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Michelle Obama Relates To The Common Folks

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Just a little shopping for dinner as we all do. 5.00 a dozen eggs sounds like a deal to good to pass up



Hi-Ho, the Derry-O

By Dana Milbank

Friday, September 18, 2009

Let's say you're preparing dinner and you realize with dismay that you don't have any certified organic Tuscan kale. What to do?

Here's how Michelle Obama handled this very predicament Thursday afternoon:

The Secret Service and the D.C. police brought in three dozen vehicles and shut down H Street, Vermont Avenue, two lanes of I Street and an entrance to the McPherson Square Metro station. They swept the area, in front of the Department of Veterans Affairs, with bomb-sniffing dogs and installed magnetometers in the middle of the street, put up barricades to keep pedestrians out, and took positions with binoculars atop trucks. Though the produce stand was only a block or so from the White House, the first lady hopped into her armored limousine and pulled into the market amid the wail of sirens.

Then, and only then, could Obama purchase her leafy greens. "Now it's time to buy some food," she told several hundred people who came to watch. "Let's shop!"

Cowbells were rung. Somebody put a lei of marigolds around Obama's neck. The first lady picked up a straw basket and headed for the "Farm at Sunnyside" tent, where she loaded up with organic Asian pears, cherry tomatoes, multicolored potatoes, free-range eggs and, yes, two bunches of Tuscan kale. She left the produce with an aide, who paid the cashier as Obama made her way back to the limousine.

There's nothing like the simple pleasures of a farm stand to return us to our agrarian roots.

The first lady had encouraged Freshfarm Markets, the group that runs popular farmers markets in Dupont Circle and elsewhere, to set up near the White House, and she helped get the approvals to shut down Vermont Avenue during rush hour on Thursdays. But the result was quite the opposite of a quaint farmers market. Considering all the logistics, each tomato she purchased had a carbon footprint of several tons.

The promotion of organic and locally grown food, though an admirable cause, is a risky one for the Obamas, because there's a fine line between promoting healthful eating and sounding like a snob. The president, when he was a candidate in 2007, got in trouble in Iowa when he asked a crowd, "Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?" Iowans didn't have a Whole Foods.

For that reason, it's probably just as well that the first lady didn't stop by the Endless Summer Harvest tent yesterday. The Virginia farm had a sign offering "tender baby arugula" -- hydroponically grown, pesticide free -- and $5 for four ounces, which is $20 a pound.

Obama, in her brief speech to the vendors and patrons, handled the affordability issue by pointing out that people who pay with food stamps would get double the coupon value at the market. Even then, though, it's hard to imagine somebody using food stamps to buy what the market offered: $19 bison steak from Gunpowder Bison, organic dandelion greens for $12 per pound from Blueberry Hill Vegetables, the Piedmont Reserve cheese from Everson Dairy at $29 a pound. Rounding out the potential shopping cart: $4 for a piece of "walnut dacquoise" from the Praline Bakery, $9 for a jumbo crab cake at Chris's Marketplace, $8 for a loaf of cranberry-walnut bread and $32 for a bolt of yarn.

The first lady said the market would particularly appeal to federal employees in nearby buildings to "pick up some good stuff for dinner." Yet even they might think twice about spending $3 for a pint of potatoes when potatoes are on sale for 40 cents a pound at Giant. They could get nearly five dozen eggs at Giant for the $5 Obama spent for her dozen.

But whatever the socioeconomics, there can be no doubt that Obama brought some serious attention to her cause. Hundreds of people crowded the market entrance on I Street as police directed pedestrians to alternative subway entrances. Hundreds braved a light rain and gave a hearty cheer when Obama and her entourage took the stage. "I can't imagine there's been a day in the history of our country when people have been more excited about farmers markets," Mayor Adrian Fenty, Obama's warm-up act, told the crowd.

The first lady, in gray slacks and blue sweater, marveled that the people were "so pumped up" despite the rain. "I have never seen so many people so excited about fruits and vegetables!" she said. (Must be the tender baby arugula.)

She spoke of the global reach of her cause: "The first thing world leaders, prime ministers, kings, queens ask me about is the White House garden. And then they ask about Bo."

She spoke of the fuel fed to the world's most powerful man: "I've learned that when my family eats fresh food, healthy food, that it really affects how we feel, how we get through the day . . . whether there's a Cabinet meeting or whether we're just walking the dog."

And she spoke of her own culinary efforts: "There are times when putting together a healthy meal is harder than you might imagine."

Particularly when it involves a soundstage, an interpreter for the deaf, three TV satellite trucks and the closing of part of downtown Washington.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Obama, in her brief speech to the vendors and patrons, handled the affordability issue by pointing out that people who pay with food stamps would get double the coupon value at the market. Even then, though, it's hard to imagine somebody using food stamps to buy what the market offered: $19 bison steak from Gunpowder Bison, organic dandelion greens for $12 per pound from Blueberry Hill Vegetables

You really have to wonder what planet she is on. I keep trying to picture a single mother on food stamps buying eggs for 2.50 unless there is a tremendous cost difference in Washington D.C.

8.50 for a bison steak and dandilion greens for 6.00 a lb.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Food stamps to help the poverty-stricken pay for high $$$ food....

Our tax $$$ at work here....

Any wonder the poor from other countries try to get here? Our poverty class lives like royalty compared to other nations, at US taxpayer expense.

"As iron sharpens iron, so also does one man sharpen another" - Proverbs 27:17

"The offense of the cross is that the cross is a confession of human frailty and sin and of inability to do any good thing. To take the cross of Christ means to depend solely on Him for everything, and this is the abasement of all human pride. Men love to fancy themselves independent. But let the cross be preached, let it be made known that in man dwells no good thing and that all must be received as a gift, and straightway someone is offended." Ellet J. Waggoner, The Glad Tidings

"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway" - John Wayne

"The person who pays an ounce of principle for a pound of popularity gets badly cheated" - Ronald Reagan

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The whole premise of this thread and the article are a bit silly and unrealisticly critical. A simple question - When was the last time we had a president that was truly one of the "common folks"? Why is this an issue now?

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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"Common" men do not become President. Something has to be extraordinary about a person if they are going to enough votes to become President. However, there are Presidents that have come from "common" roots. There have been many of them.

I give Michelle Obama an "A" for good intentions. Many farmers markets actually sell their food for less than the grocery stores do. So encouraging people to shop at farmer's markets is a good thing.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The whole premise of this thread and the article are a bit silly and unrealisticly critical. A simple question - When was the last time we had a president that was truly one of the "common folks"? Why is this an issue now?

No,that is not the premise of this thread.You should be careful with your assumptions. It is about rampant hypocrisy .

I don't care about Michelle Obama's 500.00 pair of tennis shoes,or her 5000.00 purse.

All presidents /their wives take every opportunity at tax payers expense to grab a photo op. Most of their taxpayer funded photo ops really do nothing for the citizens of this country.

Obama and the cap and trade bill want to regulate how far I drive and what I drive. He wants to regulate the temperature in my home with a smart thermostat,he and his wife frequently bemoan the plight of the poor, Take my health care dollar and spread it around, he wants to distribute the wealth. Don't tell me he doesn't please as he has said so.

Michelle Obama interrupted and caused problems for the local people in that area as highways were closed off.

She precedes to show her ignorance in suggesting people on food stamps can get a great buy.

What a joke that Michelle Obama says creating a health dinner can sometimes be a problem.

What a joke that hubby and Michelle are so very concerned that life on this planet will end unless we tax the blazes out of people and make them pay for carbon footprints.

First and foremost a believable honest leader shows the way.

He shows his concern for life on this planet by at least not insulting those he claims to care so much about.

They should at least not flash their extreme lifestyle to the very people they are wringing hands over.

What do you suppose was the cost we paid for her hypocrisy and photo op?

Last week I watched the thousands of farmers in California that are now on food stamps and the local food shelf. The wait in line can be 6.5 hours for the food from China to be given to the poor. Something a little wrong with that picture?? Families that have farmed the same land for generations are losing it to the banks.

The reason is not a natural drought,but one caused by simply turning off the water to the farms.All for a little two inch smelt. Instead of simply turning off the water another remedy has to be found. Their lands look like the dust bowl of the thirties.

The Obama's are deaf,dumb and blind to the plight of so many and have every intention of making it worse to pass bills.

Ridiculous comments about food stamps buying twice the amount shows just how oblivious to the real life problems many face.

Their previous donations to charity reflect that as well.

Farmers Markets do not routinely process food stamps.

At least make a visible attempt to quit insulting the very ones you cry about in public

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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"Common" men do not become President. Something has to be extraordinary about a person if they are going to enough votes to become President. However, there are Presidents that have come from "common" roots. There have been many of them.

I give Michelle Obama an "A" for good intentions. Many farmers markets actually sell their food for less than the grocery stores do. So encouraging people to shop at farmer's markets is a good thing.

Do you think there was this mad rush to the farmers markets this weekend to buy 5.00 a dozen eggs and bison steaks? Somehow I doubt that.

Common does not mean they live in a three bedroom rambler. Common means at least having a basic understanding of those you claim to be so concerned about. She arrives in a armored vehicle and the whole nine yards. Many of those that have lost their jobs do not have access to farmers markets. They are in food lines for 6 1/2 hours.What was her good intentions again? Our markets sell locally grown for most items. We still cannot buy them at below grocery store prices

Farmers markets selling 5.00 a dozen eggs and bison steak for 18.00 a pound is insulting to those they profess to be about.

Usually eggs and meat,expensive meats are not staples of the farmers markets.

We have a large farmers market here every summer,every weekend. Every small town has at least one stand.

They do not take food stamps,and their prices are higher than the grocery store.

A small container of tomatoes is 4.50-5.50. I can get same in store for 3.00-3.50,a small sack of peaches is 7.50.

Watermelon is from 6.00-7.50 depending on size.

Most sure don't have to worry about their carbon footprints,but I wonder if it has filtered thru to the Obama's

they leave footprints a mile wide? Don't tell me how much heat I can have in my house as you show the thru colors of your concern

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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"Common" men do not become President. Something has to be extraordinary about a person if they are going to enough votes to become President. However, there are Presidents that have come from "common" roots. There have been many of them.

I give Michelle Obama an "A" for good intentions. Many farmers markets actually sell their food for less than the grocery stores do. So encouraging people to shop at farmer's markets is a good thing.

2 points about the above 2 paragraphs....

regarding the ' "Common" men do not become President.'"....I distinctly remember you identifying with Bush because 'he was a common man like I am'....

And while I have been out of the loop regarding the doings of the President and his wife, I find it hard to believe that Michelle would personally go to a local farmers market to obtain 'organically grown' produce. Not when she has a staff that can do the whole shopping thingy much easier....and when the White House does the "entertaining dignitarys and guests" thingy, I am quite sure that Michelle is NOT the one doing the cooking there....

So, can we say that this "report" is really an "allegory" about Michelle and Health Care? And can we say that like most storys, it's a bit stretched ?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Originally Posted By: Shane
"Common" men do not become President. Something has to be extraordinary about a person if they are going to enough votes to become President. However, there are Presidents that have come from "common" roots. There have been many of them.

I give Michelle Obama an "A" for good intentions. Many farmers markets actually sell their food for less than the grocery stores do. So encouraging people to shop at farmer's markets is a good thing.

2 points about the above 2 paragraphs....

regarding the ' "Common" men do not become President.'"....I distinctly remember you identifying with Bush because 'he was a common man like I am'....

And while I have been out of the loop regarding the doings of the President and his wife, I find it hard to believe that Michelle would personally go to a local farmers market to obtain 'organically grown' produce. Not when she has a staff that can do the whole shopping thingy much easier....and when the White House does the "entertaining dignitarys and guests" thingy, I am quite sure that Michelle is NOT the one doing the cooking there....

So, can we say that this "report" is really an "allegory" about Michelle and Health Care? And can we say that like most storys, it's a bit stretched ?

Actually the story reflects it exactly as it took place.

She took part of her staff with her. After picking out the simple fare she handed it to her staff and went to the car

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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About Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank writes the Washington Sketch column about political theater in the capital. He joined The Post as a political reporter in 2000, after two years as a senior editor of The New Republic and eight years with the Wall Street Journal. He is also author of two political books, Homo Politicus (Doubleday, 2008) and Smashmouth (Basic Books, 2001). He lives in Washington with his wife and daughter.

And I am sure that, as a columnist, his journalistic reporting is accurate and fair and precise.....


When I first read the article, it sounded like Michelle went out to a local farmers market and shut down the traffic to buy some organic kale, using the resources of the US goverment [police, Secret Service, ect] and doing so at tax payer expense.

Instead, after doing a bit of research, the First Lady, asked, organised and PROMOTED the farmers market near the WH... It wasn't the bad press that this article seems to be promoting...



Here is the "pool report" on Michelle Obama's visit to the new farmers' market in Washington Thursday. It has more detail that we were able to provide Thursday evening

(Pool reports are written by a single, regular, reporter and distributed to all the news media. They use pool reporters when they can't handle a crowd. This was was written by Charles Hurt, Washington Bureau Chief of the New York Post. FLOTUS, of course, is short for First Lady of the United States.)

For a completely different and somewhat more partisan take on the first lady's visit, see Dana Milbank's report in Friday's Washington Post.

"In a steady light drizzle, FLOTUS arrived a little after 3 p.m. on Vermont Avenue at the northeast corner of Lafayette Park in front of the Veterans Affairs building.

A couple dozen produce stands were set up with fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk and cheese raised on mainly Virginia and Maryland farms.

Several hundred ecstatic FLOTUS fans gathered in the street amid the stands, including some of the vendors and other organic enthusiasts.

As part of her ongoing effort to focus on healthy eating, FLOTUS was there to celebrate the opening of the FRESHFARM farmer's market, aimed at selling healthy locally grown produce to people who work in the neighborhood.

"I have never seen so many people so excited about fruits and vegetables," she said to wild cheers.

Other speakers included USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and DC Mayor Adrian Fenty.

During the event, several tasty looking mallards flew overhead but no one noted their potential as an excellent and healthy food source.

Afterwards, FLOTUS made her way along the bike rack barriers to the tunes of -- what else? -- U2.

Someone placed a small lei of flowers around her neck. It appeared to be made of marigolds.

Then she spent a few minutes perusing two of the produce stands.

A certified member of the Eastern liberal elite media reported that, in fact, arugala was available for sale. But as your pooler hasn't the faintest idea what arugala looks like, it could not be determined if she placed any into her straw basket.

The White House later reported that the First Lady picked up some black kale, eggs, cherry tomatoes, mixed hot peppers, pears, fingerling potatoes, cheese and chocolate milk."

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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About Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank writes the Washington Sketch column about political theater in the capital. He joined The Post as a political reporter in 2000, after two years as a senior editor of The New Republic and eight years with the Wall Street Journal. He is also author of two political books, Homo Politicus (Doubleday, 2008) and Smashmouth (Basic Books, 2001). He lives in Washington with his wife and daughter.

And I am sure that, as a columnist, his journalistic reporting is accurate and fair and precise.....


Then I am sure you can provide the accurate story. Please do

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Originally Posted By: Shane
"Common" men do not become President...

regarding the ' "Common" men do not become President.'"....I distinctly remember you identifying with Bush because 'he was a common man like I am'....

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Take another look at my post, since I have revised it and added other information...

by the way, here is the link to the story

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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What part are you objecting to?? This

The Secret Service and the D.C. police brought in three dozen vehicles and shut down H Street, Vermont Avenue, two lanes of I Street and an entrance to the McPherson Square Metro station.

Almost a word for word as to what was being reported on the news.

They swept the area, in front of the Department of Veterans Affairs, with bomb-sniffing dogs and installed magnetometers in the middle of the street, put up barricades to keep pedestrians out, and took positions with binoculars atop trucks.

Maybe the above??

How foolish and incompetent would the secret service be to not act in this manner

Though the produce stand was only a block or so from the White House, the first lady hopped into her armored limousine and pulled into the market amid the wail of sirens.

This also was reported and shown Michelle Obama getting out.

Then, and only then, could Obama purchase her leafy greens. "Now it's time to buy some food," she told several hundred people who came to watch. "Let's shop!"

Exactly what she said

Cowbells were rung. Somebody put a lei of marigolds around Obama's neck. The first lady picked up a straw basket and headed for the "Farm at Sunnyside" tent, where she loaded up with organic Asian pears, cherry tomatoes, multicolored potatoes, free-range eggs and, yes, two bunches of Tuscan kale. She left the produce with an aide, who paid the cashier as Obama made her way back to the limousine.

Exactly what happened according to the nightly news. What was it you objected to??

The secret servive would have to be complete morons not to take the steps outlined.

That was not really the point. Nor was the fact it was a mindless photo op.

The point was Michelle Obama was practising hypocrisy big time and in a insulting way.

Food stamp recipients do not go to her type of farmers market. Most families struggling with a budget are not going to be paying 5.00 a dozen for eggs

The continual rant for passing the cap and trade tax,we will tell you how far to drive,what you drive,when to run your air conditioner as our planet is a great risk.

Don't mind tho the mindless waste of energy and the size carbon footprint you leave.

That is for the little guy while Michelle Obama plays the little ordinary house wife.

If I am going to be told how much gas I can use,President Obama needs to be curtailing what is wife uses. Or leave me alone

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Exactly what happened according to the nightly news. What was it you objected to??

The secret servive would have to be complete morons not to take the steps outlined.

That was not really the point. Nor was the fact it was a mindless photo op.

The point was Michelle Obama was practising hypocrisy big time and in a insulting way.

Food stamp recipients do not go to her type of farmers market. Most families struggling with a budget are not going to be paying 5.00 a dozen for eggs

The continual rant for passing the cap and trade tax,we will tell you how far to drive,what you drive,when to run your air conditioner as our planet is a great risk.

Don't mind tho the mindless waste of energy and the size carbon footprint you leave.

That is for the little guy while Michelle Obama plays the little ordinary house wife.

If I am going to be told how much gas I can use,President Obama needs to be curtailing what is wife uses. Or leave me alone

What did I object to?

Your article painted the picture of wasting taxpayer money by using the police and the Secret Service SOLELY for the purpose of spontaneously running out to buy ORGANIC CUSTOM vegetable for a dinner that she was making for her family.

Instead, after searching the internet regarding the incident, Michelle sought to ESTABLISH a farmer's market near the White House WHERE THERE WAS NONE...And there have been reports that impoverished DC, Detroit, Chicago, Philidephia neighborhoods are NOT getting fresh vegetables. In fact, there are more liquor stores [which do not have healthy foods] than grocery stores which have some.

Michelle was involved in seeking out businesses and organizing the farmer's market. And there were a lot of good responses to this...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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What did I object to?

Your article painted the picture of wasting taxpayer money by using the police and the Secret Service SOLELY for the purpose of spontaneously running out to buy ORGANIC CUSTOM vegetable for a dinner that she was making for her family.


I hope what you intended was to provide me with a little humor.It gave me a good laugh

Instead, after searching the internet regarding the incident, Michelle sought to ESTABLISH a farmer's market near the White House WHERE THERE WAS NONE...And there have been reports that impoverished DC, Detroit, Chicago, Philidephia neighborhoods are NOT getting fresh vegetables. In fact, there are more liquor stores [which do not have healthy foods] than grocery stores which have some.

I bet with Michelle Obama's influence the impoverished people you mention have suddenly become less impoverished and can buy eggs at 5.00 per dozen.

Maybe out of concern for those impoverished this little photo op would have pitched this in the way that the impoverished could relate to.

Michelle was involved in seeking out businesses and organizing the farmer's market. And there were a lot of good responses to this...

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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...And there have been reports that impoverished DC, Detroit, Chicago, Philidephia neighborhoods are NOT getting fresh vegetables. In fact, there are more liquor stores [which do not have healthy foods] than grocery stores which have some.

Well, I agree that liquor stores do not have healthy foods. A discussion about eating good foods is positive. The Obamas might actually make good Adventists some day.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Not sure how this will relate, but my Mom lives in Florida, the deltona area. She go to a farmers market every wednesday and pays way less than any supermarket or grocery store. I go with her every time I visit her. But I've never seen any dairy products, just produce, like fruits and vegetables. She also gets all kinds of juice and even canned stuff. The prices are probably half of what they are in the supermarket or grocery store.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Not sure how this will relate, but my Mom lives in Florida, the deltona area. She go to a farmers market every wednesday and pays way less than any supermarket or grocery store. I go with her every time I visit her. But I've never seen any dairy products, just produce, like fruits and vegetables. She also gets all kinds of juice and even canned stuff. The prices are probably half of what they are in the supermarket or grocery store.


Your mom is fortunate. When we were in Florida the best thing about it was the farmers markets. I don't recall prices being that low.

But it is not a accurate comparison.

If Michelle Obama had plugged a ordinary vegetable market,products with in reach of the average wage earner and suggesting that those on food stamps could shop there it might of made a little sense

Her eggs were 5.00 a dozen,she claims the family on food stamps could get 2 dozen for that. Big Whoop

I don't care where she shops for her photo op,just don't be quite so out of touch with reality

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Well I like to see my President and his wife in photo ops. I will never criticism them for that. I thought it was so foolish for liberals to criticize President Bush for photo ops. I certainly cannot criticize President Obama for doing the same.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Well I like to see my President and his wife in photo ops. I will never criticism them for that. I thought it was so foolish for liberals to criticize President Bush for photo ops. I certainly cannot criticize President Obama for doing the same.

Photo ops are a great waste of taxpayers money,but that is not about to change. Yes all have done so and all future will do the same.

During the time President Obama explains how we all must be willing to sacrifice,maybe then be a bit more subtle. This farmers market is not for that average person,nor will welfare recipients shop in a place like that. They can't.

We are to buy smaller cars,use less gas,the excess is pretty obvious.We are to sacrifice and sacrifice some more.

Just a little more subtle when you want me to sacrifice and you spend more and more.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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