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I wouldn't want to live in SE Michigan...

rudywoofs (Pam)

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Radiologist Dr. Richard M. Chesbrough has taken an in depth look at outpatient imaging services in Southeast Michigan, and the resulting picture is not pretty.

Chesbrough's RadMetrics consulting firm was contracted by Blue Care Network, a private healthcare insurer, to evaluate the quality of a sample from outpatient imaging providers that serve its beneficiaries. Chesbrough and colleagues examined 3794 imaging studies from 100 of the providers covering July 2007 to July 2008. They found 31%, or the equivalent of $2.6 million of global billing paid out by the Blue Care Network, were defective.

Chesbrough reported Monday at the 2009 RSNA meeting that 11% of the sample studies had significant quality defects that potentially led to missed pathology or inappropriate therapy. They included studies where the selected field-of-view made it impossible for the clinician to fully appreciate the presence or extent of disease. Ultrasound studies were performed with the wrong transducer. Prostate ultrasound was performed without an endorectal coil. Obsolete equipment produced spinal images so poor that the edge of the spinal facets could not be seen. Brain CT produced artifacts that mimicked brain tumors.

About 20% of the studies involved coding, compliance, or billing mistakes, Chesbrough said. These included studies that lacked physician orders for the examination or were based on inappropriate indications, he said. Some studies were billed under complete diagnostic CPT codes, yet only limited studies were actually performed. In other cases, protocol scanning was performed, with all patients receiving pre- and postcontrast exams, but without the necessary clinical indications for both procedures.

Chesbrough also found instances where untrained physicians performed their own imaging interpretations.

Providers under examination included primary care physicians, podiatrists, specialty providers, independent diagnostic testing facilities, and imaging centers.

In addition to obvious public health implications, the findings are relevant to radiologists because of the increasing drift of imaging volume to these types of services, Chesbrough said. Radiologists characterize themselves as the stewards of diagnostic imaging quality. Yet, nationally, nearly three of four exams have been performed and interpreted without their involvement, he said.

"There are two standards of care today," Chesbrough said. "One applies to radiologists and the other applies to the 74% [of imaging] done outside your field-of-view. It is time to demand a level playing field."


Although this article only involves SE Michigan, I would venture to say it's a nationwide problem.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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I would suggest that some other independent agencies look at the evidence to see whether

this is true or whether this is just another case of territorial squabble.

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This brings up another reason why every patient undergoing hospital treatment or invasive examination these days needs to have an advocate -- somebody [not necessarily medically trained] to inspect, ask questions, and interpret for the patient what exactly is going on. If the results are different from or less than what the patient had been led to expect, then ask some probing questions. Lots of inadvertent mistakes (or worse yet, fraudulent treatment) could thus be caught and prevented.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Territorial squabbles? Happens all the time! When I went back to Madera after quitting general practice to finish my IM residency, I wanted to perform certain procedures for which I was trained to do. The two cardiologists on the staff who had been at loggerheads (one a Moslem and the other a Sikh got together and tried to keep me from doing those procedures. Yeah, I know first hand about those territorial squabbles.

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I see that all the time around here in Lancaster, not only between doctors but other professions as well. Like plumbers, mechanics, etc.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Sheesh, make one think that the stuff on TV is too close to the truth. LOL

But speaking of probing

endorectal coil


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