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Vatican says aliens could exist

Outta Here

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I may end up watching it when it comes out on DVD - we don't have a TV. That'll probably be too late to join this discussion, though.

So how are you guys (Haldog, Bob) fitting what you're saying in with EGW's comments about beings on unfallen worlds watching the creation of this one and the consequences of sin?

My post was making the point that the RCC is introducing the idea of "good planets" vs "sinful planets" where the context for "war" between civilizations of very different planets is created - thus a context for the end-times storytelling of Satan regarding Armageddon as a war between his people (supposedly well-meaning aliens) along with this planet vs some evil forces from other planets.

Rev 19 presents a picture of Christ coming with the armies of heaven -- and Satan is well aware of that plan. His plan is to form organized opposition to it - and so Rev 19 describes earth's machines of war opposing Christ.

My argument is not that there are not civilized "worlds" mentioned in Heb 1:1-5 "Through whom God created the Worlds" - rather my argument is that they are not divided between sinful vs non-sinful groups -- all (except this one of course) are sinless and so all follow the commands of God.

Thus the "opposition" that Satan will be forming here -- is opposition against God himself - not some rogue enemy from other planets.

The reason this is a "significant" change for the RCC is that in the past most Christian Churches including the RCC argued that this was the only planet with life on it - thus no good or bad aliens were possible. No UFO stories were to be taken as anything other than evil angels bent on tricking stupid humans. In that prior context there could only be good vs bad angels (which can arguably be described as aliens - but not from other worlds). Now thanks to the RCC the door is being opened to the entire UFO and alien storytelling within the Christian world.

There was a study done in the 1940's or 50's for the government reporting that a serious report of UFOs and Aliens being real would result in a crisis of religion and world-view that Americans (i.e Christian nations in general) were not mentally prepared for and instability in society would be the sure result. The RCC is opening a door to address that point.

Here is an interview with Astronaut Edgar Mitchel that also discusses the Catholic announcement - that shows just where this kind of storytelling is going.


in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Glad you liked it.

But to get the whole thing - you have to look at what the inspired sources say on the subject of Armageddon.

However - even so, I myself was not expecting Edgar Mitchell to reference the Catholic statement published in 2008 regarding life on other planets.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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The Gita of the Upanishads and more specifically, the Mahabharata War, mention of flying craft capable of interplanetary flight are dealt with as commonplace. Moreover,

‘flying shields’ (saucers?) have been noted for millennia, to wit:

329 BC Alexander the Great records two great silver shields, spitting fire around the rims in the sky that dived repeatedly at his army as they were attempting a river crossing. The action so panicked his elephants, horses, and men they had to abandon the river crossing until the following day.

99 BC Rome: In Tarquinia, there fell things like a flaming torch in different places from the sky. Towards sunset, a round object like a globe, or round or circular shield took its path in the sky, from west to east.

AD 98 Rome: Conrad Wolfhart, Lycothenes, a medieval writer reports, “At sunset, a burning shield passed over the sky at. It came sparkling from the west and passed over to the east.”

AD 584 France: The Bishop of Tours in France, is perplexed by curious "domes and golden globes that raced across the sky".”

Many, many more reports of “shields, globes, or saucers” flying through the skies exist throughout earth’s histories. If one reads carefully, even the Fatima event bespeaks or hints at

a UFO incident.

Or, mebbe, no one, then and now, knew or knows the difference between comets, meteors, etc, and ‘flying ships’? or weather balloons? or swamp gas? or Venus? or... bwink

The above stated, let us not forget that Holy Writ tells us that the Lord has “flying chariots”. And why not? Mebbe, there’s a Super-NASCAR in the heavenlies... with it being held on a Super Jubilee cycle, or somthin’. :-o

Isa 66:15 For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind,


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indeed - many old records of strange events in the sky.

But the "constant" through all of this has been that Christian churches rejected all of it as being anything like "aliens from other planets". The "news" is that suddenly the largest Christian denomination on the planet started talking about "aliens" (both good and bad ones) from other planets as if that is somehow compatible with Christianity.

In fact -- it merely opens the door for a "storytelling" of a whole new kind to be introduced into worldwide Christian cultures.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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I've suspected for some time now - that Alien encounter is the deception which, should it be possible, deceives the very elect.

Moreover, I suspect that that 'angel as light' will claim Isaiah 66:15 as his portfolio - 'legitimizing his mission' to skeptical Xtians.

I expect to see a sky filled with the most unimaginable sight ever - that of numberless spaceships - many as large as twenty-or-more miles across in size. There, I've substantiated the idea

that someone already ate the fries that made my happy meal. I'm short all the fries! bwink

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2 Thess 2 says that the one who works in accord with the power of Satan will show "all signs and wonders" (whatever that may be) at the end of time.

Who knows what he might do -- anything we might guess now will look silly to the reader and is just a guess anyway.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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>>Who knows what he might do –<<

Oh I think we do – else, why do we call him the great counterfeiter if he does not counterfeit?

>>...anything we might guess now<<

Not guessing; “expecting”...

>>...will look silly to the reader and is just a guess anyway.<<

Satan and I have been drinking buddies for a long, long time. I have an inside track on how he thinks and does. Anyway, I’m too old

to give a whit about looking silly; it’s the perk of a geriatric. bwink

Inasmuch as Gd had sealed it, “guessing” is such as wresting the Book of Daniel for the past five centuries. :-o

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