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Hey .. did you all see Glen Beck tonight? Wow ... he sure was fired up after a few days off. His surgery did him good.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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and richard he's not trying to sell his book? and so he brings in one guy that agree's with him. and a exweatherman no less. how many weather reports have ever been right on? not many in my life time. now i'm not saying i agree with gore that's for sure. he hasn't shown me any reason yet to believe what comes out of his mouth. because if he even believed what he claims, he'd live it. but you do have to take a look at the extreme weather we've been having these past 50 years. and doesn't the bible talk about the earth growing old or was it egw?



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I enjoy listening or watching Glen Beck. I listened to him back in the day when he was still in Philadelphia - long before he was on CNN or FOXNews. He didn't use to be so political but I guess being political has gotten him ratings and so he has run with it.

I love his family values and he is a down-to-earth guy. He views everyone as an equal and doesn't look down to on anyone. He is a recovering alcoholic. When I first started listening to him he told the story of recently writing out a check for $700 for tuition for one of his kids when it occurred to him that just a few years before that, in the depths of his alcoholism, he couldn't afford to pay the $700 for rent. Glenn is a real guy and that is admirable.

But he is often full of hot air a lot. He doesn't present a balanced view of the issues nor does he claim too.

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Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I guess it's all hot air to you lefties.

The left has all the other stations,plus the white house bully pulpit The right seems to have one. As for balance on the "green" if they don't believe it is a legitimate issue why do they want to try to make it one.

What gets them so tied in knots? The fact that their ratings are thru the roof may be that more and more of the left or independents are deserting the ship.

They cannot sustain any real honest backing on their health care bill or their cap and tax.

Chris Matthews spends his time in La La land. He can't figure out what the problem is with a US military man calling Al Queda

just to chat, all the while spewing his radical muslim garbage.

How would you know how to get a hold of that group?Do you call 411 and ask for the number of Al-Queda?

Might be fun to try

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I'm just glad that Glen is opposed to Green Scum.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Richard I'm not a lefty, am a righty. Throw righty and bat righty. Have also batted lefty and can use either hand when playing basketball. They say I'm very amperdecksterus (sp). Oh but that's not what your talking about, he, sorry. No Richard I'm neither. Both parties are the same and neither are they any different, they are only what we want to see or hold up as something to emulate. And I haven't see anything or anyone of them to emulate to admire for that matter.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Richard I'm not a lefty, am a righty. Throw righty and bat righty. Have also batted lefty and can use either hand when playing basketball. They say I'm very amperdecksterus (sp). Oh but that's not what your talking about, he, sorry. No Richard I'm neither. Both parties are the same and neither are they any different, they are only what we want to see or hold up as something to emulate. And I haven't see anything or anyone of them to emulate to admire for that matter.


Richard ... I can verify this. I have been shakin' my head and tryin' to figur out this man for some time. I keep tryin' to get him to commit to one or the other. But with no success. He is a hard nut to crack. Some day though. Some day ... perhaps we can convert him to Republicanisms. We have to keep tryin'. His political soul is at stake. HA HA.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Thanks guys I appreciate the help. And Richard I've dung to deep, and didn't like what I saw. Fair and balanced has always been my motto. If I where to have voted back in 2000 I would've most definitely voted for bush. Much better all around candidate than gore. I know I've said it before and got rebuked for it, but don't really scare off from anybody, just decide not to remake back. But I thought that Bush was the right person at the right time in history for what happen at 9/11. Now did I approve of all his choice's? No! At this election my choices would have been either McCain, Clinton or Obama. I definitely didn't like Obama's choice for VP. I did think that McCains choice of Palin was OK. Not sure any of the others would have been a good choice.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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