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It's working pretty well, except for all the insanity from the Republican roots and obstructionism from the Republican politicians. There are some positive changes happening, but it'd be great if it were possible to move further, faster.

Seriously, apart from the lingering effects of Bush (economy, wars, foreign relations), can you point to anything substantive that is worse?

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Good question Bravus, I'd say absolutely nothing, that said I say its brought out all the crazy's from both sides. :)



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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It's working pretty well, except for all the insanity from the Republican roots and obstructionism from the Republican politicians. There are some positive changes happening, but it'd be great if it were possible to move further, faster.[/qoute]

I hope the republicans have enough spine to continue to obstruct.

There is very little positive news of any kind

The economy is not lingering. As for wars Obama has a dandy going on now in Afghanistan.A couple of months ago he actually sounded like he may do something there.Now the objective is not to win.All right then bring our troops home

Bush was not great on thee economy,but what is going on now is a whole lot worse.

Foreign relations are truly a joke.

Most of the thug regimes are very fond of Obama.

When you have a murdering thug like Castro,or Gaddify that praises the US.That mightbe a clue as to who Obama is

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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So, how’s that “hope and change” thingee workin’ for y’alls ‘bout now, eh? --Czar jasd


Are you really wanting an answer to this or are you just attempting to mock those of us who see things differently?

And if you are mocking us, what's the use in answering you guys? Telling you guys the reality is nothing more than just setting ourselves up for more negative and abusive posts....And I have no desire to spread this abuse to other forums...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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The Democrats invented obstructionism. It was Speaker of the House, Tip O'Neil, that decided the Democrats would oppose anything and everything President Reagan wanted. The Republicans are not currently in a position to be obstructionists since the Democrats have a super majority in both houses of Congress.

The US went to war with both Democrat and Republican support although the Democrats did back-peddle on it later so they could play politics. That said, the Bush Administration made a huge mistake by not getting rid of Donald Rumsfield with a year of the Iraq invasion. Rumsfield was one of the worst Secretary of Defenses ever - right there with Robert McNamara.

Obama has not done what he promised in regard to the economy. Unemployment has gone higher than he said it would and banks are still not lending out money like he said they would. Very little was accomplished to stop home foreclosures. He has not been transparent like he claimed he would be.

He has done some good things like reigning in the credit card companies. It looks like his auto bailout is going to work. He has prevented more bank failures.

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