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A Message From A. Barry Rand, AARP CEO

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I don't listen to every minute of talk radio everyday but I surf across them and hear bits and pieces of what they are saying. I didn't hear any of them talk about this story although I am sure they did. I heard the story on GMA and I think it was in perspective. I think those that don't think it were in perspective have been fed by the spinmisters and are taking the bait hook, line and sinker. Regardless how big an organization is, 60,000 is a lot of people. New York City is a very big city and if 60,000 took to the streets in protest they are going to be noticed.

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Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Originally Posted By: Shane

And that is a big story...[/quote']

No it's not!!! Only in spinning heads is this a big deal. As I said, do the math. 0.15% is not a big story Read more carefully.

This is what AARP Admits to. DO you think they will admit they made a big mistake. They may be doctoring those figures and say only 60,000 left because of medicare but it may be a lot more. Politicians pay attention to Email. They say that for ever Email they get there is 100 who feel the same way but who do not bother to write. So if you mulitiply 60,000 by 100 you get six million who feel the same way. That should make them think of the possible consequenses of following this course of action.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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