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Special Health Care For Congress

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Special Health Care for Congress: Lawmakers' Health Care Perks

Little Known Office on Capitol Hill Provides Quality Medical Care for Low Price

This fall while members of Congress toil in the U.S. Capitol, working to decide how or even whether to reform the country's health care system, one floor below them an elaborate Navy medical clinic -- described by those who have seen it as something akin to a modern community hospital -- will be standing by, on-call and ready to provide Congress with some of the country's best and most efficient government-run health care.


Dr. Tim Johnson takes a look at the medical care lawmakers can tap.

Formally called the Office of the Attending Physician, the clinic -- and at least six satellite offices it supports -- bills its mission as one of emergency preparedness and public health. Each day, it stands ready to handle medical emergencies, biological attacks and the occasional fainting tourist visiting Capitol Hill.

Officially, the office acknowledges these types of services, including providing physicals to Capitol police officers and offering flu shots to congressional staffers. But what is rarely discussed outside the halls of Congress is the office's other role -- providing a wealth of primary care medical services to senators, representatives and Supreme Court justices.

Through interviews with former employees and members of Congress, as well as extensive document searches, ABC News has learned new details about the services offered by the Office of Attending Physician to members of Congress over the past few years, from regular visits by a consulting chiropractor to on-site physical therapy.

"A member walked in and was generally walked right back into a physician's office. They get good care. They are not rushed. They are examined thoroughly," said Eduardo Balbona, an internist in Jacksonville, Fla., who worked as a staff physician in the OAP from 1993 to 1995.

"You have time to spend to get to know your patients and think about them and really think about how you preserve their health going forward," Balbona said. "We're not there to put on Band-Aids. We were there to make sure that everything possible that could be done [is done] to preserve that member of Congress."

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Office of the Attending Physician Services

Services offered by the Office of the Attending Physician include physicals and routine examinations, on-site X-rays and lab work, physical therapy and referrals to medical specialists from military hospitals and private medical practices. According to congressional budget records, the office is staffed by at least four Navy doctors as well as at least a dozen medical and X-ray technicians, nurses and a pharmacist.

Sources said when specialists are needed, they are brought to the Capitol, often at no charge to members of Congress.

"If you had, for example, prostate cancer, you would go to one of the centers of excellence for the country, which would be Johns Hopkins. If you had coronary artery disease, we would engage specialists at the Cleveland Clinic. You would go to the best care in the country. And, for the most part, nobody asked what your insurance was," Balbona said.


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In addition to Balbona, several former staff members and private physicians who have consulted at the OAP as recently as last year agreed to talk to ABC News on background. They described a culture centered on meeting the needs and whims of members of Congress, with almost no concern for cost.

Members of Congress do not pay for the individual services they receive at the OAP, nor do they submit claims through their federal employee health insurance policies. Instead, members pay a flat, annual fee of $503 for all the care they receive. The rest of the cost of their care, sources said, is subsidized by taxpayers.

Last year, Congress appropriated more than $3 million to reimburse the Navy for staff salaries at the office. Next year's budget allocates $3.8 million for the office, including more than half a million dollars to upgrade the Office's radiology suite. Sources said additional money to operate the office is included in the Navy's annual budget.

In 2008, 240 members paid the annual fee, though some sources say congressmen who didn't pay the fee were rarely prevented from using OAP services.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Office of the Attending Physician Would Not Comment

The OAP refused to comment in detail for this story, and Rear Adm. Brian Monahan, the Attending Physician to Congress, did not return phone calls requesting an interview. When ABC News chief medical editor Dr. Timothy Johnson visited the office in person in September to speak with Monahan, he was asked to leave.

After Johnson's visit, Kyle Anderson, a spokesman for the House Committee on Administration, which partially oversees the OAP, called ABC News and agreed to answer some general questions via e-mail. He refused to discuss the number of staff members who work at the OAP or the type of facilities the OAP makes available to members of Congress.

Requests by ABC News to tour the facility were also denied due to "security sensitivities."

Anderson said members of Congress are treated by specialists from military hospitals who visit the OAP at no charge. Congressmen are also eligible for free out-patient care at military facilities in the Washington, D.C., area, including Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center.

However, Anderson said, "individual health insurance is required for members to see local health professionals."

Rep. Steve Kagen of Wisconsin -- one of 15 medical doctors in Congress -- is the only member of either the House or Senate who has no health insurance coverage. Kagen, a Democrat and advocate for health care reform, said he turned down the plan he was offered through the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.

"I said, 'I'll tell you what. I respectfully decline. Until you can make the same offer to everyone that I have the honor of representing, I just don't think it's fair," Kagen said he told the congressional staffer who reviewed the plan with him in 2006.

But while Kagen has touted in campaign advertisements and news interviews that he has no health insurance coverage, he has openly admitted he used OAP services. In January, for example, he paid more than $4,000 out of pocket for outpatient arthroscopic knee surgery. After the procedure, he said, he used the attending physician's office and staff to assist him with physical therapy.

"It's one of the, quote, benefits of being in Congress," Kagen said. "They have physicians and nurses that will see you on the spot, on the beck and call."

Kagen said he believed the office was no different than the on-site medical clinics at major corporations. "It's kind of like being at a very large employer, where you have an on-site nurse or an on-site doctor, an on-site capability to get your immunizations or your blood pressure checked."

Those who have worked at the OAP, however, said the services are far more advanced than what is available at most companies. One former staff member, who asked not to be named, described the OAP as "the best health care on the planet."

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Primary Care

Members of Congress interviewed for this story say they believe the model of ready primary care services offered by the OAP should be expanded nationwide, though few discussed the logistics of how those services could be offered.


(/ABC News)

Republican Rep. Lee Terry of Nebraska says he does not use the OAP and was unaware of the types of services it offers. "I don't participate," Terry said. "But I know there's an option that you could use them as your, in essence, family practitioner while you're here."

Terry is introducing a bill to expand another health care model used by Congress -- the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program -- to all Americans. The FEHBP is an insurance exchange that allows federal employees to choose health insurance from several options.

Asked if the model of primary care services provided by the OAP should also be included in his legislation, Terry said, "I think that's a fair question. ... [All Americans] should have that, because, frankly, having a physician you can call or contact actually helps drive down costs."

Yearly Fee

One aspect of the office's operations which remains unclear is just how the annual $503 fee is determined.

Until 1992, OAP services were free to members of Congress. But after former Sen. Harris Wofford of Pennsylvania angered members by introducing a bill to make Congress members pay market rate prices for using the OAP, a compromise was reached.

Instead of charging for each service, Wofford said, members of the House and Senate agreed to hire independent consultants to determine the average value of the services offered and to use that amount to determine an annual fee.

"We thought of the pricing much like an HMO," Wofford said of the compromise pricing model. "The attending physician at the time told me he had no interest in handling insurance or billing for each service available."

But Wofford said the House and Senate committees tasked with determining the fee each insisted on hiring their own consultants, leading to a split pricing system. According to press accounts from 1992, the Senate set the fee at $520; the House fee was set at $263 for the same care. At some point, sources say, the separate rates were scrapped and replaced with the single fee, now set at $503.

The Office of the Attending Physician refused to comment on the fee or why it has not changed significantly in 17 years, despite rampant inflation in all other areas of health care costs.

Anderson refused repeated requests for the Committee on House Administration to provide details of how the rate is determined or who determines it. "Members pay an annual fee determined by an independent actuary for use of the OAP services," Anderson responded each time he was asked about the pricing model.

Defending the Office

While many former staff members told ABC News they believe the services of the Office of the Attending Physician were often abused by some members of Congress, others, including Balbona, said the office serves a necessary role protecting the legislative branch of the federal government. Balbona said he agreed to talk to ABC News to defend the O.A.P.

"They provide members an accessible, professional place to get services. The alternative would be members going throughout Washington, DC, interrupting their service to our country," Balbona said. "It's not a political perk. Much like a medic who's in combat, it's not a perk for those soldiers. It's part of the mission."

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Bonnie, Interesting that you would consider this noteworthy!!!!!

When I referenced this issues months ago....you refused to accept it. you indicated that there was no such program available to members of congress.

As I said then and now.....do you homework. Because YOU think it, doesn't make it so. It's a wide wide world.


Be Blessed.

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Bonnie, Interesting that you would consider this noteworthy!!!!!

When I referenced this issues months ago....you refused to accept it. you indicated that there was no such program available to members of congress.

As I said then and now.....do you homework. Because YOU think it, doesn't make it so. It's a wide wide world.


Because YOU think it, doesn't make it so . This was not the issue your referenced.Do your homework.

I don't believe you knew of this state of the art clinic. Had you known I believe we would not have had to wait for the ABC news article.

Their typical insurance coverage is what was being discussed.

They have access to the best of policies,paid again by our dime.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Bonnie, dear.......

Concede....something is missing here..get it together. Either you didn't read it or you didn't understand it. My reference was to

special healthcare to members of congress. Government sponsored and protected. You seemed oblivious to that concept. You would not acknowledged (smile) it's existence.

Have a good night!

Be Blessed.

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Bonnie, dear.......

Concede....something is missing here..get it together. Either you didn't read it or you didn't understand it. My reference was to

special healthcare to members of congress. Government sponsored and protected. You seemed oblivious to that concept. You would not acknowledged (smile) it's existence.

Have a good night!

Had you been aware of the topic of this thread I believe you would have said so.

I did not know about the special clinic. Nor did you. It has been kept quiet till now

Why would I acknowledge something that I did not know? If you

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Why are we saying or complaining about this now. If we knew or didn't know, doesn't really matter. The government has had the best of healthcare for many many years, on our dime!!!!!!!!!!



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Why are we saying or complaining about this now. If we knew or didn't know, doesn't really matter. The government has had the best of healthcare for many many years, on our dime!!!!!!!!!!


They have,this however doesn't appear to have been widely known.

It probably is newsworthy now because of the push to strip us of private insurance and people are finally waking up.

It takes a lot for the american people to wake up and act. They are now seeing and beginning to understand the tremendous power grab going on. It is surprising that more of the unease is coming from non-SDA's. I have heard SDA's say," We will have our freedoms taken away,but Obama won't be the one to do so.

Everything this man and is administration do should be a wake up call what is coming.

The color of his skin is immaterial.It doesn't matter what Bush,Clinton or any other president has done. Obama has taken it to new heights in a very short time.

Every czar he has appointed is a radical,communist,or has little concern over a 15 year old boy being seduced by a much older man.

How many known tax cheats has he in his administration? Have there been those in previous that may not have been caught? Of course. Have they been known and approved by the president?? Even being responsible for tax laws.

Bit by bit we are losing it. Had the sleeping americans been awake to the point that is going on now,some of this may have taken another turn.

They are now being called a racist as if strong disagreement was some how because of his skin color.There is nothing special about anyone's skin color that makes every word,disagreement because of skin color. The way Obama is falling that is all that is left to martial his "forces"

Then everything is swept under the rug,or we are told it is for your own good,be quiet and don't question just pass.We are told by the president those that disagree or are standing in the way of his health care to shut up and sit down,he doesn't want to hear it.

What goes down a little harder is when we are told we we need to sign onto his health care as the congress and senate have two very cushy plans.On site clinic with state of the art everything for 500.00 a year.

Might be nice to ask them where do we sign.

How many have been or are pushing and ready to sign onto a contract when they have no idea what is in that contract.

Ever need a lawyer for a contract? First thing that gets said

to not sign anything till your attorney sees and okays.

Yet many will hand over every right to the government not knowing what this man is about or caring what is in "His contract"

It is Obama,the anointed one,don't question or disagree or you must be a racist

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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This is terrible. I thought Obama was going to bring change. But the only changes I have seen are to join in with the abuse of the voters by joining in with past bad policies ... even making them worse.

Whoops. I hope I am not accused of being a racist for disagreeing with what Obama does. Is Obama exempt from evaluation and possible criticism?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Bonnie, Interesting that you would consider this noteworthy!!!!!

When I referenced this issues months ago....you refused to accept it. you indicated that there was no such program available to members of congress.

As I said then and now.....do you homework. Because YOU think it, doesn't make it so. It's a wide wide world.


This is a fine example of why I recommend not getting personal in this section. Instead of discussing the issue of health-care reform or the Congressional clinic, this post focuses on Bonnie and takes her to task. That is not appropriate. Then to end the post with the word "Peace" smacks of sarcasm. That is not productive.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Shane, I am sorry you have formulated this opinion. I am following the trend of the posters on this forum who feel compelled to offer their opinions. After reading your response,

I actually went to read some of the responses to my post since being a member of this site. Where were you and why did you not come to

my assistance, when it it got a little 'sizzling' in reference to my comments? Why, Bonnie? Because we (she and I) debated that very issue of special government healthcare for members of congress.

It seems appropriate to address it to her.

Isn't this still an open forum????? I have my opinion and you have yours.

"A smack of Sarcasm"....wrong, that was not the intent at all..'Peace', we can disagree and still respect each other other.

This is a Christian site, there should be no anomosity and I pray that there isn't!!!!!!

You have to look within yourself and find your own truth.

My the Peace of the Lord be Always with you.

Be Blessed.

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Let's remember "Tips For This Section"

Shane, I am sorry you have formulated this opinion...

Where were you and why did you not come to my assistance...

I am one of the moderators of this section. I do not read every thread of every post. If someone sees abuse, they can click on the "Notify" button at the bottom of each post and I will look into the issue. Often times I send people private messages so the way I address an issue may not be seen by everyone. Sometimes I don't address the issue for a couple of days.

Isn't this still an open forum????? I have my opinion and you have yours.

Keeping a thread on topic is very helpful to keeping the section friendly. The issue isn't expressing opinions. Opinions about the topic being discussed are welcome. If a person wants to get personal they can send another member a private message. I take no issue with that.

Politics gets to be a very heated subject and people can get ugly real fast. We want to create an environment where we place nice with each other. My tips for posting are suggestions, they are not rules. I will not enforce them as rules. However when I see someone ignoring them in a way that makes me uncomfortable, I am likely to point that out.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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