘the majority party is submitting its public option healthcare program.’ In other words what they’re telling me is that I have to use the same language that the President of the United States uses in his speech or that [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi uses when she talks about this. ‘Public option.’”

Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.) sends a regular newsletter to his constituents. When he attempted to mail a newsletter to his district covering the issue of healthcare, he was forced to remove the following offensive language before Democrats on the commission would approve payment of postage for the mailing:

“The below quote is from President Obama at a recent town hall on health care, responding to a question on possible medical treatment for an elderly woman who had heart problems and received a pacemaker:

‘Look, the first thing for all of us to understand that is we actually have some -- some choices to make about how we want to deal with our own end-of-life care… we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for ourselves...at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.’

I can honestly say I found the President’s quote offensive, as well. But Democrats censored this direct quote in context of the President of the United States of America from an official communication between a member of Congress and his constituents.

How could anyone dare repeat the presidents own words. Can certainly see why that would need to be removed. How bi-partisan can you get?

Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) used the words “Democrat majority” in his newsletter to constituents on the issue of Cap & Trade. Franking kicked it back to Barton saying he had to use the words “congressional majority” instead. Yet found in a Nancy Pelosi newsletter from 2006, when Democrats were in the minority, was the statement, “But too many here and across our nation are paying the price for the Republican Congressional majority’s special interest agenda.”

SHHHHH,don't tell anyone that the democrats are in the majority. What a blatant misuse of the intent of the franking commission.

Barton’s office sent the newsletter back to Franking yesterday with a change in the language: “If we don’t, our nation will end up paying the price for the Democrat Congressional majority’s special interest agenda.” Quoting Pelosi’s 2006 newsletter practically word for word, and sending it to them for reference, Barton’s office is awaiting the response from the commission.

6666]Staffers of one of Carter’s Republican colleagues sent an example to Carter to read from House floor. Not cleared for inclusion by the member before floor action began, the member is referred to as a “Florida colleague.” This member submitted to the Franking Commission for review and approval a letter to business owners the week of July 13th. Democrats found this language objectionable:

“The bill imposes a new payroll tax on employers who do not provide their employees with insurance.”

Democrats demanded they change it to read:

“In my opinion, the bill imposes a new payroll tax on employers who do not provide their employees with insurance.”

The problem with that instruction is that the bill’s imposition of a new payroll tax is not an opinion. It’s a fact. The “Florida Colleague’s” office pointed out the fact, as stated in black and white on page 150 of their own bill. The commission relented -- but only after delaying the valid communication between this member and constituents for several days.

Really gutsy of the republicans isn't it. Actually stating exactly what is in this moster bill. The tax will be 8% of what private insurance would cost them.

Can't imagine most business men opting to pay the thousands per month for employee insurance instead of the 8%.

My brother,small business owner pays 35,000.00 minimum a month.

Can you take a guess what he will choose if he doesn't close down?? One bright spot is the real possibility the SDA denomination will take advantage of huge savings as they seem to have some financial problems.Kick everyone to the curb and provide many with their just deserts

This is also especially heartening to see in a free country

The censorship is not limited to franked mail privileges. Last week, House Republicans planned to speak during their Monday leadership Special Orders hour on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to help secure the release of CIA briefing logs that would disprove or substantiate her accusations that the CIA lied to Congress about harsh interrogation methods used on terrorists we had captured.

House Democrats abruptly voted to adjourn instead of allowing for the traditional Special Orders speeches at the conclusion of business. Democrats did not attempt this same maneuver last night after Republicans threatened to deliver the censorship speeches outside on the Capitol steps.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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...Might get folks to really read what they are going to be getting. While we are at it,tell me wo of the democrats,from Obama to the congress and senate know what is in the bill and what they are objecting to?

Obama clearly stated he did not read the bill, democrat lawmakers said,NOPE, we are not going to read it before we vote...

Here is a news flash for you. The Republicans voicing the strongest opposition know even less about the bill and have spent even less time reading it. That is clearly evident from the flow chart alone, not to mention all of the scatter gun comments blasted at the media... and by certain segments of the media.

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Here is a news flash for you. The Republicans voicing the strongest opposition know even less about the bill and have spent even less time reading it. That is clearly evident from the flow chart alone, not to mention all of the scatter gun comments blasted at the media... and by certain segments of the media.

Given the fact that republicans are not behind this and they at this point don't want to be forced to a vote when they have no idea of what is in there,they don't concern me as much.

Nor do I believe you would know the truth or falsehood of the scatter gun comments. From as much as I have been able to read I don't see the scatter gun approach. Perhaps you can enlighten everyone.

I know that you and other followers do not think it is necessary for Obama,the one responsible for pushing this monstrosity on the american citizens but many do many are a little bothered by the fact of a president that does not know or can't be bothered with details. A little like his "STUPID" remarks concerning his friend Gates.

It does not take a high IQ to understand if you do not know the facts,SHUTUP.

Don't go after the police officer right after you tell the nation you don't know what happened

We will be forced out of private health care. There is no way private industry can compete with government run anything, Government does not have to make a profit to survive. When they run low they find a few more taxes to take.

You will not be able to deviate from your current private insurance if this passes to maintain your private coverage. Any change whatsoever,(look at page 16 I think) Any change in premium,any type of coverage change you will now be the happy recipient of government run health care.

Maybe you want the government intrusion into the lives of your elderly family members,most of us don't. I took care of my mother and dad. The last few months of their lives a "government mental health" person could have convinced them of anything.

I do not want Oabama and friends making decisions about my families care. If I can afford private coverage leave me and mine the heck alone. Invite them to supervise the medical care of your family members.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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